“The ball is fast”

“And it’s more stable than expected”

“It looks like it would be better to press with a straight ball today.”

Seeing that most of the ball paths in the valley are close to the good ball area, Miyuki also set today’s ball strategy. Of course.

This strategy is only for the valley drop.

Shout!!!!! Swell!!!!!

“Good ball!”

The referee announced loudly.

“Oh yes!!”

“Keep up the!!!”

“Come on the valley!!!”

In the cheers of the Blue Road Aid Group.

Shibuya threw the second ball, and Yoshizawa swung the ball again. After the third ball.

Yoshizawa was still empty.

“Good ball!”

“Hit the player out!”

The referee announced the result loudly.

“Uh oh oh oh oh!!!! oh

“Three consecutive strikes for three!!!”

“This guy is too strong!!”

“The opponent is Daocheng Industry!!!”

“This is a monster!!”

“Anyway, if the valley is so fierce, that stronger Lin Tian, wouldn’t Daocheng be even more helpless?!!”

The audience exclaimed in excitement.

Especially thinking that Qingdao still had the trump card not been sent, they were even more excited.

“This start should be impeccable, right?”

Akiko Owada exclaimed.


Feng Fujio nodded, “Now, the dominance of the game is completely in the hands of Aodo!” ”

Game 2. First.

Seido High School Offense.

The first to debut was 5-stick Isashiki.


“Elder Ah Chun come on!!!”

“Second base!!”

“Come on!!”


In the cheers of the Blue Road Relief Team. Isashiki also landed on the right side of the batting zone.

“Ah Ming!”

“You should understand!”

Masako Harada gave a sharp gesture with a sharp look: “This guy can actively swing the stick from the first ball!” ”

“You can’t throw ordinary balls!”

Narumiya nodded.

This is followed by a pitching pose.

“Daocheng’s casting team should know very well that Elder Ah Chun is a right-hand man.”

Yu Yuxin said, “”

So there won’t be a good outside corner.

“But if you use the opponent’s defense, then the probability of Ah Chun hitting a hit is very high.”

On the pitch.

Isashiki put his whole body into hitting the ball.

His attention was even more focused on Narumiya’s pitching posture.

“Let the horses come”

“Come on, bastard”

“Come over with a corner!”

Just as Isashiki was thinking this, Narumiya actually threw an inner corner.


“It was exactly what was expected”

…… i.e. fiction, however!

Just as Jun Isashiki swung his bat!

“Only to find that the ball suddenly fell quickly in the outer corner before entering the home plate!”


Isashiki was stunned.

However, he did not give up, but instead mobilized the muscles of his whole body and forcibly adjusted the posture of swinging the stick.


In order to succeed, Isashiki Jun even added the power of shouting. While!!!!

With the crisp sound of metal impact!

The baseball was forcibly hit by Jun Isashiki and shot into the field as fast as he could!

“The first ball was played!”

The narrator roared excitedly: “And the ball was hit very high!” ”

On the field.

Masako Harada stood up violently.

Inside: So difficult to play the ball can actually swing the baton, how did this guy do it?

At the same time, he roared: “The second baseman stepped back!!!!!” ”

Hear the reminder.

The second baseman rushed backwards.

“Fall down!!!”

“Fall down!!!”

“Fall down!!!”

The supporters of Qingdao shouted in acquiescence.

“Fly me out!!!!!!”

Isashiki yelled as he ran.

Fortunately, the baseball fell right between two players.


“Landed on the ground!!!!!”

The narrator yelled excitedly as he held the microphone.

“Isn’t it?!”

Naruto was unbelievable.

Then the tricky ball is hit out.

How did it really land, and it still landed in the field. This is special…

“Oh oh oh oh oh!”

“The ball just landed right in the middle of the second baseman and the midfielder!”

“It was perfect!!!”

The narrator threw a few punches in excitement.

“Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh!”

“Success on the base!!!”


“And then there’s the super-gunfire Zengzi!!!”

The audience, who was already excited, was even more excited after listening to the narrators. Of course……

The audience supporting Daocheng was silent… But!

This atmosphere did not last long!

Because when some people eased up, they quickly led everyone to cheer for Daocheng!

“Don’t be afraid!!!”

“It’s just first base!!!”

“Concentrate on killing the beaters!!!”

“Ah Ming! You can do it!!!! ”

In a lively atmosphere.

The 6-baser zoko stood in the right hitting area.

And he faced Narumiya’s pitch and hit it with a swing! Pity……

The ball landed in front of you… More critically!

The height after the bounce was just picked up by the running Narimiya Ming and passed to the first base! Thereupon!

Before he could run half the distance, he was blocked by the first baseman! But the good news is!

“Junji Isashiki took this opportunity to run to second base!”

“Beautiful sacrificial strike!!”

“Great, Elder Ah Chun has entered the second base!!!”

“Position holding, step up your efforts!!!”

The Blue Road Rescue Team was very excited.

But Zengzi was very uncomfortable, and he didn’t want to hit. That ball was a complete failure to hit a mistake. But.

Sending Izzo to the next base can be regarded as a little comfort.

“Be sure to send Elder Ah Chun to the third base!”

7 Bar Warehouse walked to the strike area with a resolute look. But as Cheng Gong Ming kept eliminating the others of Qingdao. The negative impact of being blasted by Lin Tian out of the home run has weakened a lot. Plus a back-to-back pitching.

Gradually let Cheng Gongming find a state. So!

Not only did it not use four bad balls to guarantee the position as in the original book! Instead!

Narumiya Ming relied on different ball types, and crisply and neatly shook the position of the three vibrations! The 8-based, white-state that followed.

Instead, he hit Narumiya’s pitch.

Unfortunately, the position was not very good, and the guerrilla White River easily intercepted it and simply passed it to the first base to complete the blockade of Baizhou.

So far!

Daocheng has gathered 3 elimination numbers! So!

Attack and defense exchange between the two sides!

Game 2. Not in the second half.

Daocheng Industrial attacked.

Be the first hitter on the field!

It is the captain and catcher and the four sticks of Masako Harada!

Qingdao: 1.0


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