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Ultimate Flash! ~

Cell went crazy, and disappeared directly from the clouds and appeared within 1 meter behind Ye Shan. He sent out two golden energy waves with his hands, trying to catch him off guard at such a close distance.

After Ye Shan moved, Cell disdained Cell's tricks, and did not dodge, but turned around and kicked him in the head with his foot raised 180 degrees.

Cell was a little surprised that the Saiyan did not even dodge, and he kicked over and pressed his shoulder without paying attention to the energy wave in his hand. The whole person was pressed by this huge force and sank into the ground for dozens of meters.

The golden energy wave hit Ye Shan's back from close range, making a sizzling sound.

No, it didn't hit him. Ye Shan was wrapped in a thin layer of light red energy shield, which easily blocked the golden energy wave from entering.

Ye Shan's body shook slightly, and the energy in his body surged outwards at a very fast speed. The two golden energy waves were directly defeated and disappeared into the air.

"Come out! There is no use hiding underground."Ye Shan said calmly. Cell was pressed into the ground by his foot and did not come out. Although the force of the kick was not small, Cell, who had integrated the cells of many powerful men, would never die so easily.

Cell's figure still did not appear. His breath had quietly disappeared deep underground. If Ye Shan could not sense his soul fluctuations, he might have escaped.

"Escape without a fight? I wonder where you can escape to!"Ye Shan was walking slowly on the ground, following Cell who was digging a hole underground, not daring to emit any breath, trying to escape from here.

Cell was panicked and terrified at this time, and he no longer had the desire to fight. He thought that after absorbing two androids and evolving into a perfect form, no one in the world would be his opponent. He never expected that a strange Saiyan would suddenly appear, and his strength was so terrifying that he didn't even need to transform into a Super Saiyan to beat him into this state.

"Hateful Saiyan, I will escape from here quietly first. Then slowly find an opportunity to wait until his cell tissue..."Cell's mind raced, and he made a decision quickly. He moved forward slowly, using only his physical strength to dig the solid rocks underground.

Ye Shan saw how hard he worked to dig the hole, and how he moved as slowly as a snail. In an instant, he arrived in front of Son Gohan 3. Anyway, Cell's soul fluctuations had been completely locked, so even if he ran to the depths of the universe and hid, Ye Shan could easily find him.

""Uncle Yeshan, did you kill the green-skinned monster?" Trunks looked at Yeshan with extreme shock.

It was very strong. This green-skinned monster absorbed two androids in a row. It was outrageous. Trunks felt that with his current strength, he would be defeated and killed in one move. However, he did not expect that this monster with such terrifying strength was completely played by Uncle Yeshan with a faint smile....

"I can kill this green monster so easily without turning into a superman. How amazing! Can Saiyans really become so strong? Can I become a strong one in the future?..."Son Gohan's eyes were burning as he stared at Ye Shan who was walking forward.

Ye Shan shook his head and said,"Not yet. That little mouse has Piccolo's regeneration ability so it's not that easy to die. It's digging a hole underground to escape now.""

"What... not dead yet? That green monster is much more powerful than the two androids. If he escapes, then the only humans left on Earth will be......"Son Gohan really didn't have the confidence that he could kill him, and said with a worried look on his face.

Ye Shan looked at the worried expressions of the others, waved his hand and said indifferently:"Don't worry, he can't escape from my palm. Um... he seems to be coming out, you wait here."

In a moment, Cell in the underground had drilled out a thousand meters away, and at this time he broke a hole in the ground, revealing a pair of eyes carefully looking out. He breathed a sigh of relief when he didn't find the terrifying Saiyan, and jumped out slightly.

"Little mouse, running away from the battlefield is not a good fighter!"

A voice came from behind. Cell, who was overjoyed to have escaped, froze in his body. He screamed in panic,"It's that Saiyan! When did he follow us?".."

He quickly leaped forward a few steps, escaped a hundred meters away, turned around and saw that the figure with his arms crossed and smiling happily was the Saiyan.

"Saiyan!!" Cell screamed in shock, his muscles tensed, his legs slightly bent, his fists clenched in front of him as if facing a great enemy, his eyes fixed on the Saiyan's every move.

Ye Shan lightly lifted his foot, and a small stone hit Cell like a bullet, making a sound of breaking through the air, and jokingly said:"Where did you learn this skill of escape? I remember that the warriors on Earth would not do such a shameful thing."

"Saiyan, don't go too far!" Shattering the stone with one punch, Cell's face was full of anger, but there was a hint of timidity in his eyes.

Ye Shan's face condensed, and he said coldly:"So what if I am so excessive? I will never break my promise to kill you a second time!"

Before he finished speaking, Ye Shan appeared in front of Cell in a flash of red light, and punched him in the chest cleanly. The fist with infinite power did not even have a trace of resistance, and Cell's solid chest was directly punched through.

"Ha~haha! Stupid Saiyan, you could have killed me by releasing energy waves from a distance, but you shouldn't have come close to me, die!" Cell laughed wildly in surprise, holding his arms tightly on his chest with both hands, his body emitting a dazzling light.

It exploded!

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