“Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh!!!”


“Good value for money!!!”

“Nice job!!!!!”

The Qingdao Aid Group roared loudly and excitedly.

“What a joke”

“I was caught again”

“Isn’t it”

“My God”

Daocheng’s supporters looked at Lin Tian in disbelief. The start was hit with a home run!

As a result, the second time on the strike zone, another shot came! After that, they forcibly blocked their scoring hits! The most important thing is!

That’s not all!

In the first half of the game that just ended.


With amazing blows and speed that is difficult to react to, Lin Tian cruelly scored 2 points again! And now!

They also confiscated their two-run homer! This is not to give any way to live at all! Obviously all ahead of the curve so much:

Why can’t we just relax a little bit and let them go to the base?!!!

“Almost hit second base!”

“And counting the previous 4 sticks, I have been bitten twice in a row!”

Chris frowned, “It seems that after the decline in physical strength, the pressure of the straight ball has also weakened.” ”

“Daocheng also got the opportunity to attack because of this.”

Coach Katakaze thought about it.

Eventually he walked out of the rest area and gave Miyuki a gesture.

“Change Lin Tian?”

Miyuki’s brow furrowed slightly.

Inside: Also, from the last game, the ball of the valley has been constantly hit, and although all the defenses have been successful, it is not guaranteed to be bombed out at a certain moment.

Think of this.

Miyuki stood up and exchanged a few words to the referee. It didn’t take long.

The live broadcast sent out the information of the replacement pitcher.


“Seido High School Replacement Pitcher!”

“Instead of Descending Valley is pitcher Lin Tian!”


The narrator shouted, “When Shibuya was almost knocked out of the field, Aomichi changed the pitcher!” ”

“And the pitcher on the court is Lin Tian, who carries the trump card number!!!”

“As we all know!”

“Lin Tian’s straight ball is faster than the valley drop, and he is also extremely good at [fast fork ball]!”

“Other than that!”

“Lin Tian’s ball control is far more than that of Gu Xiao!”


“An athlete can’t always be in good shape!”


“How is Lin Tian’s specific performance?”

“Sure enough, we still have to look at the actual situation to know!”

The words fell.

The audience who knew Lin Tian for the first time also deepened their understanding of Lin Tian a lot.

“The idol has finally walked up to the pitcher hill!!!”

The little fan sister had the original wing and looked in the direction of Lin Tian with a look of adoration.

Although looking at the past from the left field, it is difficult to see what a person looks like. But no way…

The audience of this game is too wide.!

When there were original wings that were hard to come here, the stands in the Uchino range were already full! So!

No picks!

Fortunately, there are commentators here, even if they stand in the field, they can know what the idol has done! On the field.

Lin Tian took the baseball from Descending Valley’s hand.

Shibuya bowed his head and said, “Next please.” ”

Lin Tian raised an eyebrow in surprise.

He was a little surprised to see Shizutani hand over the baseball so decisively. After all, the last time was a long delay!

The result was unexpectedly…..

Shizuya not only makes a decisive hand-to-hand game, but also says such things to competitors in the same position…

“This guy has grown!”

Lin Tian said with a light smile in his heart. It is worth mentioning.

Although Lin Tian climbed the pitcher hill. But Descending Valley was not replaced.

Because the strike ability of the valley is also one of the best in the team.

So Coach Kataoka put him in the middle field, which is where Lin Tian just defended.

As for whether this would make Nakano become Inaghiro’s scoring position, Kataoka was not worried at all. Or rather!

There is Lin Tian in the pitcher hill!

Coach Kataoka never thought of losing points!

Even the hit, he felt that Daocheng was difficult to do!

“Sooner than expected!”

Akiko Ohwada frowned.

“After all, this game is about the ticket to Koshien!”

Feng Fujio shook his fan and said in a deep voice, “No matter how cautious it is, it should be done!” ”

“To know!”

“High school baseball doesn’t have a next time!”

“Sixth stick!”

“First baseman Yamaoka Riku!”

With the sound of the broadcast, Yamakaze carried the bat to the strike zone.

“Rumored super monster?”

Yamaoka held up the bat with a solemn face.

After seeing the pitching of Shi Gu Xiao, he did not dare to have any relaxation towards the stronger Lin Tian.

“Very cautious attitude!”

Miyuki glanced at Yamaoka, and the corners of his mouth cocked slightly.

“A pity”

“It’s useless to be cautious!”

With this thought, Miyuki placed his gloves in the red. Meantime!

Instructions were given for “Full Force Pitching”!

Inari Contestants’ Seat.

Compared to the lively discussion when Descending Valley first appeared. Everyone at this time.

They all looked at Lin Tian nervously, and they didn’t have the slightest desire to chat. This is because!

I haven’t lost any points at the beginning, so I can still approach the game with a little bit of ease!

But now faced with a terrible situation of being four points behind, no one has done so anymore because the end will be miserable

“Full throwing?”

“Rare balls!”

Unexpected though.

But Lin Tian still smiled lightly and nodded. As I said before the game.

The balls were all handed over to Miyuki. After all.

Lin Tian’s understanding of the ball is far less than that of Yu Yu. So.

Professional thing.

Or it is more reliable to leave it to professional people to be responsible. Lin Tian grabbed the ball with his right hand, placed it in a baseball glove, and then held it high. Followed by.

Turn your body to the right and raise your left foot at the same time. The next moment.

Step forward with terrifying force. Honk!

The moment his left foot landed on the ground, even if Yuki stood at first base, he heard a heavy impact! Then!

Lin Tian’s waist and abdomen turned to the left!

The upper body also rotates with the rotation of the body at this moment! Turn around in the process!

The strength around his body was also drawn by Lin Tian to his right arm!

When the arm is rotated in a circle and swings towards the home base, the gathered strength is all poured into the baseball!

Next moment!!!

A white laser burst into Miyuki’s glove in an instant!!!!!! Boom!!!!!!

This was followed by a terrible heavy sound!

Nn Yamaoka’s pupils shrank violently, and his mouth couldn’t stop opening. Just…

What just happened…

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