Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 362: The New Grim Reaper! Like A Seaweed

There is no hatred without innocence or enmity in this world.

Mengka killed the Chinese people when he saw them, naturally out of jealousy.

Why did the Duchess of Sade casually drag a Chinese man to sleep and have a baby on the road?

She is crazy!

He even allowed the strongest power in the Iron Tower Kingdom to fall into the hands of a bastard, allowing him to enjoy all the glory and wealth, and everyone can only look up to him!

Obviously just a bastard...

The Mengka City Mansion is very deep, but he will not show his dissatisfaction in his heart, so he can only hate Wu Ji Wu, and kill the Chinese people whenever he has the opportunity to vent his anger.

He is thirty-six years old this year, and he has many excellent partners in the Iron Tower State. They are far better than Su Laini in terms of appearance, knowledge, etiquette, and talent.

There is a full twenty-year age difference between Monka and Suleini, and the engagement is more of an exchange of interests, each taking what they need.

And before Suleini ran to Huaguo, Mengka had already predicted that she would not succeed.

A little girl with no hair at all, she became the captain of the Guards by virtue of being the daughter of the Duke of Champagne.

She is like the flowers in the greenhouse, she has never seen the world, and she knows nothing except her first-rate ability to escape.

Want to seize the Crystal of Instant Death?

She underestimated Chinese people too much.

Mengka has killed so many powerful people from the Hua Kingdom, and he knows how powerful they are.

Especially the one called the Eighth Seat. In order to assassinate this person, he joined forces with the allies of the three countries, and a total of six market powerhouses succeeded in killing him. How could Su Laini beat the people of Huaguo?

While Wang Podi and Zhong Yuan were discussing how to deal with the Iron Tower War, Mengka finished his lunch and paced anxiously in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows outside the restaurant.

What the hell!

The toilets in the embassy are being repaired, and these people actually let him go outside to use the public toilets!

What international joke?

Are the public toilets of the Chinese people for human use?

No dog in the Iron Tower Country will go in!

Living in a hotel is better than living in an embassy!

However, if you stay in a hotel, you may be monitored by the Chinese people. Maybe even the picture of going to the toilet can be seen clearly. Only the embassy is the safest place!

Monka suppressed his anger.

There was really no other way, so I had to ask the valet to get a mobile toilet, and clean it up immediately after use.

The male servant is also miserable, looking forward to returning to the Iron Tower Kingdom every day.

Suddenly, the envoy hurried over.

Before he could speak, Mengka growled in displeasure, "Have you not replied yet? Are these monkeys from the Hua Kingdom scared out of their wits by me?"

The special envoy was terrified, and said submissively, "Your Excellency, the Hua people have decided to fight."

Finally heard a good thing, relieved a little from his irritability, Mengka said coldly, "Let them come to the embassy to fight and bring Suzanne's body!"

"Your's Su Laini..." the special envoy said weakly, and couldn't help complaining in his heart. He even remembered the name of his fiancée wrong. No wonder Su Laini took a fancy to Huaguo's pretty face and wanted to bring it back to the country.

Mengka said impatiently, "It doesn't matter what it's called, just make an appointment with the Huaguo people, let them roll over and die early!"

Just like that, at three o'clock in the afternoon,

Three anchor points have been set up around the Iron Tower State Embassy, ​​and two streets are temporarily controlled by traffic.

Mengka waited at the gate of the embassy square, staring at the empty road, and greeted all eighteen generations of his opponent's ancestors.

It's half past two, but it's not yet three? !

Are Chinese people afraid?

Just when Mengka was about to go berserk, a cute female high school student riding a bicycle appeared at the intersection of the street.

Wearing a single ponytail and winter school uniform, he rode a bicycle unsteadily, basking in the sun, and came all the way.

An embassy staff frowned and thought, "The road ahead is closed, why are there still people coming over?"

Just about to step forward to dissuade the girl from leaving, Mengka suddenly grinned.

"If you have bad eyesight, you have to pay the price if you don't see the forbidden sign in front of you."

Huaguo's market experts made him wait for so long, so kill a passer-by who doesn't open his eyes first to warn him.

It means, don't even think about avoiding war! I have limited patience, if I don't come, I will go out and kill ordinary people!

Bold and reckless, lawless to the extreme!

The staff of the embassy trembled in their hearts. Although they felt that his influence was very bad, they dared not stop him.

Mengka's strength is too strong, he is a tyrant-level existence, if he is a little disobedient, he will even kill his own people.

So, I can only watch the cute high school girl riding a bicycle getting closer...

The afternoon sun shone on everyone, casting long slanted shadows.

Mengka was wearing a special combat uniform, and his hand was already on the long sword at his waist.

People who don't understand think he is playing some kind of cross-dressing game.

In fact, the knight sword on his waist is condensed with the most cutting-edge forging technology of the Iron Tower Kingdom. It feels first-class and unstoppable. It can increase the speed of swinging the sword by 6!

And Mengka can reach up to 9 swords per second, and 12 swords per second after assist acceleration, which is a super fast sword recognized by the world!

It took him an instant to cut an unarmed ordinary person to death.

Forty meters... thirty meters... fifteen meters!

The female high school student was riding a bicycle with an innocent face, the corners of her lips were naturally slightly raised, she looked calm and indifferent, as if she didn't notice the slightest danger.

Monka was startled, suddenly! The shadow under the girl shook slightly.

No one noticed that Mengka's hand on the hilt suddenly became weak.

He didn't move, and continued to maintain a tense posture about to draw his sword.

Then, the embassy staff finally saw the girl's face clearly.

so cute!

It is really rare for an oriental person to look so delicate!

Even though Wai Nuo Ren couldn't appreciate Lai Yaxi's flat cheeks, when he saw this face, he was still fascinated.

Then, the high school girl riding a bicycle passed away unharmed.

At the intersection ahead, turn a corner and disappear.

The embassy staff watched the girl leave and were surprised.

Monka didn't kill her?

Could it be because she is too good-looking to have the heart to do it?

He still has a touch of humanity!

Everyone continued to wait for the Huaguo master to arrive. How could they know that as soon as the high school girl riding a bicycle crossed the street corner, the shadow under her feet began to shake violently, stretching out two tentacles like seaweed and seaweed swaying with the waves!

In order to avoid being plotted against by the powerhouse of the Iron Tower Kingdom, Zhong Yuan refused to accompany Jiang Buyou and Wang Podi, and even avoided seeing him off, and came here alone by bicycle.

The road in Guangyuan City was too detoured, the construction was blocked, and it was not marked on the map. As a result, the detour was half an hour late.

Unexpectedly, the opponent couldn't wait any longer, so he ran out and waited on the side of the road.

Anyway, it was killing, Zhong Yuan didn't bother to get out of the car.

Before doing it, he cautiously used his Xintong to spy on Mengka's mind.

If you don't check, you don't know, if you check, you will be shocked.

He wanted to cut innocent passers-by in half!

Sure enough, as Jiang Buyou said, this person regards human life as worthless, and he is the enemy of China!

For the first time, Zhong Yuan issued a kill order to Shadow Servant.

"Ye Zhen, go, kill him immediately."

"Follow orders~~~"

After eight years, the strategic-level ability that once made the Iron Tower Kingdom proud of the top of the world is dead, once again showing a terrifying power!

Ranked forty-three in the world, the silver knight Mengka Muxi, one of the ten knights of the Iron Tower Kingdom, suffered an instant death attack and died on the spot without even resisting!

A new Grim Reaper has arrived, weirder than any previous one.

Some said it was a woman, others said it was a man, and some said that he was not from this world.

There are different opinions, and there is only one thing that is recognized as conclusive information.

The new god of death is from China!

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