Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 263 Strategic Level Ability: Rational General Knowledge

In order to test whether Jiang Buyou can understand the language of cats, the cat Zhong Yuan shamelessly meows.

No, that's the world's number one cutest meow.

However, Jiang Buyou frowned, and said in a calm voice, "Don't be stupid. I have been using this pen since the first grade of elementary school. It has accompanied me through countless days and brushed away countless problems!"

"It means a lot to me. Now I've been bitten out of a hole by you! Tell me, how do you pay me?"

Cat Zhong Yuan lost his voice, "Meow meow?!"

How can you even lie to cats? The free ballpoint pen redeemed by points in convenience stores is this one, okay?

Jiang Buyou's eyes twitched again.

That's right, when you go to a convenience store to buy things, the points you accumulate in a month are just enough to exchange for a pen.

what? Do you change often too?

Don't look at the cat's appearance, just talk, it's almost like talking to a real human being.

Could it be that there is a human soul in the cat's body?

Jiang Buyou was secretly shocked, but on the surface he said calmly, "I didn't lie to you, I really have been using this pen since elementary school. Although I have changed countless pens, it will always be the same pen in my heart! "

Cat Zhong Yuan always felt that there was something in his words. After thinking about it, he said, "Meow meow! Meow meow meow!"

At worst, I will pay you one!

You go out and turn right, walk 150 meters, there is a convenience store there.

You report my mobile phone number, my membership password is 300412

Meow so much, do you understand what I'm saying?

Of course Jiang Buyou understood.

He activated his ability the moment the black cat opened its eyes.

Ability: rational general knowledge.

Specify goals, barrier-free communication!

There is no limit to this ability. If we really want to classify it, we can barely count it as a command department.

Once opened, you can exchange ideas with creatures of different races.

Not only can you easily understand the language of animals, but you can also convey your thoughts to them.

The end of mutual understanding is ideological unity.

At that time, all disputes will cease to exist.

The final outcome is, eternal peace!

Rational general knowledge is a strategic level ability that Huaguo has never disclosed to the outside world.

Like being cute, it is extremely mysterious, and once it is activated, it will cause irreversible changes in thinking.

However, Jiang Buyou didn't display the terrifying power of rationality at this time.

It's just a little use to understand what the black cat is talking about.

It reported a mobile phone number! ! !

Jiang Buyou immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed quickly.

"The number you dialed is busy, please try again later!"

The line is busy and I can't get through!

It doesn't matter, write down the number first.

Anyway, if you registered with your real name, go back and check who the account owner is.

Then, Jiang Buyou sat on the edge of the cat's nest, changed the subject, "The sun is so bright, why do you have to sleep? Wake up!"

Cat Zhong Yuan looked at him.

Forget the ballpoint pen?

Still don't understand the string of meow meow?

I know you're pretending.

After all, like Feng Qing, there are almost no aliens who can understand cat language!

Since you don't understand, it might as well tell you the truth.

The cat Zhong Yuan said helplessly, "Brother, since you were able to find the Blue Sky Hotel, you should also know that there is a trace of negative energy in the Ruin Crystal, right?"

Jiang Buyou's pupils shrank slightly, and was startled by the cat again.

It actually tells things that only the marketers know.

That's right, after the alien race is killed, the resentment and violent emotions at the time of death will condense in the market crystal.

As long as you absorb the Ruin Crystal, no matter whether you succeed or not, you will touch the negative energy in it.

It is not possible to absorb too many ruin crystals in a short period of time.

Unsuccessful, try again later.

The head iron absorbs a lot of crystals, and it is easy to have a nervous breakdown.

This is the common sense of marketers.

Jiang Buyou couldn't believe that a cat knew so many secrets.

He maintained a peaceful expression and assumed the role of a listener.

The cat Zhong Yuan changed to a more comfortable position without paying attention, and said, "I have absorbed too many crystals, and sometimes I can't control myself. Now I can only rely on the second form to doze off all day long to relieve the long-standing backlog." Dark emotions. If I don't do this, I will kill everyone when I get angry..."

After entering the golden coffin, Zhong Yuan noticed the side effect of absorbing the Ruin Crystal's ability to improve.

It will be much better to sleep. But the reality is that he can't really sleep for a long time.

Zhong Yuan was very troubled and helpless.

I thought I wouldn't need to sleep in this life.

The fact is quite the opposite.

He needs sleep so badly.

After finishing speaking, the cat Zhong Yuan raised his head slightly, stared at Jiang Buyou, and meowed earnestly, "Do you understand now? I can't afford it!"

After talking, I don't expect this person to understand. It was because he didn't understand that I meowed.

However, a person as smart as Jiang Buyou has already seen through the identity of the black cat in a few words.

It turned out that it was Zhong Yuan!

Have you activated a certain ability to split yourself in two?

There are indeed similar abilities in this world.

For example, high-level shadow servants, the figures are separated, and one person is worth two.

Another example is the illusion of infinity, which creates a substitute of any shape to perform dangerous actions instead of the deity.

Excludes shapeshifting abilities.

Zhong Yuan's true self should still be at the scene of the college league, and he didn't come back...

Before entering the hotel, Jiang Buyou had imagined many things that might happen when he met Zhong Yuan.

On the way, I even practiced the dance.

Never expected that they would meet in this way.

However, Zhong Yuan must not know that he has the ability of rationality and general knowledge, and he can actually understand cat language.

Really, casually tell such an important thing to a stranger who doesn't know.

That's it, let's find out what he thinks.

Jiang Buyou thought for a while and said, "Can I talk about your feelings? This time the league organizing committee has treated you very unfairly. Does it make you angry?"

Cat Zhong Yuan squinted his eyes.

You journalists are outrageous.

Why do you keep staring at the cat?

A few days ago, a female reporter came to interview with a microphone.

Now again?

Zhong Yuan thought that Jiang Buyou was referring to Black Cat's suspension, so he said helplessly, "How can there be anything fair in this world? I'm used to it."

Jiang Buyou was shocked.

What dejected speech?

Sixteen-year-old boy Tianjiao, shouldn't he be angry when he gets angry, and be happy with revenge?

If it were me, I would directly break through the organizing committee's office and let them all go home to retire!

And An Guanfeng is taking care of you, he protects you! What are you afraid of?

Now it's your fault. No matter how fierce the trouble is, I am too embarrassed to pursue it!

However, you are like a weather-beaten old man who gets used to it and dismisses all grievances?

I am anxious for you!

Jiang Buyou was at a loss for what to do.

He figured it out, Zhong Yuan's character is the most difficult passive personality to get along with.

It seems peaceful and stable, but in reality it is elusive, and I don't know what to think.

He has mastered such a strong power, if one day, the darkness suppressed in his heart reaches a critical point...

I can't even imagine what's going to happen.

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