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Tải ảnh: 0.052s Scan: 0.023sGoing up to the sky, Cell was kicked up to the sky and disappeared into the clouds

"What kind of tricks are you trying to play again?" Ye Shan did not fly up with him, just floating in the air without any hurry. In his mind, he could sense that Cell was bungee jumping in the sky, jumping around like a monkey.

In his hand, two light red Qi Yuan Zhan, one meter wide, condensed. Ye Shan locked onto Cell's position on the cloud and swung it upwards. The two Qi Yuan Zhan, which rotated like cutting wheels, flew up at high speed, made a small turn, and rushed to Cell's waist, trying to cut him in half.

Flash~! Cell dispersed the half-formed energy wave in his hand, and his figure kept flashing quickly, leaving afterimages one after another in an attempt to confuse Ye Shan, but it was useless. The two Qi Yuan Zhan seemed to have identified his true identity, and chased him after cutting through the afterimages.

"Really tough! ~" Cell saw that the two Qi Yuan Zhan had been tracking his footsteps. It was no use dodging them all the time. His hands emitted a faint white light, and two medium-sized energy bombs shot at the Qi Yuan Zhan that was chasing him.

Two loud noises sounded in the sky, and the Qi Yuan Zhan was finally blown into a sky full of stars and disappeared without a trace.

"You've attacked, it's my turn now!"

Super Kamehameha! Cell fired a move similar to that of Son Goku from his hand, and a thick blue energy wave fell vertically from the sky like a thunderbolt, hitting Ye Shan on the ground.

Ye Shan didn't care, and raised his finger to emit Frieza's Emperor Death Light. In an instant, thousands of beams of light blasted straight into the Super Kamehameha wave in the sky.

It's rotten, it's smashed to pieces!

The Super Kamehameha wave fired by Cell was smashed into tofu dregs by thousands of red light streamers, and hundreds of beams of light followed closely, reaching Cell in front of him in an instant and piercing his entire chest with hundreds of small holes. Blood poured out like a stream, like a small fountain in a small flower pond.

"Damn it! ~" Cell cursed inwardly, wiped his hand on his chest, and spent some energy to restore the wound to its original shape.

"Take the supernova from the brother of the cosmic emperor Frieza!"

Ye Shan seemed to be addicted to the energy duel, and without waiting for Cell to react, he threw another supernova that could chase people. The supernova, emitting the scorching light of a small sun, was like a small car with the accelerator fully stepped on, rumbling towards Cell quickly.

This is called stealing a chicken but losing the rice. Cell wanted to lead this enemy to the sky and use the clouds to disrupt the line of sight to achieve the purpose of a sneak attack, but he didn't expect Ye Shan to be fooled at all, and he threw a series of energy waves below.

The supernova rolled over as fast as a meteor, and Cell gritted his teeth and condensed golden light with his hands.

The ultimate flash!

Cell, who has integrated all the Z warrior cells, naturally used the move.

The golden flash hit the supernova, but the intensity was not enough to penetrate it. They could only hold on like this and no one could do anything to anyone, and resolutely staged a tug-of-war.

""Haha! ~, I'll see how long you can last!" With unlimited strength as his confidence, Ye Shan was not afraid of over-consuming energy. With another supernova in his hand, he took two steps back and kicked the bottom of the supernova, knocking it to the back of another supernova in the sky.

Bang! ~

The supernova behind, carrying boundless power, slammed into the back of the Far Moon Shu above, increasing its speed by more than double and pushing it madly towards Cell who was resisting with golden flashes in the clouds.

A trace of panic appeared on Cell's face. One ball was not enough, so he came with two. A voice flashed through his heart,"Does this Saiyan have endless energy?.."

I can't stop it! ~

The ball was approaching quickly with golden flashes, and Cell's energy was released and he quickly dodged to the other side.

He could dodge one side but couldn't dodge the other side. Half of his wing was ground and disappeared by the supernova.

"Damn Saiyan, you actually dared to hurt my most precious flying wings."Cell looked at his back, which was still emitting smoke and half of his wings had been cut off, and roared angrily.

Perfect Kamehameha!

Cell's most powerful move, with a very terrifying deterrent, it is said that it can destroy the entire solar system with one blow!

""You're starting to play with your life. It looks like you're very angry." Ye Shan smiled lightly, and his hand was slowly shining with red light. The

100-meter-thick dark blue Kamehameha shot down like a giant beast, as if it wanted to penetrate the entire earth.

The red light on Ye Shan's hand suddenly dissipated, and he flew towards the Kamehameha, and kicked it up!

"The power is quite strong."The infinite impact of the Super Kamehameha made Ye Shan's body slow down. Ye Shan smiled contemptuously, exerted force on his legs, and kicked the Super Kamehameha that was stuck on his toes and couldn't move forward. It was bent and flew out into the outer space, and shot straight out and hit the moon from a long distance, blasting it into cosmic dust.

"Bastard! ~Why..I don't have his cells, if I also have cells as strong as his..."Cell murmured with his hands shaking.

He was shocked and frightened by Ye Shan's strength. Even though he used the most powerful Kamehameha, he still couldn't do anything to him. He was even kicked away. Cell was a little desperate, but also a little eager, eager to get the cells from this terrifying Saiyan to further evolve.

"It seems to be frightened, poor little bug." Ye Shan shook his head. This level of fighting was just a warm-up. Cell was already in trouble before the main course began.

"That black-faced man is really patient. He doesn't even come out... Does he really have to wait until Cell gets on the time machine before he shows up?"

Time machine..."

Ye Shan slapped his head and suddenly realized something, then frowned again:"The time machine I gave to Future Bulma half a year ago was originally made by her herself. According to the current situation, it should be almost ready. That black-faced man hasn't shown up yet. Does he really want to wait until the time machine is used by someone, and then return to the original Earth through the space-time fluctuations caused by opening the space-time channel? What is his purpose?..."

"No matter what your purpose is, I will not let you go back to disturb my world. Let me try it out...."Ye Shan thought to himself, a violent killing intent flashed across his eyes like lightning.

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