Accompanied by a terrifying whistling sound!

The baseball rushed into Miyuki’s gloves unimpeded! Boom!!!!!!

Next moment!

Close to the audience!

They all heard a heavy sound!

And the troll’s big 1 baseball player, without exception, waved empty!

“Good ball!”

The referee immediately shouted.




The audience around them all looked at Miyuki with a demented face. In their point of view.

Almost the ball just left Lin Tian’s hand.

Then I saw a white laser slam into Miyuki’s gloves. This intermediate flight process!

Almost can be omitted!


At this moment, a crackling sound came from the radio stations arranged throughout the stadium. Suddenly.

It caught the attention of many viewers. At the same time.

In the studio.

Excited enough to fall off the chair, the commentator hurriedly got up. And then just see!

He was holding the microphone!

He roared loudly, “Broken record!!!!!!” ”

“A lot of pitching!!!!!”

“Breaking the fastball record of our professional baseball team!!!!!!!”

This roar!

In an instant, the audience who was still wondering where the noise came from was shocked! A good moment has passed!

Only then did someone gradually come back to God!

“Professional baseball speedball record broken?”

“Really fake!?”

“High school students broke the speedball record for a pro?!!”


Countless voices of doubt!

Many people reflexively look at the electronic speed meter! And then!

Instantly frozen!

Especially the audience who just raised questions!

They even have the urge to dig a hole and bury themselves in it! Because!

On the electronic tachometer!

A line of words is clearly displayed!


And what is the record of swiping in professional baseball? ——162km/h!

This record first appeared on June 1, 2008! And so on!

Sakura country’s professional baseball players don’t say beyond!

Even if you throw the same ball speed, no one can do it! Until today!

A tall teenager from a big country in the East!

Countless professional baseball players have dreamed of doing it, but how can it not be achieved!


“Really broken…”

See the number 163 with your own eyes! Although many people want to deny it! But I still have to admit it!

“Lin Tian really broke Sakura’s national professional baseball record in sprint!”


The troll’s big ace pitcher, Masamune Hongo, gritted his teeth and glared at the numbers on the speedometer. Before going to high school.

He had thought of using his own ball handler to create a new high school speedball record! Pity……

The reality is harsh…

Despite his pitching fast in this day and age!

But if compared to all the high school pitchers in history, they can’t even make it into the top ten! So.

Hongo Masamune is no longer willing.

He also had to admit that his speedball talent was not enough to support him to break his high school fastball record in his sophomore year of high school. However……

Lin Tian…

First year of high school…

A year younger than him… But!

Even the sprint record of professional baseball was broken!!!!!! Meantime!

High school speedball records will also be held!

From 154km/h to a terrifying 163km/h! If the original 154 still has a little hope of a breakthrough…. That now 163, Hongo Masamune feels that he can’t break it until he retires. So!

Don’t look at the numbers that Hongo Masamune is now on the glazing tachymeter! But deep down!

He’s actually conceded defeat!

On the field!

When the whole audience was shocked by Lin Tian’s ball speed!

Lin Tian has used the top speed ball in the profession to eliminate the troll’s big fighters one after another! Wait until you have enough 3 eliminations!

The two sides exchanged attack and defense! First innings!


Seido High School Offense!

First stick!

Pitcher Lin Tian!


The troll big coach Nitta decisively ordered.

Although he had thought of letting Hongo Masamune go head-to-head with Lin Tian, and also hoped that Hongo could revitalize Lin Tian three times. But after big data analytics.

He found this practice difficult to achieve. So.

In the end, the most secure approach was chosen.

“‘Isn’t it!!!”

“Even the final opponents don’t dare to face each other head-on!?”

“It’s too much!!!!!”

The Qingdao Aid Group sighed with regret on its face.

“They’re too timid!”

First-year manager Haruna Yoshikawa was also sighing.

“Hey hey, this also shows that the troll is very afraid of Lin Tian!”

Fujiwara Takako smiled and said, “And judging from previous competitions, Jingyuan is useless to Lin Tian!” ”


As Takako Fujiwara said!

After Lin Tian was sent to first base!

With his extraordinary speed, he easily stole the third base! And right now!

Troll Grand High School has sent out ace pitcher Masamune Hongo! As for the original starting pitcher!

It’s put on the field defense!

“Want to suppress my shock with a speedball?”

The 2-stick Ryosuke Kominato standing in the strike zone keenly saw through the enemy’s intentions.


“It’s a pity…”

“A straight ball at 150 km/h has almost zero impact on me…”

Ryosuke Kominato smiled and said in his heart.

To deal with the big trump card of the trolls!

He’s in private combat training!

Frequently use the tap to deal with Lin Tian’s super high-speed straight ball! Although the results of the practice are not very good…

But that’s also because Lin Tian’s ball speed is too fast…

If you switch to a straight ball with a 10km/h lower speed, Ryosuke Kominato is confident that the ball will land on the field with the help of a touch!

Although he could not guarantee the quality of the landing point.

But Ryosuke believes!

Miscellaneous at the speed of Lin Tian!

You can definitely go back to home run!

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