Tang Bai also learned the news the next day.

As a theoretical guest of the Haotian Sect, based on my own theoretical literacy, I noticed that there was something wrong with this behavior.

But his theory and level have not yet gone deep into the dismantling of the martial soul system and the linkage between blood and martial souls, so he can't say anything.

"Master!" Tang Bai called to Yu Xiaogang.

"Will there be any side effects in rejecting the martial spirit?"

"It's just a small burden. I can afford it with the Haotian Sect's money, so there's no need to reject my own martial spirit."

Tang Bai tried to correct him, but he raised his head and found Yu Xiaogang's face was cold, staring at him.

"Isn't it troublesome?" The master refused calmly.

"Soul masters of different levels can bear different loads. Do I have to help them build their loads one by one?"

For weight-bearing training, the most perfect effect is the "gravity pressure" of the bear spirit, but how does the master understand this?

"We are theoretical guests, assisting the disciples of the sect in their cultivation. Isn't it normal for it to be a little complicated?"

Tang Bai had a little doubt: "Isn't it supposed to be like this?"

"Ha, that's ridiculous!" The master said proudly: "Only soul masters with low levels of skill would use hard work to cover up their skills."

He raised his head and spoke with high spirits: "The weight of the Clear Sky Hammer is closely related to the level of the soul master, and under the theory of rejecting martial souls, their martial souls are perfect weight-bearing objects."

"Building load-bearing armor? No need to do anything extra at all!"

Yu Xiaogang insisted on going his own way.

Tang Bai sighed. With his current situation, he could no longer convince the master, so he had no choice but to leave.

"Wait!" Suddenly, the master called to him.

Tang Bai turned around, with a slight twinkle of joy in his eyes.

"Since you proposed it, we will jointly apply to the sect for a fund to build their heavy-duty armor."

Yu Xiaogang said with a smile on his face.

His eyes turned slightly, obviously he had some careful thoughts about the allocation of the funds.

"Tang San seems to need a batch of materials."

Tang San wants to borrow the resources of the Haotian Sect to create the number one hidden weapon in the mechanical expansion category: "Buddha's Furious Tang Lotus"

As Tang San's master, he always kept his apprentice's needs in mind, so of course he would help him find a way.

"Greed for this money"

"Yeah!" Tang Bai agreed repeatedly.

Under Yu Xiaogang's careful cultivation, Oscar and Ma Hongjun had forgotten that they still had a dean. Tang San and the master had lived in Haotian Sect so vividly that they naturally would not think of Shrek Academy's former dean: Flanders.

However, one person did not forget him.

It is Liu Erlong, the killing angle in the Golden Iron Triangle.

Flender carried out Yu Xiaogang's assassination plan and worked together to deal with Pope Bibi Dong, who was deprived of her soul power and imprisoned in the prison of the Tiandou Empire.

She has not forgotten that she is still trying to rescue her friend.

"Can the charges against Flanders be dropped?"

"No!" the young boy refused.

"As long as you drop the charges, I can pay you double the compensation."

He took out 2,000 gold soul coins and placed them on the young boy's table, speaking in a confident and frivolous tone:

"This money is enough for you to have enough food and clothing for the rest of your life!"

The boy's eyes lit up, and greedy desire emerged: "Seriously?"

The middle-aged woman's eyes were filled with the desire for money, and she took all the gold soul coins into her arms regardless of her husband's hatred.

"Xiaoyin, promise her!"

The boy nodded decisively.

This situation is just a microcosm of behavior.

Either through coercion, inducement, or massacre, we finally got rid of all the merchants who accused Flanders.

With the charges dropped, Dean Flanders from the Tiandou Empire prison was successfully released.

"Two dragons."

Seeing Liu Erlong clearly, Flender's eyes flashed with tears.

"How about it?"

Liu Erlong looked at him with concern: "You weren't abused inside, were you?"

Flanders swallowed a tear and puffed out his chest slightly, as if he wanted to prove his strength.

But in a trance, he saw a figure that frightened him, and his legs trembled.

"Dean Flanders?" Han Tao walked over with a smile.

"Han Tao, why are you here?"

Han Tao is the champion of the National Elite Soul Master Competition. Liu Erlong recognized his appearance and a little curiosity flashed on his face.

However, when she saw Flanders' condition, some bad suspicion suddenly emerged.

"What did you do?" she demanded.

Han Tao was honest: "It's nothing, I just took some blood."

Her expression darkened at a speed visible to the naked eye. He ignored the second half of Han Tao's words and his tone gradually became irritable: "Why?"

"Why did you take Flanders' blood?"

The soul power surged, and a certain sense of oppression came towards Han Tao.

"Ha!" Han Tao chuckled.

The reverse frequency of the blue silver grass disintegrated her soul power in an instant, and any trace of it would become invisible at first.

"You wrongly blamed me." He put on an innocent expression and explained:

"I bring healing supplements to Dean Flender every week and serve him delicious food, which shows how well-intentioned I am."

"After all, he was Rongrong's teacher!"

Speaking of this, Han Tao couldn't help laughing.

Liu Erlong's attitude improved visibly, not because of Han Tao's explanation, but because she realized that she might not be able to defeat Han Tao.

The means of dissolving soul power and being invisible were too unpredictable in her eyes.

"Is that so?" He looked at his friend beside him.

Flanders trembled, glanced at Han Tao's face, and finally nodded.

Han Tao continued to add: "The guards can prove it to me!"

Then, Han Tao blamed Liu Erlong: "To be honest, you Shrek Academy is really too much!"

"For such a long time, no student came to visit Flanders, no teacher, student, or friend. I thought he was forgotten."

Hearing this, Flanders felt very uncomfortable.

Everyone forgot about him, including Yu Xiaogang, whom he trusted, and Qin Ming, Shrek's chief disciple.

The only one who came to see him in prison was Ning Rongrong's partner Han Tao.

But fortunately

At this moment, he met Liu Erlong, his dream lover.

"Erlong, thank you!"

He sincerely held Liu Erlong's hands, full of tears of joy and gratitude, but it was fleeting, and a kind of desolation emerged in his heart.

I am no longer a soul master. It is a blessing to escape from the sea of ​​suffering in prison. How can I be worthy of the beauty in front of me?

Liu Erlong shook his hand and frowned at Han Tao: "What do you want his blood for?"

Han Tao was too lazy to hide it and stated his purpose and needs directly:

"The Golden Iron Triangle has a martial soul fusion skill that can fuse martial souls and evolve into a golden holy dragon, so I want to draw some of your blood for research."

Han Tao arrived here at the right time.

This time, he came here not to find Flanders in essence. Han Tao already has a reserve of his blood.

What Han Tao really wants is the fire dragon blood on Liu Erlong, the blood from the Horn of Slaughter, and the core cornerstone of the complete version of the golden holy dragon.

"Research?" He looked puzzled and inexplicably surprised.

In Liu Erlong's eyes, Yu Xiaogang was also a theoretical researcher, but he didn't expect Han Tao to be the same kind of person.

"You want my blood?"

"No!" Flanders interrupted.

He didn't want Liu Erlong to dedicate his academy.

But his obstruction was insignificant in the eyes of the two. They just stretched out their hands slightly and separated them.

Liu Erlong's movements were elegant, and her confidence from the inside out was revealed. A slight arc appeared at the corner of her mouth: "What price are you willing to pay?"

"Oh?" Han Tao smiled: "What do you want?"

She stared at Han Tao and smiled suddenly: "I heard that your innate soul power is only level 1!"

"But. You are now a soul king!"

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