Dungeons for the Devil, Dungeons for the Core

Chapter 63: Vinstadt 4. Servants

It's about the servant.

When he finished preparing a dungeon for rats and bats - something discreet to a degree that dungeoned the nest hole and aisle - Crowe said to Xu (offal) towards the undead.

"Did you hit anything there?

"No, I wondered if it would work with this one, and most importantly..."

"The neighbors aren't coming any closer. Just roll it up and watch it."

"I knew it... I thought that might be the case, so I arranged it here."

With that said, Crowe took out two people who looked like servants through a dungeon that opened the gate - a crate, no matter how you look at it. The skin and hair color were thin, and we soon found ourselves in the group of five.

"Undead...... right?

"I didn't think you'd bring more normal people here now, did I?

A magnificent man and a middle-aged woman bowed their heads in peck. I feel like I saw it, I don't look like an adventurer or a soldier. Looks like it's not the undead I was in the pit.

"... it seems like the first time I've met you?

"Don't worry, Duncan, I didn't procure for this. They are victims of Shrek's mineral poison, pioneering people who came to Shrek about a hundred years ago."

Crowe continues to explain when he sees half his face, such as convinced and not sincerely falling.

"Sure, the Grievance Spirit was all over the place, but they were all too hostile to the kingdom, and they were worried about what they would do if they gave meat as an undead. It's not like these people were in the kingdom... at least until they died."

"... is there a translation?

"The location of the tomb may not have been known in a hundred years, but they said they were storming the tomb during the mining, and the remains were thrown into the dump."


"The remains are badly damaged, so I managed to hire these two men to restore them. Paul does the garden work, Anna does the cooking number"

When Crowe introduced them, they bowed their heads and greeted each other instead. For the record, the name Paul has Latin - I don't know if there's Latin in this world - meaning "small". But the gardener's man was in a disappointing physique, and he looked no less pale alongside Duncan, who had served as a wall in his lifetime. By the way, Anna derives from the Hebrew word - to this world, hereinafter abbreviated - "the grace of God".

Flynn, the healer, asks the question in the sense that he said he was afraid while looking at the two of them.

"Um... Your husband, is it that hard to create an undead?

"Hmm? Oh, Flynn was a healer. Are you interested from that point of view? No, not if it's just a moving corpse, but being an undead who can judge and act autonomously, like you guys, takes a lot of work."

Crowe continues his explanation as he looks sideways at Kite, who somehow showed her how good at it.

"Next time, it's not a story unless the spirit body remains a ground-bound spirit first. That is also conditional on the intellect remaining to the extent that the conversation makes sense. Next, we have to find the remains that correspond to that spiritual body. There were a few scattered remains there, so it's hard to pick them out. Finally, the remains must be assembled correctly. If we don't have at least 80% of them in place, we're gonna have to move."

Crowe remembers when he brought the Skeleton Dragon back to life with his distant eyes. He accidentally consumed some of his bones as material, so he had a great deal of difficulty making new missing parts. Complaints come that they can't move smoothly when they're of different sizes... and when they say they weigh different and they're out of balance, they're the ones with heads.

"... well, that's why it took a lot of work. Undoubtedly, if you don't assemble it in a single bone, the worst part of you will be a mix of two spirits, or the shape of your body will be different from left to right."


It was a flin of how we pulled it off as much as we wanted, but the same seems to be true of the four people we were hearing in the rear - and the two new faces - who are checking their bodies again.

"There is a balance between one noble Cao child and four escorts and two servants, but this will help me for a while. Additional personnel will try to manage……"

The kites are also frightened that you just thought you were sorry for Crowe, who had a weak voice in his butt blush. In the meantime, Flynn talks in a different direction about trying to change the atmosphere.

"Well, the neighbors think that's the only reason why there's so many of you."

"Like being episodically violent?

"The one with the blade on Kio Guy?

"You guys..."

Crowe, who was watching it, broke in like that.

"I remember with a kite and a blade..."

"Your husband..."

"No, not that way... your sword, as it was when the bishop gave it to you, right? I thought you might be noticeable."

I look at my love sword like if I were told and Kate said so.

"... should I change it?

"If you just change it, you'll be fine. Give it to me."

When he takes Kite's sword, Crowe uses his alchemy skills to change the color and pattern of the sheath. Then, when the pattern was changed to something else, the sword, which until then had looked like a golden sword, became like a family heirloom handed down from generation to generation to nobility.

"Heh... if you change, you change."

I don't think it's the same thing.

"If this is the love sword of a great nobleman, it's true."

"The work is done, but the eyes of Yaltans will also be deluded. You can carry it with you."

That's what Crowe told me. Kate was happily stroking her love sword, but she looks up like she came up with something.

"Isn't that what you say, your husband, and your servant are slaves?


"If you're a slave, there's a slave contract, and you don't talk about anything extra, and you didn't tell me that this country is collecting subhuman slaves?

Crowe rounds his eyes to suggestions from the unexpected kite, but adopts kite's opinion after much reflection.

"Good suggestion. If you see a subhuman slave, take it as far as possible. I brought extra money, but I'll be more prepared if necessary."

A new assignment has been given to the kites.

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