

The members of the city’s junior high school were stunned. They didn’t expect that!

After Lin Tian completes a jump hit!

The second stick, Kominato Haruhi, actually came to the air strike! Although it was just a tap…

But Lin Tian at third base still returned to home base!!!

Of course!

Lin Tian’s speed is also the key to scoring!

If you slow down a bit, you will definitely be knocked out by Masakuni Harada!

“It’s a little hurtful!”

Sakurasawa Ace Nagasaaki sighed.

Hinata nodded, “Well, losing two points in a row, the difficulty of counter-overtaking has also changed.” ”

Masaaki Inamoto: “In order to score, the next Inagi may take some more radical measures.” ”

Game 5. Second.

Daocheng Industrial attacked.

The first to appear is the 5-stick Naruto. And this side of the Green Road.

It is still Xiao Shitani as a pitcher.

In the words of the coach of the film network, look at the performance of Gu Xiao who did not lose points, and then let him throw a round. But!

If only I had to be hit again!

That would immediately make Lin Tian replace Gu Xiao! So!

Descend Gu Xiao in order not to go down!

It is also with great fighting spirit to deal with Cheng Gongming! But.

Shot so many balls with continuous full force coupled with the high temperature of not adapting.

.. Under the influence of various factors!

Gu Xiao’s ball speed has been reduced!

Although it was still fast, Narumiya finally seized the best time to hit the ball after playing two out-of-bounds balls! While!!!!!!

Just listen to a loud noise, and the baseball is instantly blasted into the right field high! Pedal!

Defending the right field, Jun Isaki immediately ran towards the right field wall!


“Fly out!!!!”

The originally demoralized Daocheng Players Bench was instantly activated by this blow, and everyone was shouting loudly.

Even the coach of Guoyou, who has always been calm, couldn’t help but clench his fists at this time, and he couldn’t help but roar in his heart

“Fly out!!!!!!

The baseball high in the sky is affected by gravity and plummets forward and down!

Isashiki Jun, who was watching the ball while running, looked extremely ugly, because the ball was too fast, and the direction of the fall was too far away from him, and it was almost impossible to catch the kill.

If you don’t take the kill, Cheng Gong Ming can definitely rush directly to the second base!

Just then, Isashiki’s eyes appeared with No. 1 on his back!

“The distance between Aomichi’s right fielder and baseball is too far!!!!”

“At his current speed, it’s almost impossible to catch up with!!!!”


“Lin Tian, the ace of the Qingdao, appeared!!!!”

“He’s rushing toward the wall at unimaginable speed!!!!”

“From my point of view, Lin Tian seems to be able to reach the wall faster than baseball!!!”

“So far!!!”

“Lin Tian has confiscated a lot of outfield hits, and even home runs have not escaped his clutches!!!!”

“So now, can he stop it again?!!!!”

Accompanied by a loud roar from the narrator.

The attention of all the spectators at the scene was inevitably placed on Lin Tian’s body.




The supporters of Qingdao shouted out in tacit understanding.

“Wear it through!!!”

“Wear it through!!!”

“Wear it through!!!”

Daocheng’s supporters naturally shouted the opposite word.

The fierce confrontation between the two support groups made the neutral audience listen to the blood boiling, and when watching Lin Tian run, it was also more tense and exciting.

“Can I receive it?”

Countless people ask themselves in their hearts.

“Come on!!!!!”

The little fan sister had the original wing clenching the pink fist, and yelled in the direction of Lin Tian without the slightest regard for the lady’s image. But.

With Lin Tian’s speed comparable to that of a world-class sprinter, it is actually quite dangerous. So.

There are actually some worries about having the original wing. Think the same way.

There is also Aomichi’s beauty manager, Takako Fujiwara.

She could understand the reason why Lin Tian fought so hard, but she also sincerely hoped that Lin Tian would not fight so hard, because the probability of injury was really large.

On the pitch.

Right field wall. Lin Tian who was rushing at a fast pace.

Without any slowdown, jump straight up against the wall.

When he jumped into the air, Lin Tian’s waist and abdomen twisted, and his body changed from facing the wall to facing the wall with his back to the wall. Also because of this turn!

Let Lin Tian clearly see the baseball falling at high speed! At this time!

The ball was less than a meter away from him!

If it is someone else, there is a high probability that it will be hit directly by the ball! But Lin Tian’s reaction power is world-class!

The moment he saw the baseball, he almost reflexively raised his left hand wearing baseball gloves! And the moment before the gloves are raised to the forehead!

The inside of the baseball gloves made a muffled “boo” sound! Is that……

The sound of a baseball going into gloves… Swish!

The Qingdao supporters and the Daocheng supporters, who were still shouting for help, fell into absolute silence! Until Lin Tian fell from the sky!

And when you lift the baseball gloves and show the baseball in the gloves! The first narrator to return to God!

Excitedly raise your feet and step on the table!

At the same time, he grabbed the microphone and shouted excitedly: “Catch!!!!!!” ”

“Lin Tian once again caught the field and played!!!!!!!!!”

He roared fiercely.

The narrator’s agitation was only vented for a large part. Subsequently.

He breathed a sigh of relief and continued to shout, “Everyone should have seen!!!” ”

When Narimiya Ming blasted out this “outfield hit”, Inari’s morale skyrocketed!!!! ”

“The originally silent Daocheng Aid Group is also struggling to give cheers!!!”

“But!!!! Battle! ”

“This is the time!!!!!!”

Lin Tian, like the Great Demon King, once again forcefully confiscated this outfield fight that had boosted Daocheng’s morale

“Let’s be honest!!!!”

“If I were Lin Tian’s opponent now, I would definitely feel extremely desperate!!!!”


“The 4 points of the Qingdao are all directly related to Lin Tian!!!!!”

“And Daocheng’s scoring chances!!!!”

“They were all forcibly crushed by Lin Tian!!!!!!!!!”

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