On the eve of the battle, Lan Cang suddenly apologized.

On the contrary, Zhong Yuan felt that she was a little moody. If she didn't apologize, she would take a high look at her.

Maintaining the usual expression on his face, Zhong Yuan said flatly, "I won't hold back. I will try my best to defeat you, and it is my respect for you."

Lan Cang's face changed suddenly, and he said angrily, "I've already apologized, why don't you have any grace at all?"

"Having grace doesn't mean letting you go," Zhong Yuan said seriously, "I was told not to be cheated by a bad woman, and not to be merciful just because the opponent is a girl. I think what he said makes sense."


The referee secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhong Yuan was very sensible and did not agree to the opponent's request to release water, and successfully avoided the yellow card.

Their salute time has been delayed long enough, let's hurry up and start the war!

The referee announced loudly, "The battle begins!"

Although Lan Cang asked for the release of water before the battle, once the battle started, he was not ambiguous at all.

As soon as the referee finished speaking, he almost seized the opportunity to release his ability on Zhong Yuan.

slow down!

Suffering from Zeng Lina's disorder, Zhong Yuan lost his five senses and fought against a temporary team composed of observers from major military regions.

One of the supports used the slowing ability on Zhong Yuan.

The speed was reduced by 25, which would have a great impact on ordinary shamans, but to Zhong Yuan, it was reduced to 18 swords per second.

He was still lightning fast and unstoppable.

With deceleration, he rushed towards Lancang.

The latter didn't expect it to be so fast under deceleration, and there was no time to react.

With an uppercut, he hit her fiercely in the abdomen!

Lan Cang was beaten and sprayed acid water on the spot.

The position below the ribs close to the stomach, hit this position, it will not cause death but it will cause pain and confusion.

The crispy skin of the control system with poor resistance to blows will definitely fall to the ground and cannot get up after taking this punch.

However, Lan Cang's expression remained the same, as if he couldn't feel the pain, he kicked his toes hard, took advantage of the situation and backed away, and distanced himself from Zhong Yuan.

"Oh? After such a heavy blow, it didn't fall down?"

Zhong Yuan didn't pursue, but became vigilant instead.

Sure enough, the opponents who can make it to the fourth round are not weak.

At the judges' table, several tactical experts were also paying attention to this battle and making comments.

"Lan Cang from Peizhen Academy? Oh, what a pity for her!"

"I can't fall down even after being punched by Zhong Yuan, so it must be perseverance?"

"Yes. It can withstand attacks several times beyond the limit. It is still very good to match with the mirror."

"I remember that she didn't have this ability last year. If she absorbs the mirror back again, her value can return to at least half."

The cat Zhong Yuan was lying in the luxurious cat nest, listening to these people's speech, his mood was very complicated.

Is it cheating?

Even the opponent's ability was revealed, and the deity Zhong Yuan must have known about it.

"Meow~" Hey, stop talking, I'm fighting her.

Then, a tactician suddenly realized, "I know why she absorbed perseverance! It turns out..."

"Meow!" Stop saying it!

Cat Zhong Yuan slapped the referee's table fiercely with one paw.


A table that was in good shape suddenly fell apart, scaring the expressions of several tactical experts and they dared not speak.

What happened?

What are we doing wrong?

The cat Zhong Yuan narrowed his eyes, covered his mouth with his paws, made a gesture of closing his mouth, and said, "Meow!"

Watch the game without saying a word! Understand?

Several tactical experts nodded subconsciously. Under extreme fear, they understood what the black cat meant.

It wants to watch the game quietly and keep them quiet!

nothing wrong.

That's it!

When people are afraid, they can naturally become rational.

In No. 3 venue, the severe pain tormented Lan Cang's nerves. She wiped the acid water from her mouth, her face became more decayed and ugly, but there was a determined smile on her face.

"What a powerful punch! I'm about to faint from the pain!"

Such a strong sense of pain should help her resist the illusion of reverse pollution!

"I want to prove to everyone that I can overcome my own flaws! I am the most powerful mind control system in the younger generation! I am stronger than Zeng Lina's disorder!"

Lan Cang unhurriedly activated his ability.

Mental manipulation!

This ability can instantly control the target's emotions, up to a maximum of 30.

Although the description is very simple, it is actually a very terrifying ability.

All living things have emotions.

Once the mind is controlled, it is all right to relax vigilance, lose fighting spirit, and even fall in love with Lan Cang himself.

Even the loss of five senses caused by imbalance can be simulated by psychological manipulation!

The cute effect of the strategic level ability can be achieved!

It's just that psychological manipulation cannot continue to affect the target like being cute.

It does not change the will of man.

Lan Cang turns off the ability and everything returns to the original state, and she will also suffer the side effect of reverse pollution and fall into a hallucinatory state.

What the tactical experts on the judging panel wanted to say was that in order to overcome the illusion, Lan Cang specially absorbed the ability to withstand strong attacks.

She wanted to use the severe pain to overcome the pain caused by hallucinations.

The method is indeed feasible, but it will cause great harm to oneself, and needs the help of the medical department to recover.

Perseverance is not everything.

When it is activated, it will not fall down, and it will not die on the spot. After activation, the attacks received will still destroy her body.

Without the care of the medical department, being unable to act alone means that it is impossible to become the ace of the team.

But it was much better than being left out and not favored by the team.

In the third venue, Lan Cang finally opened the long-lost psychological manipulation to Zhong Yuan.

He is so strong, what kind of negative dark emotions can he have?

Only accuse him alone, so he shouldn't be subject to too much reverse pollution...

Lan Cang thought to himself, and shouted to Zhong Yuan, "Zhong Yuan! You are sad! You are sad! You have completely lost hope in life! You can no longer fight!"

Zhong Yuan was stunned.

What the hell is this girl doing?

War of words?

Or some kind of psychological hint?

The passive ability is fearless, immune to any mental control, and the psychological control falls on him, and he feels nothing at all.

Zhong Yuan thought for a while and said, "Beauty, you are thin and anemic. If you come to Auntie, it is recommended to drink more hot water!"

The referee's head was full of black lines, and his hand was about to reach into his pocket to take out a card.

In the end, he still didn't draw out his cards, but shouted loudly, "Zhong Yuan! One warning for passive combat! Three times in total, it's a yellow card!"

Zhong Yuan was stunned.

why me?

Where am I being negative?

Does she count as an active fight when she fights a war of words?

Oh, I get it!

It's because my war of words is too kind, and I have no fighting power...

At this moment, Lan Cang's whole body trembled slightly, and an inconceivable expression appeared on his thin and pale face.

Zhong Yuan didn't look like he was under control at all!

Could it be that I haven't used my ability for too long and failed to activate?


Lan Cang gritted his teeth and activated the psychological manipulation again!

This time, with all his strength, a strange blood color appeared on his face.

Then, she yelled at Zhong Yuan, "Zhong Yuan! I'm beautiful! I'm beautiful! You're obsessed with me! You throw in the towel now!"

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