Not long after Xu Qing posted his third Douyin short video...

His comment area and private messages exploded!

Even those comments that were originally mocking and questioning were deleted by themselves overnight!

Xu Qing's face was full of joy and pride.

Singing more than 150 words in one breath, let alone these netizens, he dared to guarantee that even professional first-line singers would never be able to do it!

Naturally, those comments and comments that mocked him just now, after listening to his song, all turned into clowns!

Instead, everyone woke up and realized it belatedly!

"Fuck, Xu Qing sang such a song, how can we play the challenge next?"

"Xu Qing directly passed the [Don't Breathe Challenge]!"

"He is really a dog, he didn't let us sing the song, and now he doesn't even let us play the challenge!"

"Xu Qing is simply not a human! He is too narrow-minded!"


Faced with the wailing of a new round of comments, Xu Qing's smile became more and more obvious.

Yes, that's the feeling!

The more desperate the netizens and fans are, the happier he feels!

Now Xu Qing can finally experience the happiness of his former fans!

Looking at Xu Qing on the stage, whenever he opens his mouth, he will snatch his lyrics, leaving him with no songs to sing!

At that time, Xu Qing's fans also showed the same smile as Xu Qing!

Now, the smile has not changed, but has shifted to Xu Qing's face.

It can only be said that thirty years in the east, thirty years in the west...

Although these netizens know that Xu Qing did it on purpose.

But the problem is, Xu Qing is really talented!

They have tried to sing more than 150 numbers in one breath before. Even if they don't sing, they can't even finish reading them!

What level of lung capacity is this? A complete monster!

Is this really something that humans can do?

At this moment, Xu Qing saw the incredible replies they left under Xu Qing's Douyin, and he actually felt the same way in his heart.

In the past world... When I first heard Lin Zixiang's "Digital Life", didn't I start to doubt life like them?

Lin Zixiang's singing skills are really abnormal, especially when he is still old, he can still sing such a song, which is completely unreasonable!

If you look at it with other star singers, the scene will be even more exaggerated!

Just like Li Keqin and Hu Xia mentioned earlier.

Especially Hu Xia, who chose to sing "Digital Life" with Lin Zixiang on the show.

At the beginning, he was full of confidence and thought that his singing skills were pretty good. Wouldn't it be easy to deal with the elderly Lin Zixiang? !

But what happened...

When he sang the part with more than 150 numbers, Hu Xia lost his voice before he sang halfway!

Yes, his voice suddenly disappeared!

Throughout the rest of the show, only Lin Zixiang's voice could be heard!

It even made people wonder who was the lead singer and who was the backup singer in this show? !

Why was Hu Xia's singing completely inaudible, and his expression was so ferocious!

Even... he sang so hard that his lips turned white!

He looked like he was going to go into shock and faint at any time!

So many netizens teased Hu Xia at the time.

Isn't this the Phoenix Legend band?

What role did Hu Xia play in it? Isn't he just playing the role of Zeng Yi!

"Next time, you can also modify this song "Digital Life" and add some yoyo and aha, so that you can be considered to have tried your best!"

"I only saw Hu Xia open his mouth, but why is there no sound? Is my phone broken?"


It's no wonder that netizens teased Hu Xia like this. You know, this song "Digital Life" was before the chorus.

It was said that it was to take care of Lin Zixiang, and compared with the original version, it took the initiative to lower three keys!

But even so, Hu Xia's performance was like he had lost half his life!

Later, everyone knew that this was to take care of Lin Zixiang?

This is clearly to avoid wasting public resources!

Otherwise, if Hu Xia sang the original key, he would definitely call 120!

It is precisely because of the previous experience that every singer will weigh whether he has the ability to cover this song "Digital Life".

Xu Qing also dared to try this song because his physical condition has been greatly improved after traveling through time.

If it was the past self, he would definitely not dare to do it.

Otherwise, he would have to call the emergency number himself...

Fortunately, in this world, Xu Qing has been reborn, and it can be said that he is completely different!

He evenTo challenge myself and break through the upper limit of lung capacity!

When Xu Qing sang this song "Digital Life"...

He didn't even just sing the 155 numbers in one breath,

and he also added the last two sentences!

To be simple and accurate, Xu Qing sang 181 words in one breath!

It's much more exaggerated than Lin Zixiang in the past world!

Don't look at the extra 26 words. This kind of holding back to sing in one breath, the difficulty increases geometrically with each additional word!

It's just that the fans and netizens on the Internet haven't discovered it yet.

Because when Xu Qing sang the last two sentences, the rhythm suddenly slowed down compared to the previous ones.

So, if you are not a very professional person, it is easy to misunderstand that Xu Qing is holding back to breathe here!

However... in fact.

Xu Qing didn't breathe at all!

It's just because the emotions that need to be expressed in the last two sentences should slow down the rhythm!

However, although these Douyin netizens did not know that Xu Qing actually sang 181 words in one breath.

But even if the focus was only on Xu Qing singing 155 numbers in one breath, it was still a terrifying thing!

These netizens repeatedly listened to the third Douyin short video uploaded by Xu Qing, and the video was already densely packed with comments from fans and netizens!

"High energy ahead..."

"Don't be nervous, you can breathe in front of the screen!"

"Next is Xu Qing's performance time!"

"I said it before, Xu Qing is not a human, right?!"


Just from the comments on the full screen, it is not difficult to see how surprised and confused everyone is about Xu Qing's "Digital Life"!

"Digital Life"?!"

"I think it should be called "Suspicious Life"!"


More and more netizens have expressed their agreement.

"This new song of Xu Qing, let alone singing it, just listening to it makes me doubt my life!"

"What on earth does Xu Qing want to do? This is murder, you know? I almost forgot to breathe when I listened to his new song just now!"

"Hello, I'm a professional lawyer, my last name is Zhang, you can also call me Lawyer Snake!"

"Lawyer Zhang, right? Hello, is it illegal for Xu Qing to write songs like this! He wants to kill us!"


"No wonder Xu Qing said that if we just sing "Never Left" to participate in the challenge, it would be too unchallenging..."

"Xu Qing, it's so fucking exaggerated. I deeply and reasonably doubt that Xu Qing can easily come up with new songs in the next two concerts, the ones in Xingcheng and Haikou!"

"And maybe it's songs of this difficulty again!"

"God, can't Xu Qing be a little more normal? We have only chased such a star in our life, why is it so difficult?!"


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