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"Ye Shan, the Great Elder has passed away. Now our New Namek is temporarily represented by little Dandy as the Great Elder. I will take you to meet him!" Daner looked at Ye Shan who was lost in thought and said.

Dandy, didn't that Namek kid go to Earth to serve as a god?

Ye Shan came back to his senses and followed Daner's footsteps, thinking about Dandy, the little Namekian.

The houses on Namek are not really beautiful, they are all semi-circular buildings. Ye Shan followed Daner to a slightly huge building and stopped.

"Come, follow me in~! Elder Dandy should be making new dragon balls in there." Daner said as he continued to walk inside.

"Making Dragon Balls? I want to see it carefully!!"Ye Shan's interest increased greatly. He wanted to see how Dragon Balls were made. He stepped into the house in front of him with a quicker pace.

Although this round house was huge, it was still far inferior to the room where the great elder rested. There was not much inside. A Namekian child was sitting on the ground, fiddling with a ball made of an unknown substance. There were also five finished black balls scattered around.

"Could this black sphere be a LONG bead?..."Looking at the black balls on the ground, Ye Shan didn't believe that this black thing that seemed to be made of mud could be a dragon ball that could fulfill any wish.

Dandi seemed to be concentrating on making the dragon ball in his hand, and didn't notice the two people walking as lightly as cats.


Daner looked at Dandi who was about to make a dragon ball, put his hand on his mouth and winked at Ye Shan behind him, indicating that he should not speak for now.

"It seems that this black thing is really a dragon ball. I have to go and take a closer look."Ye Shan thought to himself and walked to Dandy 2 meters away to observe carefully, trying to find the secret of making dragon balls.

Little Dandy also noticed the two people coming in, but the dragon ball was already at a critical juncture, so he didn't say anything to greet them and continued to work on his hands.

After about half a while, Little Dandy finally breathed a sigh of relief and put the dragon ball on the ground together with the other five.

"Is this how to make dragon balls? Something seems to be wrong. Is it because I only saw the second half, or is it because the seven dragon balls were not completed?" Ye Shan thought to himself.

"Daner, sorry to have kept you waiting!..."Dandy greeted him and looked at the man Daner brought with curiosity.

Daner raised his hand and saluted, saying,"Young elder, this is the Saiyan Ye Shan, who came to our Namek twice many years ago before you were born, and saved our Namekian people!" Kind man...Ye Shan was embarrassed when he heard this, and waved his hands modestly,"I just happened to do this when I was passing by!"

Dandy stopped at Ye Shan, his eyes flashed with doubt, and he put his hand on his forehead and recalled.

Daner seemed to see what Dandy was thinking, and explained,"Little elder, you definitely have no impression. Because you were not born at that time!"

"So that's how it is, it was a long time ago. Mr. Yeshan, thank you for saving us Namekians all those years ago!" Dandy smiled like a child and bowed to Yeshan to express his gratitude.

"This is nothing. After all, I have used the Dragon Balls on Namek before, so it is only right for me to help deal with some powerful enemies. By the way! Dendy, are these 6 Dragon Balls on the ground the ones you made? They don’t look like Dragon Balls at all. They are all black." Ye Shan said with a smile, then pointed at the 6 black Dragon Balls on the ground and asked.

Dendy looked at the Dragon Ball on the ground that was still one short of being completely completed, touched his head and said embarrassedly,"Yes, but this is not a real Dragon Ball yet. Only when all 7 are completed and activated can you call upon the Dragon God to make a wish. I’m still too young to make Dragon Balls, so it’s still a little difficult. It took me many days to complete these 6 Dragon Balls."

"Only when seven of them gather together can magical changes occur. No wonder it is so dark that even the stars inside cannot be seen......"Ye Shan exclaimed.

Dandy smiled and said,"Yes, just wait a few more days for me to make the last one, and we on Namek will have a new dragon ball to use!"

Hearing this, Ye Shan's heart was moved. The black ball in its current state was not a real dragon ball. Only when the seven were made could we see the process of the dragon ball being produced.

"Can I stay here for a few days? I haven't seen how the dragon balls are made yet." Ye Shan sat on the ground and carefully picked up a black ball and studied it carefully.

"Making Dragon Balls is not a secret in our tribe, and many tribesmen know how to do it. If you are our Namekian friend and want to see it, then of course there is no problem!" Little Dandy agreed readily.

Making Dragon Balls is not really a magical thing on Namek, and basically every functional Namekian can make them, but since they had the more powerful Dragon Balls made by the Great Elder, no one was too lazy to make them.

Ye Shan smiled happily and said,"Then I'll stay here for a few days and wait for you to finish making the Dragon Balls before coming to see them!!"

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