【0434 0434 0232 0232】

【0646 0646 0878 0878】

【0515 0515 0242 0242】

【0696 0696 0272 0272】


Before the audience on Douyin figured out the specific meaning of Xu Qing's numbers, Xu Qing's singing could not be stopped at all!

"Fuck... these numbers... are hot!"

"What's going on? Is Xu Qing... on?"

"Why is he singing so fast?"

"Electric motor, did Xu Qing take Xuanmai? He can't stop at all!"

"Xu Qing's voice... is too amazing!"


In the video, Xu Qing's singing continued.

Not only did the speed not slow down at all, but it got faster and faster!

【0434 0434 0232 0232】

【0646 0646 0878 0878】

【0515 0515 0242 0242】

【0696 0696 0272 0272】

【3 0624700】

【3 0624770】

【5 34202 13943 13424】


Listening to Xu Qing singing, everyone on Douyin was stunned!

Damn, in the chorus...Xu Qing sang more than a hundred numbers in one breath? !

Is this called the [Don't Breathe Challenge]?

Xu Qing, you are a fool!

Everyone in front of the mobile phone screen almost forgot to breathe!

Xu Qing, this is too scary!

Although the chorus part was all numbers, Xu Qing didn't even breathe...

She sang it all in one breath!

Although they were separated by the mobile phone screen, everyone couldn't help but feel the adrenaline surge!

Especially many of Xu Qing's female fans...even their mouths were wet!

Xu Qing was so fast, like a pile driver, who could stand it? !

"This song is too good, it turns out that it feels so good to sing in Cantonese? I thought it was a pop song just now!"

"This is the high notes of the iron lung! I give up!"

"It's obviously such a difficult song, but Xu Qing not only sang it, but also sang it so well!"

"It's so infuriating, Xu Qing is going to ruin the Chinese music scene!"

"I don't know what to say, but Xu Qing is really a bit outrageous!"


Everyone who watched this Douyin short video was stunned.

Even until Xu Qing finished singing, they didn't react!

This feeling of numbness all over the body, the last time I felt this feeling was at Xu Qing's concert at the Bird's Nest...

It's over, now because of Xu Qing, everyone's threshold has been raised!

Even with my girlfriend, I don't have this feeling of comfort all over my body!

What should I do in the future? Xu Qing... you have to be responsible!

In the video, after singing the song, Xu Qing didn't blush or gasp, but calmly picked up the microphone and said to the camera.

"This is the song I used to participate in the [Don't Breathe Challenge]."

"I don't know if it works."

"I hope everyone will comment on it."


Xu Qing's voice in the video screen is neither humble nor arrogant, but everyone can clearly hear the proud voice from it.

Although he didn't say anything, the words were full of words like "Praise me!" "Praise me!" "Did I sing well?!"!

Everyone heard the smugness in Xu Qing's words, but there was nothing they could do...

Xu Qing's song "Digital Life" was really great!

Moreover, it perfectly matches the [Don't Breathe Challenge]!

This time, he really didn't even breathe, and sang hundreds of numbers in one breath!

And the control of rhythm is impeccable!

Originally, those numbers looked messy, as if they were written casually.

But once Xu Qing sang it in Cantonese...

Everyone will be able to hear it easily!

These numbers fit the melody of the whole song perfectly!

Although its lyrics look simple, there is no difficulty at all.

But do you want to sing this song well?

Frequent switching of high and low notes... hot lyrics... singing all the way in one breath...

That's the really hard part!

After a long time, the audience who finally came back to their senses pulled the progress bar of the video back!

How can one time be enough? I haven't heard enough!

They really want to know if Xu Qing has secretly breathed again!

After all, Xu Qing once explained at the Kyoto concert.

He has a unique breathing technique!

What if he cheats again??

Although with Xu Qing's strength, there is no need for this...

But even if you just listen to this song "Digital Life" again, it is not a loss at all!

It's really beautiful!

At this moment, on Douyin, the comments and barrages that were still doubting and waiting have long disappeared!

Xu Qing once again slapped the haters' faces!

"Fuck, is this Xu Shen? How can his breath be so long?"

"Xu Qing: I am very long, can you bear with it?"

"I'm sorry, Xu Qing, I now solemnly apologize for my previous doubts, and please forgive me immediately, don't be ungrateful!"

"Hahaha... You actually doubted Xu Qing's strength, and your apology is too righteous!"

"Brothers, I just went back and listened to it again, I am sure that Xu Qing really sang it all in one breath!"

"Really? Xu Qing is too amazing!"

"It's absolutely true. I counted them. There are 155 words in total! Xu Qing didn't even breathe!"

"What the hell?"

"Don't worry. What's more terrifying is that Xu Qing sang these 155 words in high notes!"

"Are you telling the truth? I know Xu Qing is outrageous, but I didn't think it was this outrageous!"

"I downloaded it and used professional software to play it at one-tenth the speed. I'm 100% sure!"

"But why do I feel like Xu Qing is singing very easily in the video!"

"Easy? That's because he's Xu Qing!"

"Brother, do you have any misunderstandings about singing more than 150 words in one breath?"

"I just tried it and almost went to see my grandpa!"

"Let's not talk about singing. You can't even recite these 150 words in one breath!"

"If you don't believe me, try it yourself. If you can recite it in one breath and send the video, I'll recognize you as your father!"

"??? ”

“I can only say that Xu Qing turned the [Don’t Breathe Challenge] into a [Don’t Fear Death Challenge]!”

“Who can play like Xu Qing!”

“Xu Qing not only didn’t give us the opportunity to sing at the concert, but also deprived us of the right to entertainment on Douyin!”

“Now, who dares to challenge this song “Digital Life”?”

“That makes sense, Xu Qing is really a fool!”

“Xu Qing, compensate us for the [Don’t Breathe Challenge]!”

“Xu Qing: Didn’t you invite me to challenge? Now you blame me? It’s hard for me to do it!”

“Is this the song that ended the game?”

“I declare that the [Don’t Breathe Challenge] is over!”


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