Dungeons for the Devil, Dungeons for the Core

Chapter 68: Leptilian's Brothers 2. Attire

"Your husband. It's a corner, so I'd like to put some matching clothes on both of you."

Maria is the only person experienced in aristocratic life who has advanced and suggested so. There's a lot of anxiety there about what "corner" refers to - only for a moment, it emitted an atmosphere similar to that of some editor - but what you're saying is even more so.

"... Surely it is odd that you are wearing inconsistent personal clothes because you are serving the nobleman, Cao.... All right, I'll leave it to Maria, so you can do it all the way from jacket to underwear. Like buying anything else you need besides clothing. Then... the men will be ready for the two rooms, so help me."

Maria - Frey followed me with his luggage - asks me to buy it out, and me and Kate, Hank and Bart prepare the room. I may be able to use one room because it is still small, but I thought I would make it a big room considering when I grew up...

"" Um... too spacious to be comfortable ""

They put a waste out of them. Well, how about this much room?

"The furniture you need is a bed, a desk and... what else do you need for a children's room?

"No... you only have a nobleman's room, don't you?

You can't have a private room in the first place.

"Miscellaneous fish sleep in the big room."

"No, this mansion, it's a small number of servants in the first place, and you're not comfortable alone in the big room, are you? Then it's a private room - the same room - but it's the only way. When that happens, you'll still need furniture too. It's weird to have a private room with nothing, isn't it?

It's gonna be like a prison cell, okay?

"Well... will it"

"If so, is it a garment box containing clothes and luggage?"

I see, a closet.

"No... clothes (I) packed (Gi) boxes (Bako)..."

"Give it up, kite. I'm sure that in your husband's country, clothes and boxes are meant to finger closets..."

... You seem to be saying something hiccups in the back, but you won't have to worry about it.

The fact is that Crowe was simply confusing clothes (y) with boxes (bucko) - or clothes (y) with rows (g) with lees (ri) - and clothes (y) with clothes (d) (s) (su), but both parties may not realize the mistake.

"Haku, Shuku, do you want one big bed or one small one at a time?

"" Um... little one in one ""

"Okay, one king size."


I'll have to get my order out later.

("Haku, Shuku, get used to it early")

("If it gets drenched, you can come to me.")

("" Thank you ")

Something's going on back there...

The Marias returned sooner than expected...... less luggage against expectations. Instead I brought...

"Now, I'll take your dimensions"

("... hey, Maria... aren't you a good fit?")

Bart is asking in a whisper.

("Horse deer. Hey, Bart. You don't keep all kinds of children's clothes tailored for noble servants in a store. It's normal to call a tailor.")

("Oh, really?")

Bart looks at me, but he doesn't even know I'm here. Kate is wisely following my attitude. I'll do the same.

"So, the fabric has been pre-worn. Would you like to place an order?

The tailor turned to Kite. Come on, kite, what do we do?

"Oh, oh, I'll leave it to Maria"

All right, good job.

"Well, I won't dare bring two pairs."

"As soon as possible, please"

"Yes, sir."

"Whoa, Maria, I can't believe it (...) What is it?

"I need to get dressed. You don't wear one, do you?

"Get dressed!?

"You know, Bert, if you were a nobleman's squire, you'd be wearing dirty clothes and putting mud on your husband's face? From now on, you'll get dressed properly."

Burt and the others look at me in despair, but this Maria is right.

"Just because you have a hard body to get dirty doesn't mean you don't have any sperm. Especially since children are prone to dirty clothes for the sake of booming thanksgiving. … more women in charge of laundry…"

"I'm sorry, sir..."

"No, Maria is right about this. I should have arranged it sooner, too."

Haku and Shuku were watching a series of shipments, but Haku asked me a few questions.

"Um... who should we serve?

Oh, are you confused?

"It's a little hard, but remember. Your husband is supposed to be this kite. I'm on top of Kite, but I'm not your direct master. Well, think of me as something like Kate's brother or uncle."

("I don't care what you think. Kite's older though.")

Shut up.

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