The second time Wang Miao entered the Three-Body Game, he met a man who called himself Mozi.

And saw the universe model he made.

He believed that the universe was a double-layer sphere in a huge fireball.

The rotation of the inner and outer layers and the expansion and contraction of heat and cold were used to explain the alternation of day and night and the changes of the sun.

But this conjecture was burned to ashes with the rise of a huge sun.

This game journey made Wang Miao have a new conjecture about the world.

So when he entered the game for the third time, he used the new name “Copernicus” to reveal the truth of this world to everyone.

That is, the galaxy where the Three-Body civilization is located has three suns, and these three suns affect each other, sometimes far and sometimes near without any rules.

The planets in the Three-Body world are pulled by these three stars, and the movement is irregular. This situation creates a hellish Three-Body world.

This solution brought his Three-Body game journey into a new stage.

The fourth time he entered the Three-Body Game, Wang Miao met Qin Shihuang, von Neumann and Newton.

The three people used 30 million soldiers holding black and white chess to form a human column computer.

The hope is to use this human-column computer to calculate the movement of the three suns.

The densely packed soldiers, in a wide square, held black and white chess pieces to simulate the smallest operating unit in the computer.

The whole scene was very shocking and left a deep impression on all the audience.

The theater was filled with shocked exclamations of “Fuck”.

But this huge human-column computer was destroyed with the three suns in a row.

When Wang Miao entered the game for the fifth time, a man named Einstein appeared in the game.

He used various algorithms and found that the three-body problem had no solution.

The only way out for the three-body civilization is to fly into the universe and find a new home.

The audience who saw this can basically guess that the various strange phenomena and scientists’ suicides in the past were caused by this “three-body world”.

But those who have not read the original novel do not know how powerful the three-body people are facing mankind.

After exiting the game, Wang Miao learned from Shi Qiang that Shen Yufei had been killed.

The two began to investigate Shen Yufei’s death again, and locked the suspect as her former colleague Pan Han.

During this period, Wang Miao received an invitation to attend an offline meeting of Three-Body players.

At this party, he met Pan Han, the suspect who killed Shen Yufei.

At the party, Pan Han asked everyone whether they were willing to accept the Three-Body people coming to Earth to manage humans.

In order to find out the truth and save his life, Wang Miao temporarily agreed to Pan Han’s statement.

The two people who disagreed with him were directly eliminated forever.

The last time Wang Miao entered the Three-Body game, he saw the interstellar fleet of the Three-Body world set sail and headed for an unknown distance.

The Three-Body game was thus cleared.

And he also received an offline party invitation from Three-Body game players again.

During this period, Shi Qiang also investigated this special Three-Body player organization.

Prepare to arrest the entire organization at this party.

The two took action, one inside and one outside.

At the meeting, Wang Miao saw something that shocked him.

The spiritual leader of this organization turned out to be Ye Wenjie, an old man who he had met many times and felt very pitiful.

Pan Han wanted to fight against Ye Wenjie, but was ruthlessly killed.

The death of one person did not prevent the rally from continuing. Ye Wenjie stood on the stage and slowly told Wang Miao about the past of Hong’an that Wang Miao did not know.

During her work at Hong’an, Ye Wenjie discovered that the sun could be used as an amplifier to transmit information to the universe.

So mankind sent the first cry to the universe.

Eight years after sending the message, Ye Wenjie had already started a family with Yang Weining.

She had originally forgotten about sending the message, but suddenly she found that the Hong’an base received a regular signal.

She quickly decoded the message and was shocked by the information she received.

-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-
“Don’t answer!”

“Don’t answer!”

“Don’t answer!”

But at this time, Ye Wenjie had experienced all kinds of persecution and was disappointed with mankind.

She believed that mankind alone could not solve this problem, and that a more advanced civilization would be needed to lead mankind to a new stage.

So she edited the reply in great tension, hesitation, and panic.

With a desire for the future, she pressed the launch button.

[Come on, I will help you conquer this world. My civilization is no longer able to solve its own problems, and we need your intervention. ]

After listening to Ye Wenjie’s story, Wang Miao was stunned.

He never expected that things would turn out like this.

At this time, an admirer of the Three-Body World shouted loudly:

“Your shout,Let the Lord hear our voices. ”

He led the shouting.

“Eliminate human tyranny, the world belongs to Trisolaran!”

“Eliminate human tyranny, the world belongs to Trisolaran!”

“Eliminate human tyranny, the world belongs to Trisolaran!” ”

The whole audience cheered, and the atmosphere of the entire venue was ignited.

At this moment, Shi Qiang rushed into the building with a large number of armed police and arrested all the participants.

Under the dispatch of Cao An, the entire arrest operation was very smooth, without a meaningless shot.

It brought the audience a hearty arrest operation.

Although the arrest operation was successful, Shi Qiang was exposed to nuclear radiation due to the conventional explosion of a small nuclear bomb.

He was sent to the hospital for treatment.

Through the interrogation of Ye Wenjie and others, the human official obtained detailed information about the entire Earth Trisomy Organization (ETO).

After Ye Wenjie sent a reply, in order to prevent the news from leaking, she killed her husband and leader.

The incident was classified as an accident, and Ye Wenjie gave birth to Yang Dong as a widow.

She was then rehabilitated and returned to school to teach.

In the negative During the construction of the northwest transmission tower, Ye Wenjie met the foreign rich businessman Evans.

Evans has been committed to protecting birds and the earth’s environment.

But even if he has billions of assets, he can’t stop humans from destroying the natural environment.

Ye Wenjie saw the same points in Evans as herself, so she told him the news of the Three-Body World.

One of them had technology and the other had funds, and they hit it off and established the Earth Three-Body Organization (ETO).

With the technology obtained from Ye Wenjie, Evans established the second Red Case Base on the Judgment Day cruise ship.

And got in touch with the Three-Body World.

Three years later, Ye Wenjie boarded the Judgment Day cruise ship, where Ye Wenjie was elected as the supreme commander by the first group of members of the Earth Three-Body Organization.

At this moment, they shouted slogans.

“Eliminate human tyranny, the world belongs to the Three-Body! ”

Although it is an organization, the personnel are divided into three factions.

[Advent Faction]: They hate humans and hope that the Trisolarians will come to Earth to transform or destroy human society.

[Savior Faction]: They worship the Trisolarians as gods and hope to save them, help them solve the Trisolarian problem or settle them on Earth.

[Survivor Faction]: They are afraid of the Trisolarians and hope to be protected or have privileges after the Trisolarians arrive on Earth by betraying their compatriots, so that they and their descendants can survive.

But the ideas of these three factions conflict with Ye Wenjie’s original idea of ​​leading human progress through aliens.

After experiencing the new era, she has other ideas.

The Earth Military Joint Organization also received a message that a large amount of Trisolarian world information is stored on the Judgment Day.

The question before everyone now is:

How to get this information out of a running cruise ship intact?

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