Dungeons for the Devil, Dungeons for the Core

Chapter 68: The Brothers of the Reptilians 1. The Visible

Purchasing a subhuman slave... Originally, when I was transferred to the Augustine Mansion after being contacted that I had protected him, I was forced to face two boys my age who might turn ten. I'm talking about being subhuman brothers... what race?

"The slave trader is a kind of beast."

"What? That's a long story, right?

"Thank you for turning some slave traders around..."

Tagging around?

Once again, when I turn my eyes to both of them, my thoughts, which are neither frightening nor giving up, are hidden behind my eyes.... Was it even abuse?

"No, the seller seemed to take care of the slaves for a slave trader"

"Abuse… more like you had trouble handling it."

"... I'm not sure. What's the cause?

"After all, I wanted to be awkward that the race was unknown."

"Didn't you try it? Oh, the words make sense?

"No... not like that..."

I asked the two of you about their origins...

"They brought me here when I was an egg. I don't know."


I saw the kites saying what was going on...

"These kids, they're reptiles."

Reptilian?... With that said, the skin is fine, but it has a strange shine... I thought it was a mole (bruise) that looked everywhere, the one with the big scales? At first glance, I looked like a normal person... no...

"Does anyone know where (where) it is in the town or country of the reptiles?

Everyone shook their heads sideways.

"I mean... too rare for anyone to get their hands on?

"And they fall asleep or move slowly in cold places."


As a result of no one being able to handle him, he was turned around as a slave trader. There may have been rumblings like wasting rice. I don't feel bad about him. So... you have eyes like you've given up...

"Do you have any work experience?

When we heard that, we both shook our heads sideways with a pitiful look on our faces.

When I checked often, when I had just hatched from an egg, my body was small - I doubted my ears when I heard that it was about a small dog baby - and sometimes they treated me like a pet. But the reptiles (Reptilians) seem to grow fast, and when they grew to be about the same size as human children, they were tired of their owners and sold to slave traders. They also had trouble dealing with the pressed forms of slave traders - I can't help it because I have no idea what the racial characteristics are - I decided to sell them in a rare beast frame and the early stories gave me nothing to work with. I can't sell it with no added value because I don't remember my job. Pushing at other merchants in trouble. It seemed like such a repetition of the situation. He looks like he's eight now, by the way.

When I asked if they were willing to learn to work, they both snorted hard. Sounds like a good girl.

For now, it would be good to serve Kate. I shook my head when I heard the name.

"" No name ""

No? When I asked if it was inconvenient, it didn't seem so inconvenient because it was always handled in pairs.... have you never been treated as an individual? And pitiful children.

... Is this the way I name it? When I look at Kite, who will be my husband in front of the building, I don't try to look at him. The other four watch in silence. The two boys... oh, they're looking at me with the kind of eyes you'd expect. You're not going to get away with this...

But what's the name of a brother so... brothers?

"... wait a minute. If I grabbed you when you were an egg, wouldn't you have any certainty that you were a brother?

"Yes, but we've been together for a long time, so I was the one who hatched first."

Oh... that's the thing.

But even if it is called the name of the brothers... Goro and Shiro have enemies, Yuen Ask Dynasty and Shinji killed their brother, Shinnoshi Maida and Yukimura split into enemy allies, and Tofu (Toshimi) Su Feng (Soho) and Toshimi (Toshimi) Asahara (Sakai) are insulated... how about that? Abroad... the iron mask is Louis XIV's half-brother... so what do you do with it? Three Grimm brothers famous for their Grimm fairy tales are Yarkob and Wilhelm, Ludwig...... The Wright brothers Orville and Wilbur... you're the brothers obsessed with flying... Uncle Haku and Uncle Shiku starved to death...

... Simply make up your mind in the bathroom. Because it's a short name that's easy to call... can I hack and shuk now?

I didn't go into how I came to name it, and I said I got it from the name of a famous brother in my hometown - I'm not lying - and when I named my brother Haku, my brother Shuku, he was happy.

"All right, Hak, Shuk. You're going to take care of this kite. I don't know what to do at first, but that's for everyone to tell me, so remember me well and be a good squire. You don't have to rush, but you don't have to be lazy."

"" Yes!

The two young voices aligned.

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