After reading the comments about “Dying to Survive” online, Cao An was basically relieved.

At least there weren’t a lot of people criticizing it.

That proves that in the eyes of ordinary audiences, there is no problem with the plot and it can resonate with the audience.

“What are you watching?”

Zeng Li came over and asked.

“It’s the finals, I have to pay attention.”

Cao An showed Zeng Li his phone, and then reached out to move the hair stuck on Zeng Li’s face away.

“Relax, you are the best.”

Zeng Li enjoyed Cao An’s tenderness. After returning the phone to Cao An, he put his arms around his arms and said, “Let’s go eat, I’m hungry.”

“What do you want to eat? I’ll treat you today.”

“Then I have to kill you, the big boss.”

During lunch, Cao An checked the reputation of “Man Jiang Hong” and “A World Without Thieves”.

Since there are fewer people watching now, and the first batch of people who enter to watch are fans.

So most of them are good reviews.

“Man Jiang Hong”:

“Director Zhang is so good, the plot keeps turning around, I feel like my brain is not enough.”

“The scene of the whole army reciting Man Jiang Hong at the end is so shocking, Grandpa Yue can rest in peace.”

“Brother Qianxi is so handsome, his acting skills have improved, [happy] [happy].”


“A World Without Thieves”:

“The actors’ acting skills are all good, especially Andy Lau, he has finally gotten rid of bad movies now.”

“I didn’t expect that the story of A World Without Thieves is actually a contest between thieves, very novel.”

“The plot design is compact and full of suspense, every turn is unexpected, but reasonable. It’s good to watch!”


It seems that we have to wait until tonight or tomorrow to see the true situation of netizens.

Cao An had just finished dinner with Zeng Li when he received a call from his mother.

“Xiao An, are you sick? Tell your parents if you have anything.”

Hearing his mother’s words, Cao An was stunned.

“Mom, where did you hear that rumor? Your son is in good health and can live to be a hundred years old.”

Hearing Cao An’s words, Cao’s mother felt relieved and said:

“Nothing, just went to see the movie you made with your uncle today, and everyone cried.

When we came out, I heard someone say that the director might have been ill, otherwise how could he shoot it so realistically. I was a little worried, so I asked.”

“Relax, this is a movie, not a real thing.”

“That’s good, I’m glad you’re okay. Today is the Spring Festival, you have to eat well by yourself, and tell mom if you don’t have enough money.”

“Your son eats well, and he’s not alone, he has someone to accompany him.”

Cao An glanced at Zeng Li, who immediately became nervous.

“Is it a friend? You should treat him well. Remember to bring him back to play when you have time.”

“Got it, Mom.”

After hanging up the phone, Zeng Li came over and asked, “Auntie, what’s the matter?”

“I heard someone say that “Dying to Survive” was too realistic. The director must have been ill, so he was worried about me. He also asked me to take you to my house to play.”

Zeng Li dodged a little, “Forget it.”

Then he asked, “What are your plans next?”

“Today, I will listen to you, sister.”

“Then accompany me shopping. I haven’t been shopping for a long time.”

“Got it!”

While Cao An and Zeng Li were shopping, more and more people watched the three movies.

The corresponding negative reviews also appeared.

Generally speaking, this is normal. After all, no movie can satisfy everyone’s appetite.

But the situation of one of them is completely different.

That is Zhang Yimou’s “Man Jiang Hong”, which basically has no average reviews.

If it is said to be good on the Internet, it must be very good.

There are constant reversals, shocking and funny, and a heroic ending, which sublimates the theme.

But the bad thing is that this movie is pure industrial garbage.

“The movie is full of bugs from beginning to end, and the plot is driven by various coincidences and the characters’ low intelligence.”

“I thought it had a big theme, but in the end it was just a fake Qin Hui reciting Man Jiang Hong in front of everyone.”

“After watching it, I felt that it was an insult to my IQ. If Yue Fei’s last words were really needed, Zhang Da would have gone to Qin Hui to confront him at the beginning, and everything would have been solved.”

“Why didn’t you kill Qin Hui? Don’t tell me to respect history. If you really want to respect history, this movie shouldn’t be made.”

“There are indeed many twists and turns, so many that only twists and turns are left. I didn’t even remember the plot of the two-and-a-half-hour movie.”


The huge abuse naturally reached Zhang Yimou’s ears.

But he didn’t care about it.

Instead, he was full of confidence.

After the lesson of falling into Cao An’s hands last time, he made sufficient preparations before the release this time.

He said to his assistant: “Contact thoseWe-media, the manuscript can be published now. ”


“Also, increase the box office. I will definitely be the box office champion today.”

“I will do it immediately.”

After giving the order, he sat in his chair and watched the box office data changing in real time on the screen.

He began to review his plan to see if there were any loopholes.

At the beginning of filming “Man Jiang Hong”, he knew that this movie would definitely be criticized by many people.

Just like “The Great Wall” at the beginning.

It’s just that he didn’t have a good way to deal with it at that time.

After experiencing the last setback, he and his team reviewed it carefully afterwards.

It was found that most people did not have a big emotion after watching the movie, that is, they would not have a very obvious feeling whether it was good or bad.

And the reason why “The Great Wall” was criticized so badly was entirely because most of the we-media on the Internet were criticizing it.

After watching the movie, ordinary audiences will listen to the analysis of the we-media. I had the same feeling.

Oh, that’s what happened.

The plot here is so stupid.

There is a plot bug there, but I didn’t see it at the time.

Now think about it, the characters in the movie are really stupid.

So the public reputation collapsed, no one continued to watch the movie, the screening was reduced, and the box office was poor.

With the lesson learned last time, this time he and his team contacted many influential self-media at the beginning of the release and gave them business orders.

There was only one requirement, that is, you can’t criticize “Man Jiang Hong”, but you have to talk about the advantages of “Man Jiang Hong”.

As for the others, there is nothing else.

He even reminded those self-media to try to evaluate “Man Jiang Hong” together with the other two movies.

Especially Cao An’s “I Am Not the God of Medicine”, talk about the two together. All the movies are good.

Cao An has made so many good works. Zhang Yimou would not be stupid enough to think that Cao An would fail in such an important final, even if this is a subject he is not good at.

So he wants to create an idea for ordinary people.

That is to tie “Man Jiang Hong” and “Dying to Survive” together. The two are movies of the same level.

In addition, he has already contacted major rating platforms, so the rating must not be low.

With this operation, he can ensure that the public reputation of his movie will not collapse.

As for those bad reviews after watching it, what does it matter?

Which movie has no bad reviews?

As long as it is not a one-sided bad review.

Many good reviews and many bad reviews can actually arouse some people’s desire to watch. I want to see what this movie is like.

As for the second action, that is the key.

Whether a movie’s box office is good or not has a lot to do with the screening schedule.

A small number of screenings does not necessarily mean a low box office.

But a high number of screenings means that the box office will definitely not be too bad.

The theater schedules screenings based on which movie can make them more money, so they schedule more screenings.

The last time, the increase in the share of “The Great Wall” had no effect.

No one watched it, what’s the point of increasing the share?

So this time he directly took out real cash to push up the box office.

As long as the theater makes money, it doesn’t matter whether anyone watches it.

In this way, the screening schedule will not be reduced.

High screening schedule, good popularity among passers-by.

This time, Zhang Yimou will be the box office champion of the Spring Festival!

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