Cheng Yun was puzzled, and cast a look of help to Cui Qusheng beside him.

The meaning of the eyes: Old Cui, do you know this Lancang player?

What's the matter with her?

Not to mention the record. Peizhen Academy belongs to the local military region. They have participated in the league three times. This year, they are in the fourth grade. Are they still playing in the league?

Don't forget, the ultimate goal of the league is to allow players to demonstrate their abilities.

Regardless of whether it is a defense system or an auxiliary system, they all have a chance to be selected by the Ruin Warrior team.

It stands to reason that Lan Cang played on behalf of the college in the first grade and achieved very good results. There must be a team that is optimistic about her and throws an olive branch.

In the fourth grade, it's time to join the team for training, and there is no need to play in the league at all.

Cui Qusheng stared at Lan Cang's profile for a few seconds, then looked at the girl in the camera, and suddenly froze.

"I recalled that when this Lancang player participated in the league for the first time, everyone was shocked by her skills. At that time, many people were optimistic about her and believed that she had a bright future."

Cheng Yun was surprised, "However, her performance in the league has regressed year after year..."

Cui Qusheng hesitated to speak.

Beauty, the live broadcast can be seen by marketers all over the country.

Exposing the flaws of contestants is a very unkind thing, and it will affect the future of the contestants.

Cheng Yun also realized this, immediately kept silent, and abruptly changed the subject.

"Contestant Zhong Yuan has arrived at Court No. 3. In the team match with the Yangsheng team, he showed extraordinary boxing skills. Wait a minute, will he beat Lancang with powerful boxing?"

Cui Qusheng said, "Zhong Yuan's physical ability is really amazing. In fact, his video has been included in our Boxing Teaching Demonstration Compendium."

Cheng Yun was surprised, "There are many schools of boxing in South China, with a long history. Could it be that they can't compare with Zhong Yuan's boxing?"

Cui Qusheng said with a smile, "Yes. He uses the most concise movements to achieve the highest attack efficiency. He has decided to compile a new version of the military boxing according to his method."

Cheng Yun said nastily, "This...that's it! He can actually affect the training system of a military region. It really is a young man who produces a hero. I don't think the young commander could do this..."

In fact, not only Cheng Yun, but many people have compared Zhong Yuan with the young marshal.

Some people even think that Zhong Yuan is the second young marshal!

At the same time, Feng Zhuzhen, who was at the Shangjing Academy of Sciences, was also watching the live broadcast while taking a break from her busy schedule.

A group of researchers were elated and talking a lot.

"Su Zhe actually lost!"

"It's still the same, it hasn't changed at all. He fought with Feng Qing when he was a child, and he made up after the fight. He never held grudges."

"Strange, when did Feng Qing have the ability to predict? Did he cultivate it in Chengying College?"

"Xuan Ming's competition is about to begin."

"Maybe it will end soon?"

The researchers of the Academy of Sciences have no doubts about Zhong Yuan's strength.

When they saw the girl standing in front of Zhong Yuan, they couldn't help frowning.

"Dean Feng, is this girl the child of the reverse pollution?"

Feng Zhuzhen narrowed her eyes, recalled it for two seconds, and said with certainty, "It's her, the first case in China."

Lan Cang is a rare multi-mind control system capable person, who can control up to nineteen targets.

Quite powerful in China.

Because the domestic record is 26 goals, and it has not been broken for many years.

When Lan Cang was sixteen, he could control nineteen, which is not an exaggeration to describe it as a genius.

Back then, she was still young, and the South China Military Region decided to train her for a few years, and then let her join the team of warriors.

Who knows, later it was discovered that Lan Cang's control ability was very unstable.

Once cast, she falls into a bizarre hallucinatory state.

Hallucinations are actually made up of mental worlds with multiple targets.

The darkest things in their memories will be controlled by Lan Cang, which will affect her in turn.

The International Energy Research Institute calls this situation: Reverse Interactive Spiritual Pollution.

Usually happens to Psychics who can control multiple targets.

The more the number of controls, the higher the probability of contamination and the more serious the situation.

There is also a saying that when absorbing the Ruin Crystal, one was too young, affected by the negative energy in the Ruin Crystal, and prone to reverse pollution.

In particular, those with spiritual abilities resonate with the negative thoughts of the target while using their abilities, and get close to each other, eventually leading to pollution.

Lan Cang became a market capable person at the age of nine, which just fits the above statement.

However, in the South China Military Region, many families of Ruin Warriors raised their children as Raiders since childhood, and there were many people who absorbed Ruin Crystals at the age of nine, and nothing bad happened.

The Academy of Sciences conducted a comprehensive inspection on Lan Cang.

In the end, it was concluded that the abnormality that happened to her was a rare case.

Solution: As long as the control ability is not used, there will be no pollution.

However, for Lan Cang, controlling 19 goals is her greatest value.

Unable to use her abilities, she is useless and no one cares about her.

That's the way it is.

Since getting the medical certificate from the Academy of Sciences, no team has paid attention to Lan Cang anymore.

No one wants a player who can go wrong at any time.

The report of the Academy of Sciences clearly stated that even without using his abilities, Lan Cang's mental state is more fragile than that of ordinary people because of the severe pollution he has suffered several times.

She is anxious, irritable, and prone to aggressive behavior.

Zhong Yuan just made a phone call before the battle, but he didn't like it and taunted him.

She is unaware of her extreme state.

In fact, after learning that he could no longer use his mind control ability, Lan Cang also made a lot of efforts to save him.

For example, she changed to absorb other control system abilities.

For another example, she exercises her body hard and works diligently every day.

Both the second and third graders are trying to change themselves.

In the end, she found that she was a pure spiritual system, and changing the route would not work at all...

In the third venue, Zhong Yuan and Lan Cang stood face to face.

Before the battle, a routine salute.

Suddenly, Lan Cang looked sad and said to Zhong Yuan, "Zhong Yuan, it's your first time participating in the league. The attention is so high. There must be many teams wanting you to join."

"As for me, this is the last time I participate. Can you let me show my ability a little bit? Actually, no team has signed a contract with me yet..."

The referee frowned.

what is this?

Crazy on the verge of cracking down on counterfeiting?

It is reasonable to give a yellow card.

However, the war has not yet started, and there is no actual action to fight fake matches.

Therefore, the referee remained silent and only looked at Zhong Yuan with warning eyes.

The meaning of the eyes: you can release water and give her a chance to show her ability. But you can't say it! Once you say it, you get a yellow card.

At this time, Lan Cang bit his lower lip again and said, "Zhong Yuan, I apologize for what I said just now. I'm sorry, I was too talkative. Whom you call before the game is your freedom!"

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