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""Your eyeballs are disgusting, how about digging them out?" Ye Shan said coldly as he looked at Cell staring at him with disgusting eyes.

Cell felt the almost endless energy in his body, and confidence returned to his face:"Are you too arrogant as a Saiyan?""


Ye Shan couldn't help but burst out laughing. No one has ever said that he is arrogant.

"Just think of me as arrogant, I'm going to dig your eyes out!" Ye Shan waved his hand and said casually, there was no need to explain so much to this little mouse anyway.

"You are so arrogant. You look like a Super Saiyan, right? Although I can't see through your strength, aren't you looking down on me too much?"Cell said in a deep voice, and he was very alert. He clearly saw that he had absorbed Androids 17 and 18 to become a perfect body, but he still didn't transform into a Super Saiyan, and his face looked so nonchalant. This kind of person is either an idiot or is fearless.

Ye Shan laughed and supported his knees with his hands and laughed for a long time before replying:"You take yourself too seriously. I still need to transform into a Super Saiyan to deal with a small minion of your strength. I might as well go home and sell tofu."

Cell couldn't stand being looked down upon like this. His chest rose and fell sharply, and murderous intent raged on his face. He punched out, surpassing the speed of sound by who knows how many times and hitting the Saiyan in an instant.

Looking at the Saiyan who seemed to be frightened and hadn't reacted yet, Cell felt a wave of disdain in his heart,"I thought he was a powerful character, but he was scared like this by a simple punch from me."

Passed through!~

"How come?..."Cell looked at the Saiyan who hadn't moved at all, and the punch he thought was sure to hit only hit the air on the side of the Saiyan's neck. His face was full of disbelief.

"Is that all?"Ye Shan said jokingly after dodging Cell's attack by slightly turning his head.

Every movement of Ye Shan now carries a certain unspeakable charm. He only slightly flickered his head to avoid Cell's fist, and Cell could not see anything unusual. What Cell saw was the strange feeling that the Saiyan did not move, but his fist automatically deflected.

Ye Shan slightly pressed down his shoulders, and suddenly hit Cell's chest with force, and there was a slight sound of bone cracking.

Cell was hit by this force and flew several meters high and fell heavily to the ground, splashing a pile of sand and dust.


Spiting out a mouthful of blood, Cell slowly got up from the ground, and looked at Ye Shan with a surprised look on his chest.

One blow!

He was beaten so badly with just one blow, and his sternum was cracked into several pieces.

"Am I being arrogant?"Hayama, who had severely injured Cell, seemed to have done something insignificant. He did not take the incident seriously at all and sneered.

Cell had Namekian cells fused into his body, and his recovery ability was amazing. Even if there was only one cell left, he could recover, not to mention the small wound on his chest. He rubbed it with his hand and it was soon healed.

"Who are you? I don't remember seeing a Saiyan as powerful as you on Earth."Sharu didn't dare to brag anymore and asked cautiously in a low voice.

Ye Shan shook his hand meaningfully and said,"I am a Saiyan, don't you already know that? As for where I came from, this is quite interesting, you wouldn't believe it even if I told you. I can come here thanks to you.."

Cell was completely confused. He indeed had no information about this Saiyan in his mind. As for the thing about being here thanks to him, it was all nonsense. Cell did not believe it at all.

Seeing that Cell did not believe the truth he said at all, Ye Shan did not care.

Rubbing his hands, he was filled with emotion,"Time and space are really amazing things.

Am I a troublemaker? After coming to this time and space, with my existence, the timeline seems to be divided into two, one with me, and the other is the future world without me.

" He shook his head and stopped thinking about these things.

Time and space, these two profound things, are not something he can experience and comprehend now.

"You don't need to care who I am. You just need to know that I will destroy you in a moment without leaving even a single cell!" Ye Shan said calmly.

""Damn it, I'll show you my true strength, Saiyan!" Cell was very angry at being despised, and he stood still and began to gather his energy.

A series of amazing air currents wrapped around Cell, and sand and rocks flew everywhere, and bushes flew everywhere. The rapid friction of the air began to produce fine lightning.

"Full strength? That's all. You're going to die anyway, why do you have to do so many tricks?"Ye Shan was not in a hurry at all. The best way to defeat a person is not to knock him down or kill him, but to make him feel the pain of living a life worse than death in despair.

When he is at the peak of his strength and the most glorious, kick him down from the top of the pyramid with a fierce kick. Isn't this interesting?

Ye Shan looked at Cell, whose momentum was rising higher and higher, and a hint of ridicule flashed under his eyelids.

Lightning Cell!!

After gathering his energy, his strength was raised to the peak. Cell, who was wrapped in lightning, opened his eyes, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, and looked coldly at Ye Shan, who was watching the show impatiently.

"Stupid Saiyan, to say you are arrogant is to flatter you. You dared to let me gather all my energy. This is the biggest mistake you have made in your life. You can slowly repent after you die!"

Cell's figure carried thunder and lightning and rolled up a gorgeous scene. The violent energy gushed out and attached to his fist and blasted out.

The space was rippled by the fist that was wiped by the high speed, which was enough to show how powerful this punch was.

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