Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 288 So That Is A Psychic Attack?

In the rest area, a group of people from Chengying Academy nervously watched the battle scene played on the big screen in the arena.

Zhang Rui has returned from the battle.

The opponent didn't have the ability to restrain the poisonous shadow, so he didn't even fight, and just surrendered.

No one expected that she would advance to the next round of the individual competition one step earlier than Zhong Yuan.

Seeing that Zhong Yuan was still fighting, Zhang Rui walked up to Feng Qing and asked strangely, "Isn't Zhong Yuan finished yet?"

Feng Qing sighed and said, "I knew it, I met a bad woman."

"What bad woman?" Zhang Rui didn't understand why.

Gu Yan watched the game with them, and said solemnly, "I remembered, Lan Cang of Peizhen Academy is a genius mind control department with psychological manipulation."

As soon as Situ Ming heard the words genius and mind control, he immediately refused to accept it and said, "Is it very powerful?"

Gu Yan nodded and said, "Amazing. Situ Ming, although your spirit cage level is very high, due to the limitation of your ability, you can only control one person."

"Lan Cang's psychological manipulation is different. It is said that she can control the emotions of up to nineteen people and make them mentally disarm at the same time."

Situ Ming was startled, "So much? Then why don't you see her participate in the team competition? As long as she controls everyone on the other side, won't she be sure to win?"

Gu Yan sighed, "I don't know why, since the second grade, she didn't represent Peizhen Academy in the team competition, but instead focused on the individual competition."

"It is said that after she uses her psychological manipulation ability, there will be sequelae."

Feng Qing asked curiously, "Is it in a state of weakness?"

Gu Yan thought for a while and said, "Probably not, I don't know the details. Anyway, the guidance given by the Academy of Sciences at the time was that she is not suitable for using psychological manipulation. So our military region did not pay any more attention to her."

At this time, I heard Lan Cang shouting loudly on the field.

"Zhong Yuan! I'm beautiful! I'm beautiful! You're obsessed with me! You throw in the towel right now!"

Feng Qing was stunned.

Situ Ming was also shocked.

Zhang Rui hurriedly looked at Feng Qing's expression.

Shangguanyi sneered and poohed.

Xie Yihan was full of black lines, trying to pull Zhang Rui away.

Gu Yan frowned and said, "Look, this is psychological manipulation! She disregarded the warning of the Academy of Sciences and forcibly used her ability on Zhong Yuan. I guess there will be sequelae in a while."

Moreover, when encountering Zhong Yuan's fearlessness, no matter how strong the inner control is, it will fail.

Except for Gu Yan and the team members, other spectators were worried about whether Zhong Yuan could survive this test.

I saw him look dull, sluggish on the spot, motionless.


Can't resist Lan Cang's psychological manipulation?

Will you be forced to admit defeat? !

The comments in the webcast room were maxed out, and no one expected Zhong Yuan to lose in the fourth round.

"Zhong Yuan, hold on!"

"You can't fall here! Your goal is the championship!"

"Cheer up Zhong Yuan! Get rid of mind control!"

Cheng Yun and Cui Qusheng simply stopped explaining, and kept their eyes on the live broadcast, afraid of missing any key scenes.

And Lan Cang was already dazzled by ecstasy.

Get it under control!

Defeat Zhong Yuan!

In the middle of the process, I collected the ability and restarted it, and I did not receive the persecution of reverse pollution.

At most, he received a punch, and after Zhong Yuan conceded defeat, he went for treatment immediately, and there would be no sequelae.

Seeing Zhong Yuan standing there blankly, Lan Cang added, "Zhong Yuan, you've fallen in love with me, you've fallen in love with me deeply! You listen to me! You give up!"

One second, two seconds, three seconds!


Zhong Yuan thought about what to say, and prepared a fierce curse expression, staring at Lan Cang and shouting, "You are ugly! You are cruel! You have evil intentions towards me! I have never seen you like this Brazen man!"

Finally, add, "Don't think that just because I call you beautiful makes you feel good about yourself. I don't like you."

Lan Cang's eyes were about to split, and he screamed, "Impossible!"

The referee looked at them and yelled, "Zhong Yuan! Twice warnings for passive combat! Repeat again, yellow card!"

Zhong Yuan's eyelids twitched wildly, and he suppressed his anger and said, "Referee, why can she spat at me, but I can't?"

If you don't give me a valid reason, cat Zhong Yuan will send you out immediately!

The referee looked shocked.

It may be that Zhong Yuan has been banned too much, and the referee felt quite guilty. Regardless of the game, he asked, "Do you think you two are fighting a war of words?"

Zhong Yuan frowned, "Isn't it? She said so much to me! I don't want to fight back?"

The referee looked at him with the expression of looking at a monster, and asked tentatively, "Don't you feel it? She has been using mind control ability on you just now. So, only you are fighting passively, and she is not."


is that so?

Zhong Yuan said awkwardly, "I'm sorry, I didn't pay attention. So, that was a mental attack..."

The referee almost knelt down.

After eating strong mind control twice, you actually said you didn't pay attention?

Your opponent is about to cry.

In the stands, a group of observers couldn't help but almost laughed out loud.

But there was a hint of awe in their smiles.

Good guy!

Zhong Yuan is immune to mind control!

too strong!

How capable is he?

During the live broadcast, Cheng Yun couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief seeing Zhong Yuan recover.

In fact, all the staff involved in the live broadcast, especially the cameraman, hope that Zhong Yuan can keep winning and finally win the championship.

Cheng Yun said quickly, "Zhong Yuan got rid of Lan Cang's mental control and gave a sharp verbal counterattack. For this reason, he was warned twice by the referee for passive fighting!"

The corner of Cui Qusheng's mouth twitched, "He doesn't seem to realize that he has been under mind control. To be honest, the first passive fight is quite heartwarming."

Cheng Yun couldn't help complaining, "Actually, drinking more hot water is basically useless."

"Haha!" Cui Qusheng laughed dryly, keeping it in his heart.

The on-field referee kept his seat.

Because of a word with Zhong Yuan, the battle was interrupted for about half a minute.

Lan Cang got enough time to breathe. However, she has no means of winning the game.

Do you want to throw in the towel?

In fact, she has four abilities in total.

Slow down, stoicism, mind manipulation, mental breakdown!

The last mental breakdown is the killer move of burning jade and stone together.

Sacrifice all mental power to destroy the target's will.

There will be no blow to the body, only indelible and permanent damage to the spirit.

Will collapse, the best result is to become a lunatic, and worse, to die directly.

The cost of activating the ability is even more serious, and it will become a state similar to a vegetable.

Lan Cang thought he would never use his trump card.

Just as he was about to admit defeat, an unprecedented feeling of terror descended.

Zhong Yuan's reverse pollution attack came.

A terrifying black giant claw immediately appeared in front of Lan Cang's eyes.

It protruded from a huge hole, surrounded by black flames, and just the destructive aura on one claw made people lose the courage to resist.

"What kind of alien race is this..."

Lan Cang was terrified.

The giant claws instantly occupied all her field of vision, and they were about to slap it down!

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