At this point, the audience has been deeply attracted by the plot of the movie.

Those who have read the original novel know that the famous scene “Guzheng Operation” will appear next.

Those who have not read it are curious about how the human authorities will deal with the Earth Trisolarian Organization and how to seize the Trisolarian world information from the Judgment Day.

At a global emergency meeting, military representatives from various countries gathered together to seriously discuss the next action.

At the same time, Wang Miao, Shi Qiang, and Ding Yi also participated in this meeting.

In the meeting, all parties expressed their plans and ideas.

For example: using jamming bombs, infrasonic hydrogen bombs, ball lightning, traitors…

But these methods were rejected by everyone.

Because the purpose of this operation is to obtain the Trisolarian information stored on the Judgment Day.

The entire cruise ship must be controlled silently, and the people inside must not be allowed to resist and destroy the data.

Seeing that everyone had no way out, Shi Qiang, who was a marginal person in this meeting, stood up.

He expressed his own ideas.

“Put up two pillars on both sides of the canal, and pull the flying blade developed by Professor Wang Miao between the pillars.”

“Nano materials, almost invisible to the naked eye, extremely sharp, can cut iron like mud.”

Just as everyone was waiting for Shi Qiang to continue, he spread his hands and said, “It’s over, that’s all.”

At this time, everyone realized how terrifying this plan was.

The entire ship will be silently cut into uniform thick slices by the flying blade.

In the end, General Chang Weisi was responsible for the overall planning of the entire operation, and the North American military was responsible for the on-site seizure operation.

Wang Miao and his laboratory provided technical support and participated in the whole process.

This operation related to the fate of the entire human race was named “Gu Zheng Operation”.

The entire Gu Zheng Operation went smoothly, and the people on the Judgment Day were cut into several pieces by the invisible flying blade before they had time to react.

During this period, Wang Miao asked the head of the American military in charge of this on-site operation a question.

Are there innocent people on this ship?

The answer was: the ship was full of vicious people, including murderers, economic criminals, etc., and there was no good person.

From the most simple human values, these people were extremely evil and deserved to die.

As a popular movie, Cao An made some adaptations here.

When the cruise ship passed Qin, ETO’s other leader Evans was cut into three parts.

Before he died, he was still crawling towards the storage device that stored the three-body information.

He cried out: “Lord, why have you abandoned us?”

Until his death, he couldn’t believe that the Lord he had always believed in actually gave up on him.

The Judgment Day cruise ship was cut into pieces by nano-flying blades, like a deck of cards falling to the shore.

The realistic special effects combined with various internal shots left a great shock to the audience.

There was no abnormal sound in the entire theater, and everyone was concentrating on watching the slowly falling cruise ship cards on the screen.

The operation was a complete success, and the human official obtained 28G of data from the Judgment Day.

In this data, we know the complete story of Ye Wenjie and the Three-Body, the truth of the original scientist’s suicide, and the fact that made countless people extremely desperate.

The message sent by Ye Wenjie was received by an old monitor in the Three-Body World, and his answer was to ask the Earth side not to reply.

As long as there is no reply, the Three-Body World will not be able to locate the position of the solar system.

He was also discovered by the leader of the Three-Body World and imprisoned for life. For this reason, the leader also burned more than 6,000 Three-Body people related to this.

After receiving Ye Wenjie’s reply and determining the location of the earth, the space fleet was immediately dispatched to the earth and launched an expedition to the solar system.

In order to prevent humans from developing anti-capability when the Three-Body Fleet arrives, the Three-Body World unfolds the proton into two dimensions and carves circuits on it.

Then fold it back, so that they get a proton-sized super-intelligent machine.

Call it – Sophon.

In the scene of carving the sophon, Cao An brought another visual feast to the audience.

The huge film covered the entire Trisolarian planet, and the scene was very spectacular.

The Trisolarians had already launched two sophons into the solar system. Their purpose of coming to Earth was to lock down human science.

By interfering with human particle collision experiments, humans could not obtain information about microscopic particles, thus locking down human basic science.

This also reveals the reason why many scientists committed suicide at the beginning of the movie because they could not find the law.

It was also the sophon that presented the ghost countdown on Wang Miao’s retina, and the flickering universe was also caused by the sophon.

In the end, the enemy slowly emerged in front of humans.

This time, humans are facing a powerful, cultural, and linguisticAlien civilizations with completely different languages ​​and ways of thinking.

At this moment, at an international conference on the Three-Body Problem, the Sophon who arrived on Earth once again demonstrated his magical skills.

Six big words appeared in front of all participants.

[You are all bugs]

This is the first time that the Three-Body World has shown its face to humans, and it is also a declaration of war on the entire human civilization!

Facing a detector of the Three-Body People, the entire human world fell into despair.

Wang Miao and Ding Yi were also desperate because of this unimaginable technological gap.

The two drank together to drown their sorrows, but were caught by Shi Qiang who was discharged from the hospital.

Facing the two cowards, Shi Qiang dragged them to a wheat field in the suburbs.

There happened to be a locust plague here, and there were locusts everywhere, black and dense.

The effect of the real shot was reflected here. The audience watched the dense locusts passing by the three people, and immediately got goose bumps.

Few people have seen such a shocking scene.

Shi Qiang pointed at the locusts flying in the sky and said:

“Do you think the technological gap between us and the Trisolarians is bigger, or is it the technological gap between us and these bugs?

Since the birth of mankind, we have been fighting these bugs and trying every possible way to eliminate them.

… This long war has accompanied the entire human civilization.

It is still undecided.

The bugs have not been exterminated.

They still walk proudly between heaven and earth, and their number is no less than before the emergence of humans.

The Trisolarians who regard humans as bugs seem to have forgotten one fact:

Bugs have never been truly defeated.”

Wang Miao and Ding Yi looked at Shi Qiang, who was speaking righteously, and the violent locusts around him, and the extinguished flames in their hearts were rekindled.

They looked at the endless locusts with deep meaning, and their hearts had changed.

Facing the war with the Trisolarians, humans are not without a chance of winning.

Giving up on oneself is the trap of the Trisolarians. As long as you persist, you can always see hope.

Ding Yi silently gave the wine in her hand to the two, and the three of them poured the wine on the land with a determined look.

Cheers to the bugs!

This section of locusts was shot live, with the background music: Say goodbye to the solar system.

The simple picture made the audience excited.

The movie came to the final climax, and as the three toasted the bugs and humans, a more grand war was launched.

The movie “Three Body” also came to an end here.

The subtitles appeared, and the movie was over.

The audience who watched the movie was immersed in the story for a long time and could not calm down. No one left, but continued to watch the ending easter egg next to the subtitles.

In this easter egg, a man in Tsinghua school uniform talked to Ye Wenjie in front of Yang Dong’s tomb.

In a cafe, typing his novel.

He never showed his face from beginning to end, but people familiar with Three Body immediately understood who this person was.

Someone at the scene shouted out:

“Fuck, Luo Ji!”

“There’s hope for the second part!”

“Director Cao, please shoot Dark Forest!”

But at this time, Cao’s mother frowned and said in confusion: “Isn’t this Xiao An?”

(Thank you for your support! Muah!)

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