Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 363 The Shadow Servant's Is Mine

Killing is never easy.

Especially when dealing with such a strong player with such a high world ranking, even Zhong Yuan dare not be careless.

Riding a bicycle seemingly calmly passed by, but actually used a variety of incredible abilities.

He has a clear mind, obtains the enemy's psychological activities in advance, judges the timing of the opponent's attack, and responds accordingly.

It's super cute, dispels hostility, the person-to-person effect is not as good as expected, and it makes the other party slightly absent-minded, which is completely fine.

Finally, at the moment when the super cuteness took effect, Shadow Servant seized the opportunity to activate and die immediately.

One hit kill!

Monka died unjustly.

Zhong Yuan never needs to be super cute to kill people. In order to ensure the success of Ye Zhen's operation, he rarely used this ability to assist him once.

The effect is excellent.

Mengka instantly lost his fighting spirit and didn't react in time.

In fact, he also has the light jump ability. Su Laini's light jump was still absorbed from the market crystal he gave.

Once Mengka is aware of the shadow servant's change and activates the light jump, it may be impossible to die immediately.

Now, Mengka died with two strategic-level abilities, and he should die in peace...

"Eight Masters are wise~~~Long live Eight Masters~~~Eight Masters are invincible!!!"

Ye Zhen finally used it once and died, and he flicked his tentacles excitedly.

Either don't make a move, or kill the world's top powerhouse with a move!

Such a strong person doesn't even have a chance to make a move, it's so cool!

Zhong Yuan didn't feel anything, at most he felt that Ye Zhen was getting more and more sycophant.

Riding out of the blocked area, I immediately saw a brand new white Land Rover parked on the side of the road.

The lines are rigid and square, and the ground is high. It looks imposing at first glance, and you are not afraid to travel all over the world. Unlike those supercars, flamboyance is not practical.

The horn sounded once.

Jiang Buyou poked his head out of the car and greeted, "Yuan Shao, get in the car!"

Zhong Yuan looked at him and thought: Is this the Ice and Snow Guard that I bought with the card from Jiuxu last time? Really good.

Speaking of which, Jiang Buyou bought a big house this time, and it is impossible to live here often. If the house doesn't live, it will get moldy, so I still have to ask him to take care of it.

He drove the car, gave him a house to live in, and paid five hundred yuan for the dry cleaning fee.

No matter how you think about it, it feels wrong...

Zhong Yuan was a little puzzled.

Then, when the shared bicycle was locked and paid, he was shocked to find that the fare was ten yuan!

"No way! Bicycles in Guangyuan City are so expensive, and you can ride for an hour, which is 2 yuan more expensive than in Shangdong City!"

Don't underestimate this point, eight yuan has risen to ten yuan, an increase of up to 25!

Zhong Yuan got into the car, frowned and said, "Jiang Shao, has your shared bike been blessed?"

"What is a blessed bicycle?"

Rao Jiang Buyou and him have been rational for so long, and he didn't understand the meaning of this sentence.

Zhong Yuan said gloomily, "The shared bike charges two yuan more."

Jiang Buyou was shocked and said, "So dark?"

Wang Podi was sitting in the back seat, feeling extremely nervous, not knowing what was going on outside, so he hurriedly said, "The Market Management Bureau will reimburse you!"

"Two different things." Zhong Yuan beeped softly, "The salary level in Guangyuan City is a little lower than that in Shangdong City, and cycling is so much more expensive."

Jiang Buyou immediately came to communicate with him, complaining, "My gas fee also increased by several hundred last month."

Zhong Yuan comforted, "I can't save this little money. It's better to drive a gas car in cold weather, not an electric car."

Jiang Buyou smiled and said, "It's better in the south. In the north, trams don't work in winter."

Zhong Yuan said, "Anyway, I ride a bicycle, which is low-carbon and environmentally friendly."

Wang Podi's head was full of black lines, and he was about to die of anxiety from them.

What car or not?

You, the commander of the military region, take a special car in and out!

You, the eighth seat of the Nine Markets, come and go by private plane!

Gossiping, from a few dollars to hundreds of dollars, have you solved Mengka? ! !

Zhong Yuan didn't want anyone to accompany them, so they had to drive by themselves and wait nearby.

In order to avoid accidents, Wang Podi forced Zhong Yuan to bring a full set of communicators, and he would call as soon as he was in danger.

He was sitting in the car, keeping an eye on Zhong Yuan's position.

A few minutes ago, I saw this kid passing the Iron Tower State Embassy at a speed of eight meters per second. He didn't even stop, and went straight to join them across two streets!

"That... Yuan Yuan..." Wang Podi said weakly, "Can you tell me the situation?"

"Wait, let me see."

Zhong Yuan turned on his eagle eyes and super perception, and found that the people from the Iron Tower Kingdom were still waiting at the gate of the embassy.

Monka did not fall.

Even though he had lost his breath, he was still tense and ready to go, maintaining a standing posture.

The people around him didn't notice any abnormalities in him...

Zhong Yuan withdrew his ability and said with a smile, "I'm still waiting, I don't know how long they will wait."

Wang Podi was stunned for a moment, and said in surprise, "Are you planning to release Mengka's pigeons?"


Zhong Yuan blinked his eyes and said modestly, "I don't have one."

Jiang Buyou smiled and said, "Director Wang, Yuan Shao is back, which means he is dead. We can go now."


Wang Podi looked at Zhong Yuan in shock, stuttered, and said, "But...yes, you didn't even stop your bicycle!"

Zhong Yuan said with an innocent face, "I was lazy. That key card was standing on the side of the road. I thought it would be troublesome to lock and unlock the car, so I just killed him."

Ah yes!

Can you please stop talking about the damn bike!

Suddenly, Wang Podi was startled, his skin was covered with goosebumps, and he said in a trembling voice, "Death?"

Zhong Yuan didn't notice Wang Podi's reaction, and couldn't help complaining, "The people in the Iron Tower Kingdom have eyesight problems, and they can't tell the difference between men and women, so they thought I was a girl. No wonder I pretended to be Wang Podi last time... They didn't look alike at all, and they didn't suspect it."

Jiang Buyou said casually, "If you look too much like them, you won't believe it. It's enough to be six or seven percent similar."

Zhong Yuan disdainfully said, "You pulled it down, I followed your instructions, it's not a face at all."

Wang Podi didn't listen at all, his mind was full of instant death, and he said excitedly, "Yuan Yuan! Where did you come from instant death?"

"I don't have one, it's my Shadow Servant. Oh, the Shadow Servant's is mine." Zhong Yuan glanced at Wang Podi and said casually, "Wang Ju, can you keep it secret for me?"

Jiang Buyou, who was sitting in the driver's seat, also turned around with a smile on his lips.

At this moment, Wang Podi's scalp was numb, and he felt like he was on a pirate ship.

I thought that Zhong Yuan had been on guard against Jiang Buyou, after all, he had said before that he would investigate this guy.

I never thought they were wearing a pair of pants!

Immediate death is a strategic level capability of great deterrence. It is of great importance and must be reported.

However, reporting is also reporting to Jiuxu.

Zhong Yuan is Jiuxu...

If I don't keep him secret today, I won't be able to get out of this car!

Even if Zhong Yuan doesn't do anything, Jiang Buyou will kill me!

Alas, he has been acting cute to me three times... There is no way to refuse him!

Wang Podi said with a headache, "Okay, okay, keep it secret! But, Yuan Yuan, it's best to let Qi Xiu know about it."

Zhong Yuan laughed, "I'll tell him when I go to a wedding next month. By the way, how much money do you guys have? I don't know the market price. Is 1,500 enough?"

Jiang Buyou thought for a while, and said, "Not much, the price here in Guangyuan is two thousand. You become a cat and go with me, no need to pack."

The topic was taken awry again.

Wang Podi could only say, "Yuanyuan, you are so young, what kind of money do you pack? When the time comes, sit at the children's table and ask Qi Xiu to give you a red envelope! He will definitely give you a big one."

There are other good things! ?

Zhong Yuan lowered his eyes, a little moved.

Seeing that he was silent, Ye Zhen immediately became anxious, and said in a low voice, "Eighth seat, I still have some savings, about tens of millions. My money is your money, you can use it!"

Jiang Buyou and Wang Podi are full of black water, and they are all coming up with crooked ideas!

How can the eighth seat be turned into a cat and sit at the child's table?

You must sit at the table at Jiuxu!

At this time, Zhong Yuan suddenly remembered something, turned his head and asked Wang Podi, "Wang Ju, do you think there is a foreign crystal in the body of that door card?"

! ! !

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