Just after a paragraph on the subject of servants, Kite asks Crowe again.

"Yes, sir, what about my name?

Everyone who heard it turned in the direction of Kate, then looked at each other and finally at Crowe.

"You mean a fake name..."

"But I don't have a family name, do I?

Everyone thinks into Kate's words.

"Sure, it's awkward (first) to move in a lifetime name..."

"I don't care if it's one or two people, if it's all here..."

"But when they call you by an unfamiliar name and you delay your reaction, don't you find it suspicious?

"Even if you can convince me that Kite is an ant, we are..."

"Master, what's going on with our position?

Crowe confesses honestly when asked.

"I didn't have time to work out that much. I'm not thinking about it. You want to hear everyone's hopes and decide now?

Thus, a sudden naming meeting was held.

"Do you think it's okay that Kite has Manastella gold coins and that it's a Manastella translation?

"Right...... right. Does this country interact deeply with Manastella? If not, you won't even find out... go with that line. If you put a pseudonym in your name because your real name is handicapped, some unnaturalness could be deluded."

"So, is it okay that Kite has a pseudonym?"

"... that's tricky. So, what happens to my family name?

"That's proper...... you decide by the goodness of the talk"

There were four other people besides Kite who thought they were going to be pretty unscrupulous, but unsurprisingly, Kite decided on her family name lightly.

"Bye... at Kite Augustine"

"... I seem to have made up my mind a long time ago, but what do I mean?

"My grandmother's name was Augusta, who adored me."

This guy, he was a grandmother, with whom I'm surprised.

"Well, that's not okay. It's an unlikely name. It's a pseudonymous name."

According to Maria's explanation, Augusta names are common as personal names, but because of this, it is difficult to think of such a name as a family name. Therefore, it is a pseudonym. It was explained that the feeling could be overflowing.

"The problem is our name..."

"What's the name of the brave party that's been wiped out?

I was with Gil on his suggestion...

"No... it would just stand out. That's awkward."

"In general, what kind of mood is it to deceive the names of the dead?

"Before that, in our case, there would be no inevitability of a pseudonym."

"So Maria already named herself in the guild, right?

"Ah, yeah. You can't change your name now."

"Well, it's just the three of us."

Gill was the first of the three to decide his name.

"I'm good with Bart. That's what they used to call it."

"Well, I'm in Frey. It's a name I've used before."

"Am I the only one left... but I can't think of a way to do it"

"Isn't Duncan good around Don?

"Doesn't it look too much like your original name? Kate and Maria are still there, and should we twist it a little bit?

"So is that..."

"But if it's a very different name, I'm not sure I know it's about me..."

"If you leave the vowel line intact, it sounds just as surprising, doesn't it? For example... Right, how about Hank? Or Jan or something?

Duncan was bumpy and whining for a while, but eventually he looked up.

"Hank seems like a good idea. Sorry for the inconvenience."

Thus, we decided on a new identity for the former/brave party, I thought...

"Ah, adventurer guild cards, you won't be able to use them"

"... I mean, if it's true, it should say death, my card..."

"Oh, I faked Maria's card with a few hands. Everybody's cards do that? Or do you want to make a card with a new name?

"... how is it different?

"Keep your old cards and you'll be able to use the miracle survival hand."

I think the Dungeon Master is amazing - while the voices of three men overlap.

""... with a new card ", please"

"Got it. I'll make a new card for the three of you. I'd say you're a registered adventurer in Manastella, but if you use a card in Manastella, you can be careful that it's not on the roster in one shot, right?

"" "Yes!

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