“Oh oh oh oh!!!!”

“Beaters can’t grasp the opportunity!!!!”

“Sanzhen!! Three vibrations!!! ”

The Qingdao Aid Group shouted loudly.

All those who supported Qingdao were also looking at Lin Tian on the pitcher hill with great concentration at this moment.

“It’s hard to guess.”

Carlos frowned slightly.

At the same time, the heartbeat is further accelerated. Apparently!

After the first swing!

Carlos was even more nervous!

“Do you want to continue to deal with it as a straight ball?”

“But what if he keeps throwing different balls?”

Think of this.

Carlos became more and more entangled.

But when Lin Tian was about to throw the second ball, he still planned to stick to the original approach. That is!

Treat all the balls thrown by Lin Tian as straight balls! Shout!!!!!

At the same time, the baseball was thrown into the inner high corner by Lin Tian! Wow!!!!!

Carlos immediately came to swing the ball! When the moment comes, the sound of a baseball hitting a bat sounds!


Everyone in Daocheng subconsciously stretched out their necks and tried to look at the home base.


Carlos’s face became even more gloomy the moment he hit the ball. Because!

The feel is so bad!

In layman’s terms, although the bat hits the baseball, the position of the hit is very poor! But!

It’s also hard to get the ball out of bounds right now! So you can only hit the front with a hard scalp! Whoosh!

Played baseball!

Quickly shoot at Lin Tian’s right not far away! However!

The moment Carlos hits the ball!

Lin Tian has already predicted the ejection angle of the ball through the rich experience of “world-class short hits”! So!

He hit the ground with his right foot for the first time! Honk!!!

With a loud bang!

With the help of a powerful reaction force, Lin Tian’s body instantly bounced to the right! At the same time!

The left hand wearing a baseball glove instantly reaches forward!

It’s almost the next moment when your left hand reaches your limit!

The baseball hit by Carlos crashed into the glove! And then!

Everyone nearby!

You can clearly hear the unique sound of a baseball hitting your gloves! The scene of La Yi’s commotion suddenly fell into an extreme silence! Meantime!

All the members of Qingdao and Daocheng were also stunned in an instant! But a second later…

“Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh!!!! oh

All the members of the Qingdao side ran to the pitcher hill with a roar of joy. And then!

All the people lifted Lin Tiantuo and threw it up!


“We won!!!”

“We are champions!!!!!!”

Every throw!

Everyone will shout a word!

“The game is over!!!”

“Second half of the ninth inning!!!”

“Lin Tian caught Carlos’s shot with a super fast reaction!!!”

“Forcibly kill Carlos!!!”

“And for this reason!!!”

“The third batsman from Inaga was also eliminated!!!”

The narrator stepped on the table, clutching the microphone in his hand and yelling loudly.


Chris stood up with an excited fist.


Katame’s coach nodded heavily.

“After six years, I finally won the championship in Western Tokyo!!!”

Takashima was also excited at this time.

Perhaps it is a more emotional relationship, when I see the players celebrating on the court, I can’t help but shed tears of emotion.

The other side.

Everyone in Daocheng was in disbelief.

Many people even shed sad tears at this moment. Although before the start of the ninth inning.

They have lost hope. But……

The game is not over yet, so there is still a glimmer of hope in my heart!

Lin Tian pitched with amazing power!

Strong elimination of their eighth and ninth bases!

At last!

While Carlos was hitting the ball out!

Before everyone could even feel happy, they found that Lin Tian had intercepted the ball in the air! At the moment of clicking, everyone heard the sound of heartbreak! And this sound!

Not only from the teammates around you, but also from the body!

Coach Guoyou looked up silently. He didn’t dare to bow his head!

Because he was afraid that the tears in his eyes would fall!

Guerrilla Shirakawa sat in a chair with his head bowed, his baseball cap obscuring his facial expression.

His fists, on the other hand, were rubbed together hard, and he didn’t even care about the redness.

Masako Harada clenched his teeth and stared at the pitch with tears in his eyes.

Naruto closed his eyes in pain.

His mind was filled with all kinds of images of being scored by the Seido players.

Cheng Gongming would love to delete these unpleasant memories, but whether he closes his eyes or opens them, he always lingers in his mind.


The narrator was still roaring with excitement.

“After almost 3 hours of wonderful duels!!!”

“The game ended with the gloves of the Blue Road Ace!!!!”

“Six years later!!!!!”

“Seido High School has finally reached the pinnacle of the school in Western Tokyo!!!!!”

The contestants of Daocheng Industrial High School all showed a look of disbelief!!!!!!”


“From the stage of dreams!!!”

“They are only one game away!!!!”

“And before the race, Inaga was hailed as a champion candidate!!!!”


“When the final really starts”

“Lin Tian gave a home run to tell Daocheng that they were bound to win this game!!!!”

“And in the end!!!!”

“Qingdao has also done it!!!!!”

“Facing last year’s champion!!!!”

“They beat the other side by a big margin!!!!!!”

This declaration is down!

Take the atmosphere of the audience to the next level! The applause that filled the audience was even warmer!

Even passers-by from a distance outside the field can clearly hear!

Inari Contestants’ Seat.

Coach Guoyou after a long silence. Endure the discomfort in your heart.


Open your mouth to become heavy.


“Lined up…”

All the team members in the rest area were stunned. Subsequently.

Everyone is like a walking dead.

Without getting angry, he walked into the stadium.


The other side.

Aodo celebrated for a while.

At the reminder of the captain Yukijo, he walked to the home run with a smile on his face.

“Six years later!”

“Qingdao has finally entered Koshien!”

Akiko Ohwada sighed.

“With the strength of the Green Road!”

“You can definitely get a very good rank in Koshien!”

Mine Fujio is very much looking forward to the upcoming Koshien Competition!

“In the end, it was Qingdao who won!”

Yang Shunchen, the ace of Mingchuan, sighed.


“I would love to go too.”

Sakurasawa ace Nagashiroaki looked at Aomichi’s eyes and was filled with envy. A moment later.

Both Aodo and Inaga team reached home run. Looked at.

The referee immediately said, “Salute! ”

Standing on the left side of the home run. and Inazaki, who stands on the right side of the home base.

Bow to each other almost at the same time. And shouted, “Thank you for the advice!” ”

“Thanks for the advice!”

So far!

Western Tokyo Regional Qualifier Finals! Seido vs Inari…

The winner is Seido High School!!! And the champion of the year…….

Daocheng Industry was eliminated!!!

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