"Leave one alive, and kill the rest."


The soldier was startled to see a white shadow appear and rush towards them.

"No, there is an enemy..."

Before he could even say the word 'attack', he was killed by the scouts who rushed up.



The remaining soldiers of the Eastern Expedition Army were killed one after another, and they were intercepted and killed without even a chance to resist.

"Don't, don't kill me."

In the end, only one Eastern Expedition Army soldier was left.

"Where did you come from?"

"Behind the Xila Mountains."

"How did you get here?"

"Take, take the flying boat of the Heroic Soul Sect."

Afterwards, they interrogated the Eastern Expedition Army soldier for a lot of information.

Among them, the most important was the number of troops this time, the sects that assisted, how they got here, what their purpose was, etc.

"Big brother, can you let me go?"

"Let you go?"

"Yes, yes."


"I, I just told you the information you want, you, please let me go."

"I have parents and children to take care of, and life is difficult, so I became a soldier, but I really didn't kill your people."

"You just failed. If you succeeded, do you think you would have let our compatriots go?"

The captain of the scouts said coldly.

"Kill him."



Then, the soldier of the Eastern Expedition Army was killed by them.

The scouts looked at the bodies on the ground, their blood dyed the snow red.

"Bury them."


They handled the scene and hid the bodies in the snow pit.

The bloodstains on the ground were also covered with white snow. Soon, everything around returned to normal, as if nothing had happened.

And these scouts stayed here for a while.

Not long after, some soldiers of the Eastern Expedition Army escaped from the avalanche environment.

However, after they came out, they were all intercepted and interrogated without exception.

The intelligence they obtained was basically the same, and they even captured an officer.

According to the officer, their commander Rob was blown to pieces.

On the other hand, when Zhao Chong and his men withdrew, they returned to their respective bases.

Ye Qingfeng led the flying boat fleet and quietly returned to Nanlong King City.

The flying boats at this time must not be discovered by other immortal sects.

Otherwise, there will be a disaster.

But Ye Qingfeng knew very well that such things could not be covered up for long.

By then, the Barbarian Dragon Empire would also know how they destroyed the Eastern Expedition Army.

After returning to the Nanlong Palace, Ye Qingfeng went directly to the King of Nanlong.

When the King of Nanlong learned the news of victory, the King of Nanlong was a little unbelievable.

"So soon?"

The battle ended so quickly?

However, after knowing the truth, he couldn't help but be a little surprised.

"Hahaha, good." King Nanlong said happily: "This is also God helping us."

"Yes." Ye Qingfeng did not expect things to go so smoothly.

However, he mentioned another problem he was worried about to King Nanlong.

"Your Highness, we destroyed the Eastern Expedition Army. Do you think they will retaliate against us?"

"No problem, revenge is even better, we have more reason not to go on the expedition." King Nanlong didn't care about this at all.

Because Li Taihang said that they could say that an enemy army appeared in the east.

This shows that this battle cannot end so quickly.

Besides, Li Taihang is his biggest support.

With Li Taihang, what is he afraid of?

However, Ye Qingfeng is still quite cautious.

He feels that the Barbarian Dragon Empire will never give up this time.

And their King Nanlong's territory is one of the optional attacking places of the other side.

"Your Highness, I suggest that we should speed up the training of the new army and prepare for battle."

Ye Qingfeng talked about their situation.

In particular, if the other party knew that they had a flying boat, I'm afraid those sects would advocate attacking King Nanlong first.

As for the Zhonglong Empire, seeing King Nanlong being attacked, they might not come to help, but rather expect King Nanlong to be killed.

After all, King Nanlong did not give face to the Dragon Emperor.

Ye Qingfeng told King Nanlong all his worries, especially about the involvement of those immortal cultivators.

King Nanlong was startled and frowned. He was not afraid of the soldiers of the Barbarian Dragon Empire.

However, he was afraid of those immortal cultivators who appeared and disappeared mysteriously.

"Okay, we must build a new army."

He understood that he could not rely on Li Taihang for everything.

So, he once again summoned Zhao Chong, Liu Guangjing, and even called Zhuo Zilin.

When the three generals were suddenly called, they were a little surprised.

And what was even more surprising was Zhuo Zilin. He did not expect that he was also qualified to attend this secret meeting.

"This time, I called you three here because there is an important decision that needs you three to make."

Zhao Chong and the other two looked at each other.

They didn't know what King Nanlong meant, but seeing the solemn look on his face, they didn't dare to say anything more.

"Please give your orders, Your Highness." The three said in unison.


"I'm going to form another army."

Upon hearing this, the three generals were stunned.

"Your Highness, are you worried about the revenge of the Savage Dragon Empire?"


Originally, they should be happy after winning, but now they can't be happy anymore.

After listening, they felt it made sense.

"Now, I have a high probability that they will choose to attack my territory."

"The first is that we eliminated the Eastern March Army; the second is that the flying boat was leaked. Although it has not been discovered for the time being, this kind of thing will definitely happen sooner or later."

"Especially if Feizhou's secret is leaked, the consequences will be unimaginable." King Nanlong said all this seriously.

After hearing this, the three generals all nodded.

After the Eastern Conquest Army was wiped out by King Nanlong's army, King Nanlong changed his normal behavior and once again prepared for war and expanded his army.

Zhao Chong, commander of the Tiefeng Army, led 100,000 Tiefeng troops to guard Pingyuan City.

Liu Guangjing, the commander-in-chief of the border army, led 100,000 border troops to guard Guangyuan City.

The newly formed new army was the Dingyuan Army, commanded by Zhuo Zilin, to calm Dingyuan City.

It is worth mentioning that Pingyuan City and Guangyuan City are both on the border, while Dingyuan City is in contact with the empire.

If the empire wanted to attack them, they would definitely attack Dingyuan City.

In addition, King Nanlong also began to strengthen the 20,000 Guards, raising the number to 50,000 Guards, with himself as the commander.

However, deputy general Wang Guangqi is in charge on a daily basis.

Wang Guangqi was originally a confidant of King Nanlong himself, because of his high martial arts value and his interest in leading the army.

Therefore, King Nanlong sent him out, and he decided to train Wang Guangqi to become a general.

Later, he was sent to Zhao Chong by King Nanlong to learn the art of war, battle formations, etc.

Then he went to study with Liu Guangjing of the Border Army.

Now, after studying for more than two years, I can be considered a master.

Therefore, King Nanlong made Wang Guangqi the deputy general of the 50,000-strong army.

"Although the army has been built up, our enemies are still very strong." Ye Qingfeng said.

"Are they those cultivators?"

"Yes, let's not forget that the Barbarian Dragon Empire is an empire that combines immortality with human beings."

"Under normal circumstances, immortal cultivators are not allowed to touch mundane things."

"Unless you're like me, working as a guard or a teacher."

"Or we may be attacked by alien races or ferocious beasts. Only we immortal cultivators can work with humans."

"The main reason for this is that humans are too weak and we immortal cultivators are too strong."

"But the Barbarian Dragon Empire is different. They are an empire established by barbarians. They ignore the rules of us immortal cultivators."

"So, we are very likely to face the revenge of the immortal cultivators next."

Ye Qingfeng's words also made everyone fall into deep thought.

"Let's do this. You guys stay here first, and I'll go find the teacher first." King Nanlong felt that this problem might no longer be something they could handle.

However, Ye Qingfeng stopped him at this time.

"Your Highness, please wait a moment."

"What's wrong?"

"I think it's a little too early to find seniors now."

"Besides, if we go to our seniors whenever something happens, doesn't it seem like we are too incompetent?"

"Ah! This?"

King Nanlong thought for a while and felt that Ye Qingfeng was right.

However, this made him a little confused.

"I don't think it's too late to find seniors if we can't defeat them." Ye Qingfeng sighed: "If this isn't the case, is there still me?"

"Ah, hahaha, yes." King Nanlong habitually forgot about Ye Qingfeng.

The main reason is that he is used to coming to Li Taixing when he has something to do.

Qingfeng Li was also very embarrassed. He felt that his status had been ignored and he needed to show his value.

"Let's do this, let's recruit some more immortal cultivators."

"After all, the next battle will most likely involve facing immortal cultivators."

"Okay." King Nanlong nodded and agreed to Ye Qingfeng's request.

"Well, if it doesn't work by then, let's find a senior again."

"Okay." King Nanlong nodded.

The same goes for other generals, who feel better this way.

If they go to Li Taixing for something they can solve by themselves, how will Li Taixing view them?

What happens next is much simpler.

They began to arrange their troops, mobilize and train their personnel.

At the same time, while King Nanlong was recruiting immortal cultivators, he also sent spies to the Zhonglong Empire and the Barbarian Dragon Empire to inquire about information.

He must understand the conditions and attitudes of the two empires.

at the same time.

The Yinghun Sect sent several immortal cultivators to Hidden Wind Canyon to prepare supplies for the Eastern Conquest Army stationed here.

However, when they arrived here, they were shocked to find that the entire Hidden Wind Canyon was filled with snow.

"What happened? The Eastern Expedition Army is gone?"

These immortal cultivators from Yinghun Sect couldn't believe it.

"Look for it."


They spread out and looked for the whereabouts of the Eastern Conquest Army.

However, when they found it, they only found some bodies in the canyon.

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