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"We can go to that blue planet and enjoy it when we have time. Lord Beerus, let's go back now. Take care, Yeshan!" Whis chuckled and waved his scepter to push Yeshan out of the shuttle cube. He manipulated the cube to penetrate into the void and disappeared.

Yeshan stood alone in the void with a bitter smile. They really didn't give him any face and just drove him away. He had wanted to visit the planet where Beerus lived.

"Hey~ I was fighting with Beerus and I didn't know which galaxy I flew to. Where is this place?..."Ye Shan muttered to himself.

After sensing the star map in his mind for a moment, Ye Shan's face looked a little strange. A battle scene actually crossed the entire Northern Galaxy.

There was nothing to see in the unfamiliar galaxy. After walking around for two rounds, he felt a little bored. When Ye Shan was about to go back, he suddenly sensed the location of the new Namek. He thought that he had never been to the new Namek.

The new Namek is located in the lower star area of the Northern Galaxy, far away from the central area to avoid being invaded by Frieza's army again.

"It looks similar to the original Namek. Do all Namekians like green so much?...."Ye Shan teleported to the sky above New Namek, looking down at the planet that was still glowing with a green glow.

The Great Elder's aura was gone....

"The great elder who had existed for who knows how many years died just like that?..."Ye Shan could not sense the breath of the Great Elder, nor did he see the huge building on the planet where the Great Elder used to rest.

His figure slowly stopped at the foot of a small village on New Namek where the tribe was obviously more concentrated.

"Who are you? What do you want to do in our Namek?"A young Namek saw a stranger coming to the village, rushed up and stared at him with vigilance.

Ye Shan smiled and said,"Don't be so nervous. I went to your original Namek many years ago and met the great elder several times. I have no ill will towards you. I just came here to take a look."

"It's better this way, I will keep an eye on you!" The young Namekian obviously didn't believe the outsider's words, and stared at him cautiously.

Ye Shan ignored him and walked lightly in the small village, looking around and sighing from time to time.

Since Frieza invaded the original Namek to snatch the Long Pearl, many Namekians seemed to have been killed. Now there are only about half of the original people staying on the new planet. Even the great elder is dead, and the Long Pearl of Namek has naturally disappeared. It's really sad!

"Hey~ Friend, if you follow me, can you please stop staring at me? I'm not used to it." After strolling for a while, there was always a creepy gaze falling on him from behind, which made Ye Shan uncomfortable. He always felt like a prisoner under close surveillance. The young Namekian looked serious when he heard it, and asked suspiciously:"Are you guilty? Otherwise, what are you afraid of? The Great Elder is gone, and the LONG Pearl is gone. What is your purpose in coming here?""

You are too suspicious~~~Ye Shan thought to himself.

Ye Shan stopped and turned around and said,"There is no purpose. Now that your Great Elder is gone, who is in charge now? I'll just go see him and leave, right?"

Still want to see Little Elder Dendy? The young Namekian looked at Ye Shan with hostility in an instant, his muscles tensed, and he was ready to fight if he didn't agree.

This is a bit too much. Looking at the young Namekian who was extremely unfriendly to him, Ye Shan was a little annoyed.

Just when he was about to teach this young Namekian a lesson, a voice came over.

Boko, don't be rude to our guests! This is Ye Shan, who has met the Great Elder twice. He is from the same tribe as Sun Wukong who saved us Namekians last time. He is not a bad guy. You go and do your thing first, let me greet him!" A middle-aged Namekian walked over, looked at Ye Shan with a suspicious look for a moment, and then whispered to the young man next to him

"Then I will get busy first, Elder!"The young man looked at Ye Shan in confusion, and after thinking for a long time, he could not find any image related to the man in front of him. Finally, he saluted the elder and left.

Ye Shan carefully looked at the middle-aged Namekian in front of him for a moment, and could not remember whether he had seen him before. After all, in his opinion, all Namekians seemed to look the same.

"Mr. Ye Shan, my name is Daner, have you forgotten? A long time ago, you came to our Namek and it was me who called out Porunga to help you realize your wish. After you fulfilled a wish, you left our planet."Daner stretched out his hand and made a wish to Porunga, explaining with a smile.

Make a wish....

Ye Shan remembered that it was the second time he came to Namek to kill Slug

"So you are the Namekian Dan who helped me make a wish to Porunga..."Ye Shan smiled awkwardly and thought to himself: Has he told me his name before?...

Daner sighed and said,"Thanks to the wish you left behind, Nair was able to be resurrected. In order to fight against the terrifying Frieza not long ago, Nair merged with a combat-type Namekian who had left our home planet for many years in an attempt to defeat him. Unfortunately,....."

This is fate! Fate has already arranged it....

Ye Shan was in a trance. What would be his fate?

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