
With the referee’s order. Xiao Shibuya threw the ball with all his might.

A straight ball with a speed of 150 kilometers per hour, shooting straight at Miyuki’s gloves! But when it’s about to enter!

Blasted out by Masakuni Harada!

Descending Valley turned his head sharply and looked away.

After seeing the ball land outside the boundary next to the right field, I couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. Meantime.

It is also a little scared.


If it falls within bounds.

Masako Harada is likely to rush to second base.

And according to what the coach said before the game, if someone is admitted to second base, he will immediately exchange with Lin Tian’…

He will definitely be replaced by the coach!


“Is it still too late?”

“What a terrible first-year player!”

Masako Harada said with emotion.

Words fall.

He held the bat a little shorter.


“Take the initiative to hold the short stick?”

Miyuki frowned slightly, “It seems that the other party does not want to swing away…..”

Masako Harada holds the bat.

Lifting up to the side behind him, he looked at the valley. Meantime.

Thinking about countermeasures.

“If someone goes to base, this guy’s pitching power will go down!”

“Instead of pursuing your own style of batting, you should find a way to get to the base first!”

Thoughts flickered.

Shibuya Xiao threw the ball with full force in a straight ball position.

“Great opportunity!”

Seeing that the ball path was in the middle, Harada Masako looked happy and subconsciously wanted to swing the stick. But when the baseball is about to enter the home plate board, it falls early!

This change made Harada Masako stop swinging the stick in an instant!

“Fast fork the ball?”

“Fortunately, the timing of the change is relatively early!”

Harada breathed a sigh of relief, “If it were a little later, I would have really waved!” ”

A little later.

After a brief confrontation.

The situation came to 2 good balls and 3 bad balls. Whether it’s for pitchers.

Or for the batsman.

At this time, the pressure is the greatest.

Because by throwing a bad ball, the batter can go to base.

And if you throw a good ball, you can play a lot better for the batsman, but if you miss it, it is that you are eliminated.

“Such a critical moment!”

“Shouldn’t you use the unstable [Fast Fork Ball 1], right?”

Harada frowned and thought.

But after a glance at Miyuki, he quickly dismissed the idea.

“If it’s this guy”

“I’m not sure I’ll ever do that” Unfortunately!

Harada guessed wrong! Or rather!

Miyuki prejudged Harada’s prediction!

So face the high-speed straight ball thrown by the valley!

Swing the bat low, specially guard against the [fast fork ball] of Harada, directly swing empty! Brush!

The scene is quiet!

Half a sound passed before it exploded!

“Oh oh oh oh oh oh!!!”

“Three consecutive vibrations for four people!!!!”

“This guy is in great shape!!!”

“Doesn’t Lin Tian need to take the shot, just by dropping the valley can seal the Daocheng Zero Seal?!!!”

“That’s cool!!!!”

Amid the exclamation of the excitement, the valley on the field once again performed a traditional performance. Just listen to the sound of ‘broken’.

The ball that Miyuki passed to Shibuya smashed on the edge of Shibuya’s gloves and bounced behind him.

“Don’t play this trick!!”

“Will you wear help!!!”

The people of the Qingdao Aid Group shouted in a hurry.

But after shouting out, I couldn’t help but lower my voice. Because.

They were afraid of being heard by the people of Daocheng.

However, if you don’t remind it, you will let Daocheng see that the ability to catch the ball in the valley is very poor. In case Inaga draws this point to attack!

Probably lose points! “Whew”


Miyuki breathed a sigh of relief, “Fortunately, it was just a good ball!” ”

He was really afraid of being blasted out by Harada, and when the time came, the valley would definitely collapse.

“Fourth baseman, what are you doing?”

When Naruto walked to the court, he hated Tie Chenggang and said, “I was actually given three vibrations by a first-year ghost!” ”

Harada Masako was so angry that he clenched his fists.

But he was indeed struck by three vibrations and could not refute it.

“I’m really sorry [#.ipq]”

“Fifth stick!”

“Pitcher Cheng Gong Ming!”

When the radio went down, Daocheng’s supporters and Cheng Gongming’s fans immediately shouted.

“Monster Prince!!!”

“Ah Ming!! Ah Ming!! ”

“Hit him!!!”

The supporters of the Green Road on the other side were not afraid at all.

“Descending Valley!!!”

“Come on!!!!”

“I gave that Daocheng three vibrations!!!”

In full view!

Shizuya held his breath and threw the ball with all his might! Shout!!!!!

The oppressive power of terror is on the pitch again!

Cheng Gongming, who personally faced it, couldn’t help but wave the stick! While!!!

With a loud voice.

The baseball hit the metal bar and then bounced off the barbed wire behind the referee. The audience near the barbed wire fence was terrified and leaned back.

Even though they knew there was barbed wire, the ball wouldn’t come through. But this baseball is so fast!

It feels like you’re going to crash through everything! “Bastard”

“Since it’s the first grade”

“You should just throw some cute balls!!!”

Narumiya gritted his teeth and held the bat.

But the voice has not yet fallen.

The second ball from the valley was thrown. Still scary!

Causing Naruto to swing the bat again! While!!!

Hit the ball with the metal band and shoot it out of bounds on the left!

【2 Outer Boundaries【2 Good Balls】】

“Very good!!”

“Perfectly suppressed!!!”

“Keep going, don’t slacken off!!!!”

Aodo’s fans each shouted reminders.

“Descending Valley suppressed the central line of Daocheng Industry with strength!”

Akiko Owada was amazed.


Feng Fujio also sighed.

After learning that Inaga is Aomichi’s opponent and has been interviewed once. He had expected that Descending Valley would be completely destroyed in one or two innings of the final. Outcome!

Not only did it not explode!

“On the contrary, it has suppressed all the batsmen who have played so far!”

“I Absolutely”

“Don’t want to lose to this guy!”

Shizuya’s eyes stared sharply at Cheng Gongming.

“It’s so hot” How many innings are there now? ”

“? Naruto Naruto was scored? ”

“Isn’t the first striker of Qingdao the ace Lin Tian?”

“What? Descending Valley pitched fiercely today?? ”

As the game progressed, the audience was filled due to the increasing number of viewers. So.

The organizers have decided to open the audience in the field area. Therefore.

A lot of people are coming.

On the way, there is talk about the game that is going on.

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