
With a crackling sound.

The ball was hit by Ryosuke Kominato with a touch.

Landed in a not-too-good Interior position. But!

Lin Tian, who believes in Ryosuke Kominato very much! Already started early to rush to home run! And when Ryosuke strikes…..

Lin Tian’s figure had already run out of a long distance!

When the troll’s big catcher picks up the ball and is about to return to home run… Lin Tian took the lead in touching the home base!

“Safe on the base!”

The referee immediately announced the result.



“In this year’s summer armor!!!!”

“Trolls Ofumaki High School, who has never lost a point!!!!!”

“At the beginning of the final, Lin Tian used his speed to break through the defense they were proud of!!!!!”

The narrator clutched the microphone excitedly and shouted.

“Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh!!!! oh

“Too strong!!!!”

“Can’t the trolls stop Lin Tian from scoring?!!!!”

“Incredible attack power!!!!”

The audience also exclaimed with excitement.

“Nice work!”

Yuki shook his fist excitedly.

“With this point, our pressure is much less!”

Chris smiled and said.

“Worthy of Lin Tian!!”

Kominato Haruhi’s face was full of admiration.

“Yahahaha! Our ace is as reliable as ever!! ”

Kurashiyo said with a big smile. It’s not just the players.

Coach Kataoka, Vice Minister Rei Takashima and others are also super happy.

On this most watched stage, it is certainly false to say that you are not nervous. But!

If only I could score first!

Then this tension will be greatly alleviated! In layman’s terms!

Leading the way!

It can make the players no longer nervous!

And it is easier to play with ordinary strength!

“Sure enough, it still can’t be stopped?”

The troll big coach Nitta frowned slightly. But.

Mentally prepared for this before the game. So.

He didn’t care too much either.


“At most, I will lose this point!”

On the field.

Ryosuke Kominato sent Lin Tian back to home base.

But he did not escape the result of being blocked by first base. After the 3 sticks Miyuki Kazuya.

Although he is confronted with Hongo Masamune, who is even angrier because of the loss of points. But Miyuki was not affected in the slightest.

He calmly picked the ball and hit a first home run. Subsequently!

Miyuki gave Yuki a secret code! This is telling Yukijo!

Although Masamune Hongo has improved his ball power because of anger, the ball path will be relatively easy to catch! Really!

When the 4 baseball Yuki threw the second ball at Masamune Hongo, he found a flaw and directly blasted the ball into the field! Boom when the ball lands in the gap between the troll’s big fielder!

Miyuki, who had already started, rushed to third base without pause after running past second base! It turns out!

There is no problem with his approach!

Wait until the opponent picks up the ball and passes it back!

Miyuki had already reached third base, and Yuki Castle had also reached second base! This time!

5 sticks Isashiki boarded the strike zone!

“One person out!”

“Someone at second and third bases!!!”

“The blue road line, which had been silent in the first two games, finally broke out!!!!!”

The narrator roared in exasperation.

“Come on!!!”

“Elder Ah Chun, I have handed it over to you!!!!”

“Blow him up!!!!”

The Qingdao Aid Group shouted loudly.

“Don’t panic!!!”

“Your ball power is still!!!!”

“Three vibrations of him!!!!”

Not to be outdone, the troll’s large rescue group cheered for the authenticity of the village.

“Dead of noise…”

“It’s all rambling!”

Listening to the voices of support around him, Hongo Zhengzong frowned unhappily.

“It’s me who is going to play!!”

“People off the field shut me up!!!”

With a lot of anger, Hongo Masamune threw the first ball fiercely. Outcome!

Hit Izamichi directly to the right field!

Miyuki took this opportunity and rushed directly back to home base!

【Seido score +1】

Yukijo, on the other hand, rushed to third base and stopped.

Because at the prompt of the third-base instructor, he knew the ball had been picked up by the trolls. If this time still runs.

There is a high probability that it will be killed by the catcher at home run. As for Izaki Jun?

Although his ball landed on the ground, it did not land well!

So when the person was still five or six meters away from first base, the first baseman received the pass first, resulting in being blocked out!


Isashiki snorted in disgust. But.

Although eliminated.

But at least Miyuki was sent back to home base.

“Elder Ah Chun!”

“Well played!”

Miyuki saw Isashiki coming back and smiled and slapped him.

“Nice fart!”

“I didn’t even get on the base!”

Isashiki said unhappily. But.

That’s what he says.

I’m actually very happy with my shots. Because!

He never thought he was capable of hitting! So!

As long as you can contribute to the team! Isashiki Jun is already satisfied! On the pitch.

It is now a 6-stick multiplier station in the strike zone. He was after observing a ball.

The ball that came out of the stick decisively was caught just as it was about to hit the left field wall. What a pity!

A large outfield safe is gone! And!

After Zoko Toru was banned from the game!

The troll big vine roll is enough for 3 elimination numbers! So!

Offensive and defensive exchange!

“It’s a pity, though.”

“But Seido also got 2 points.”

Akiko Owada said with a smile.


Mine Fujio nodded.

Then he said, “With these 2 points, the Qingdao team members will also play more easily.” ”

“And the troll big vine roll will have a feeling of being tied up and tied.”

“One over the other.”

“Qingdao can build a greater advantage.”

“Before the opening!”

“Because the Troll Big didn’t lose a single point in this year’s Summer Armor!”

“So many people say that the offensive of Qingdao will definitely be contained!”


“The reality is that the trolls lost 2 points in the first set!”

“Maybe it doesn’t look like a lot…..”

“But the ace of the Green Road is a professional-level level!”

“Trying to get points out of his hands is a big problem!”


“Even if it’s only 2 points!”

“Trolls must also pay attention to it!”

When the narrator’s words fall.

There is a sense of enlightenment for the ignorant of baseball, as well as for the audience who do not know much about the situation. Meantime!

They know it too!

What is the meaning of these 2 points of Qingdao!


Game 2.


Troll Attack.

The first to debut was the 4 Stick Fighters.

As the most powerful player in the team!

Can he lead the trolls to a wave of anti-overtaking?

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