Holding the old woman’s dry hands, listening to her pleading words.

Cao Bin was in great torment.

The contradiction between law and emotion made him doubt what he was doing.

After some entanglement, he chose to let her go.

The inner torture made him unable to continue the investigation.

Because he found that compared with the drug dealer, he was the “evil man”.

Cheng Yong, who was selling drugs again, was soon found by Zhang Changlin who was on the run.

This time, before Zhang Changlin asked for money, Cheng Yong took out 300,000 yuan for him.

“You took the money and ran away, and the medicine matter rotted in your stomach.”

Zhang Changlin looked at him in shock and asked, “I heard that you didn’t make any money this time.”

Seeing that Cheng Yong didn’t reply, he continued:

“Very righteous.”

“As a person who has experienced it, I have to give you some advice.”

“I have been selling medicine for many years and found that there is only one disease in the world.


“You can’t cure this disease, and you can’t cure it. Forget it.”

But Cheng Yong’s expression was firm, without a trace of change, “Are you done?”

At this time, Zhang Changlin realized that the Cheng Yong in front of him was different from the Cheng Yong in the past.

Now, even he, a fake drug dealer, admires him from the bottom of his heart.

“Take care.”

After a blessing, he left the textile factory with cash.

But soon Zhang Changlin was tracked down by the police and arrested in a small hotel.

The arrested Zhang Changlin was immediately asked who is still selling generic drugs now.


“Who are you trying to fool? You’ve been running for half a year, how could you possibly sell drugs?”

“It’s definitely not me.” Zhang Changlin leaned back in his chair and said with a smile.

“Selling fake drugs harms people, why are you so arrogant?”

At this time, Zhang Changlin said pitifully:

“Who did I harm? I have treated at least 500 leukemia patients in the past two years, if not 1,000, so I can count it as doing good deeds.”

“Are you right?”


This laugh contained extremely complex emotions, as if it summarized his previous life.

There was self-mockery, relief, irony, and helplessness.

And the last bit of human brilliance as a human being.

I hope that my current behavior can make Cheng Yong more active for a while, which can be regarded as doing good deeds.

But his smile was a provocation to the police, so they continued to intensify the investigation of fake drug dealers.

One day, Cheng Yong and Peng Hao went to pick up the goods and found that the yellow-haired man had shaved his yellow hair.

Having been away from home for many years, he also wanted to go back and see his family, and Cheng Yong strongly supported him.

But when Peng Hao was peeing, he found that the police had already tracked him down.

Realizing that something was wrong, he immediately ran back and snatched the car carrying the fake drugs from Cheng Yong.

The police who tracked him down immediately launched a pursuit.

Peng Hao, who had never learned to drive, drove crookedly.

Just when he thought he had successfully led the police away, a large truck drove from the side.

The old pickup truck was smashed to pieces, and the life-saving generic drugs were scattered all over the ground.

And Peng Hao fell in a pool of blood.

When Cheng Yong rushed to the hospital, Peng Hao had already lost his life.

He was furious and rushed up to question Cao Bin with red eyes.

“He is only 20 years old.”

“He just wants to live, what crime has he committed?”

“What crime has he committed?”

“What crime has he committed?”

Cao Bin, who had always been high-spirited, looked lost in front of his former brother-in-law whom he looked down upon.

Compared with the current Cheng Yong, he is the “one who made a mistake”.

One roar after another, one question after another.

It was like a sharp sword piercing his heart of justice.

This was not Cheng Yong’s question, but the question of those thousands of patients who relied on generic drugs to survive.

“If you arrest the drug dealers, we will all die.”

“We just want to live, what crime have we committed?”

At this moment, he questioned the justice he had always insisted on.

After returning to the police station, he found his boss.

“Cao Bin, what do you mean?”

“My ability is limited.”

“Do you know what the consequences will be?”

“I accept all penalties, I can’t handle this case.”

Seeing that his former capable men were like frost-bitten eggplants, the director knew that he had reached his limit.

The director actually knew it in his heart, but behind him was the law.

The law is greater than emotion.

Someone must be the “evil man”.

“Go down.”

This time he didn’t question or get angry, he just said it calmly.

The situation took a turn for the worse, Cheng Yong lost another teammate and a friend.

Tianzhu was also raided by the government.

The pharmaceutical factory could no longer produce generic drugs, ChengYong also predicted that he would not last long.

So he just let it go, as long as someone bought, he would sell.

Even if he lost money, he would continue.

For safety, he sent his son away.

Sure enough, during a drug delivery, Cheng Yong was arrested.

Facing the trial, he confessed his guilt.

But he firmly believed that the future would be better.

A large number of people gathered on the way to escort Cheng Yong to the prison. They were all patients who benefited from Cheng Yong.

Say goodbye to him here.

The driver of the transport slowed down so that everyone could see this benefactor.

It also allowed Cheng Yong to see the patients he saved.

The slow vehicle was driving on the road, and a large number of people gathered on the side of the road, staring at Cheng Yong in the vehicle.

Silently took off the mask, which was a respect for the benefactor.

Through the car window, he saw familiar faces and grateful smiles.

In the crowd, Lv Shouyi was back and Peng Hao was back.

They all smiled at Cheng Yong, as if they were applauding his behavior.

This scene immediately caused the theater to be filled with rustling cries.

Zeng Li, who was next to Cao An, could not help but shed two lines of tears when he saw this.

{The case attracted great attention from government departments, Cheng Yong was given a reduced sentence and released early}

{The government continued to promote medical reform, and a large number of chronic myeloid leukemia patients were effectively helped}

Three years later, Cheng Yong was released from prison after serving his sentence.

His former brother-in-law Cao Bin came to pick him up.

They talked about what happened over the years.

Genuine drugs are included in medical insurance, and everyone no longer needs to take generic drugs.

And Cheng Yong also started his new life again.

The whole situation is over.

After coming outside with Zeng Li, Cao An remembered to check the release of this time.

The three movies achieved excellent results in the first half of the first day of the first lunar month.

“Dying to Survive” now has a box office of 161 million yuan.

The box office of “Red River” is now 167 million.

The box office of “A World Without Thieves” is now 174 million.

Feng Xiaogang’s “A World Without Thieves” attracted many fans to watch it with its luxurious cast.

So it is temporarily ahead, but “Red River” and “Dying to Survive” are both full of stamina.

It is not certain who will be the box office champion on the first day.

So Cao An turned to look at netizens’ comments again.

“Wow, Director Cao, you are so cruel. I cried so hard on New Year’s Day that my makeup was ruined.”

“Realistic, touching, and full of meaning, Director Cao brought a minor character to life.”

“I declare that “Dying to Survive” is the best movie of this year’s Spring Festival.”

“Zeng Li is so heroic in the play, I love it!”

“Dying to Survive is a movie with a strong sense of social responsibility. It allows us to see the great potential of film as an art form in promoting social progress.”

“Zhang Songwen has another representative role. His performance in the movie is very contagious. He interprets the complex psychology and moral choices of the character Cheng Yong vividly.”

“It made me laugh happily in the beginning, but made me cry so sadly in the end.”

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