After the game.

The audience left in pairs.

Lin Tian, on the other hand, was taken by Kataoka to see reporters.

Reporter No. 1: “Before the game started, did you think there would be a big win?” ”

Lin Tian: “Thought about it!” ”

Reporter No. 2: “How is it feeling to win the championship candidate?” ”

Lin Tian: “Cool! Refreshing! ”

Reporter No. 3: “Many people say that Qingdao is because you can defeat Daocheng, what do you think about this?” ”

Lin Tian: “Baseball is a team game, no matter how strong a single player is, it is useless!” ”

Although on the surface it is so answered.

But in fact, Lin Tian felt that Qingdao could win because of him. After all!

In the original novel, Qingdao lost to Daocheng! And now!

This result has changed!

And compared to the original work, Qingdao is just one more him! So!

The fundamental factor in defeating Daocheng is naturally because he is there! But……

Lin Tian’s personality is not so selfish, so naturally he will not say that… The other side!

Kataoka is also being interviewed by some reporters! And the focus of the interview is still related to Lin Tian! For example, how does Lin Tianping train?

For example, how does Lin Tian play super divine?..


Daocheng’s Guoyou coach also has no shortage of reporters to interview. But!

Before Daocheng was interviewed!

Either win or risk losing the opponent! As for this fiasco…..

To be honest, it was the first time since Coach Guoyou coached Daocheng…

So that when answering reporters’ questions, there is always an unventable depression in my heart…

“The competition was very exciting!!!!”

“We must continue to refuel on Koshien!!!!!”

“A philosophy of!!!!”

“Lin Tian!!!!”

“Such a big happy event, Isashiki, don’t you cry!!!!”

“Lin Tian, I love you!!!!!”

After Lin Tian finished the interview, he and Kataoka returned to the rest area to join everyone, and then walked out of the court together. Followed by!

They saw a bunch of spectators gathered around the door and shouted out their support to them! And in it!

From time to time, it will be mixed with the screams of a group of cute girls!

“Thank you for your continued support!!!”

“Thank you very much!!!”

Under the leadership of Jiecheng, everyone, including Lin Tian, bowed ninety degrees in the direction of the audience.

The audience shouted with a smile on their faces: “You’re welcome!!!!” ”

“We will continue to support your!!!!”

“Since we have all entered Koshien, let’s come back with another championship!!!!”

“Come on!! Blow up all opponents!!!!! ”

At the same time.

Daocheng also walked out of the stadium exit.

At this time, the team members were still in a very depressed and bad mood.

But the audience waiting outside the venue responded with the warmest support.

“Didn’t you lose a game!!!”

“Why do you have to hang your head!!!!”

“Next year, it will be good to dry the green road!!!!!”

“Raise your chest!!!!!”

“Come on!!!!!!!”

Listen and listen.

The Daocheng team members all felt a little ashamed.

They clearly failed the audience’s expectations.

But none of their supporters left.

On the contrary, when they were in a state of loss, they stood up to cheer them up.


Masako Harada took a deep breath.

He then led the others to bow to the audience.

“I’m sorry!”

“We’ve let you down!”

“But next time I meet Qingdao!”

“We will definitely beat their!!!”

The audience who came here to hear this nodded their heads in relief.

Although the bad experience of being crushed and winning in the final is not so easy to forget. But now…

At least I can see that everyone still has the idea of defeating Qingdao! This!

Enough is enough!

Because as long as you want to defeat Qingdao!

That Daocheng will definitely be completely restored at some point in the future!


Ozen-an…….. A gathering place for the city’s junior high school players.

They looked at Seido High School on TV, and their eyes were quite complicated.

“As a champion candidate, Inagi was defeated…”

“Yeah, if I hadn’t witnessed the whole process, I wouldn’t have believed it…”

“Think about it carefully, Lin Tian played a very crucial role…”

“Hmm! Especially when the bats were confiscated, that was a super hurt to the morale of Inari!!! ”

“Mr. Feng, Daocheng played very well today, even much stronger than this time last year!”

“Why did they lose so badly?”

On the road outside the stadium, Akiko Owada asked her partner as she walked.

“You carefully recall the composition of the score of the Green Road.”

Feng Fujio said lightly.

“I’ll see….. Eh! Except for some of the scores in the seventh game, the other scores of Qingdao are related to Lin Tian! ”

Akiko Owada looked at the record sheet in her hand in surprise.

“From this game, it can be seen that if there is no Lin Tian, Qingdao’s batting lineup is only the top of the national level, but with Lin Tian, it is a professional level!”

Feng Fujifu said in a deep voice.

“One person pulls up the attacking power of the whole team? Such a high praise? ”

Akiko Owada.

“Not high, I’m just seeking truth from facts!”

Mine Fujio.

“Of course, in addition to the attack 2.8 aspect, in terms of defense, didn’t Lin Tian also confiscate Daocheng’s hit?”

Mine Fujio.

“If there is no confiscation, then Daocheng can definitely take a few points, so that he will not lose his fighting spirit so quickly!”

Mine Fujio.

“And Daocheng has not gained anything in attack, and the defense has been repeatedly attacked by Lin Tian, which naturally caused this incredible fiasco!”

Mine Fujio.


Green Road on the school bus.

It has become a sea of joy.

Everyone was talking excitedly about the game that had just ended. Someone is complaining!

Someone is boasting!

Someone is complimenting!

Only there are no silent tears in the original book!

“It’s so good!”

“Everything changed!”

Lin Tian sat in the back row, silently staring at the excited crowd.

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