Standing on the high platform, his eyes swept over the many disciples of Haotian Sect.

After witnessing the martial arts performance of the disciples of Haotian Sect, the master shook his head and began to show his presence: "You."

"Although the physique is strong, it is given by the martial spirit."

"The body's flexibility is not good, the combat literacy is incomprehensible, and there is no combat strategy, and there is no sense of collective honor at all!"

The master emphasized the sense of collective honor. As the dean of Shrek Academy, Ning Rongrong, as a student of the academy, never listened to him, which seriously offended his majesty.

Even after a long time, he still felt uneasy.

"So what do you think should be done?" Tang Yun asked.

Tang Bai's identity is the same as Yu Xiaogang. They are both theoretical guests of Haotian Sect. He has no opinion on Yu Xiaogang.

"They are a group of unpolished jades, and they still need my guidance!" A vivid description.

Many disciples cast their eyes on Yu Xiaogang.

Yu Xiaogang straightened his face and showed a cruel smile: "Next, I will give you a 6-month special training."

"From now on, you must get up early in the morning and run 10 laps around the back mountain of Haotian Sect before you are eligible to eat!"

Tang Yu looked a little embarrassed: "10 laps?"

The distance of a circle around the back mountain of Haotian Sect is about 7 kilometers, which means that these disciples have to run 70 kilometers every day.

"Yes!" Yu Xiaogang nodded.

"In the first week, you can use soul power to assist running, but starting from the second week, I will no longer allow you to use soul power."

Yu Xiaogang was very rigorous and vividly formulated a training plan for the disciples of Haotian Sect.

In the first week, you can use soul power to assist running.

In the second week, soul power is not allowed.

In the third week, the speed requirement is increased.

In the fourth week, of course, it is the popular weighted running session.

Tang Bai couldn't help but interrupt: "Master, if you run 10 laps, it will take at least 2 hours!"

The master frowned: "How far is the distance around the back mountain?"

"About 6 kilometers!"

Hearing this, the master raised his eyebrows and was a little entangled.

In fact, Yu Xiaogang had observed the terrain of the back mountain, but he had not checked the route in detail. Originally, according to his estimate, one lap was about 2-3 kilometers, but he didn't expect it to be as much as 6 kilometers.

But the order has been issued, and it must be executed unswervingly!

Changing orders every day will affect my reputation, Yu Xiaogang, which is of course not acceptable.

"Just 10 laps, starting from the second week, I will adjust the reasonable training intensity according to your training situation!"

"But. But!"

Tang Bai wanted to say something, but saw Yu Xiaogang waved his hand, looking at the distant sky, no longer considering his suggestion.

Tang Tian angrily scolded: "You brain-dead thing!"

"60 kilometers, even a soul king needs 4 hours to finish it."

"We just got to the Clear Sky Hammer, and you give us such an intensity? Have you considered the rationality?"

His face rose, his voice was determined, and he cursed.

Tang Yu's face was full of complaints: "Except for eating and sleeping, the time for cultivation is only 10 hours."

"Morning jogging takes up half of the cultivation time, what on earth is he thinking?"

"What a shitty master, I think he is shit!"

Tang San looked unhappy and defended the master: "This is a plan made by my master, and there are naturally profound reasons."

"You don't understand, don't understand his profound theory, I won't blame you for your ignorance."

"But we are a collective, and there can't be individuals separated from the collective, you just need to execute."

Using the sense of collective honor, kidnapping the unwillingness of individuals, this is something Tang San has already played quite skillfully.

Then, ignoring the eyes of everyone, he began to run towards the back mountain.

"This" Tang Yu was stunned for a moment.

"Birds of a feather!" Tang Tian sneered.

Whether everyone was willing or not, Yu Xiaogang's training plan was finally implemented.

Amid the complaints of everyone, time quietly arrived at the fourth week.

The fourth stage of the training plan, weighted running.

"Very good!" A voice came from the high platform.

The disciples raised their heads, and the master's face was serious, or he was meticulous about the plans he made.

"In the first three weeks, you completed my training plan, proving that the training intensity I set is reasonable."

The foundation of the disciples of Haotian Sect is not bad.

Even if they suddenly face high-intensity training, there will be no problems without treatment and pharmacological guarantees.

This also gave the master room to intensify. He saw that he did not care about the eyes of the crowd, and announced the next stage of the training plan with a firm will.

"The next task I will arrange for you is weighted running!"

However, Yu Xiaogang is Yu Xiaogang after all. When he trained Shrek Academy before, he still noticed some unreasonable things.

Different soul masters, different martial souls, and different physical attributes, of course, can't use the same weight training.

"This is unfair and unreasonable!"

Yu Xiaogang corrected the mistake in time.

And at this moment, he came up with a wonderful idea.

Can the Clear Sky Hammer be used as a weight for soul masters?

The higher the soul power level of the soul master, the heavier the Clear Sky Hammer will be. Isn't it just adapted to their weight requirements?

"But." The master encountered a dilemma.

The martial spirit is an extension of the body. These Haotian Sect disciples will not feel the corresponding weight when holding their own martial spirit.

"There is a way!"

The master had a flash of inspiration.

This was a theory he developed many years ago, but he never had the room to implement it. Unexpectedly, he didn't expect that this time, this situation, and this situation would be a perfect match.

"A soul master can repel his own martial soul!"

Luo Sanpao was originally possessed by a martial spirit.

It is precisely because of the discovery and application of this theory that Luo Sanpao became the unique out-of-body martial spirit in the entire Douluo Continent.

As for the role of bloodline in the evolution of martial souls?

The martial soul growth system is the synchronization process of blood, body, spirit and martial soul.

Come on, the master's research isn't that in-depth.

It's understandable that he doesn't know these advanced theories. What's even more outrageous is that he hasn't explored the side effects of martial souls leaving the body.

With his extremely bright bloodline, he was stuck at level 29 and could not break through. It was not something that ordinary geniuses could do.

In terms of harming others and harming oneself, the master's banner is very clear and will never fade.

Yu Xiaogang glanced at Tang San, adhering to the principle of absolute fairness and selflessly promoting his theory.

"Summon the Clear Sky Hammer in the palm of your hand!"

After hearing the master's order, everyone summoned their martial spirits and placed them in their hands.

Before, there were still some thorns in the Haotian Sect, but under the guidance of Yu Xiaogang and Tang San, these thorns had dissipated and turned into "loyalty" to the sect and master.

"The second step is to cut off the supply of soul power to the martial soul!"

"The third step is to use your own mental power to repel the Clear Sky Hammer in your hand."

The master walked slowly in the queue of people, observing the performance of each disciple. When he saw cold sweat on their foreheads, he smiled with satisfaction.

"Now you feel that the Clear Sky Hammer in your hands is getting heavier and heavier. This is a normal phenomenon. There is no need to worry or be afraid."

The master comforted everyone, looking contented: "The Clear Sky Hammer will return to its original weight."

"Next training plan."

Yu Xiaogang opened a book, gradually moved his fingers to the fourth week's training plan, and read out his arrangements:

"Put the Clear Sky Hammer on your back and run 10 laps every day as before!"

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