The Barbarian Dragon Empire, the imperial capital.

In the splendid palace, Emperor Bumaha held a long box with gold wire in his hand, came to the table and stopped.

There were only him and Qin Hao in this hall.

"National Master, this is what I just got from your Excellency."

Qin Hao is now the national master of the Barbarian Dragon Empire and the highest representative of immortal cultivators in the entire Barbarian Dragon Empire.

"Okay, let's take a look quickly."

"Okay, Imperial Master."

Bu Maha then opened the gold-rimmed box and took out a large map from inside.

He placed it on the table and spread it out, revealing the spectacular scene inside.

"As expected of you, sir, this map is not simple." Qin Hao just glanced at it and couldn't help but sigh.

This map mainly covers the entire Central Continent.

However, among them, the rest are mainly countries and capitals that are delineated and marked.

Only the Barbarian Dragon Empire and the Middle Dragon Empire were marked particularly carefully.

Among them, the Barbarian Dragon Empire is in the north of the continent, while the Middle Dragon Empire is in the south.

In addition to the marks of various towns and villages, there are also mountains, rivers, mineral deposits, various terrains, etc.

It even indicates some forces in various places, such as the sects in the mortal world, the sects in the immortal world, and the territories of various kings.

There are even some special schools, civil organizations, key military industry positions, etc.

This map is quite detailed, covering people's livelihood, economy, military, manufacturing, etc.

I'm afraid even the Zhonglong Empire can't find a more detailed map.

This map was re-created based on the original Zhonglong Empire map after the establishment of the Barbarian Dragon Empire.

"Your Majesty, with this map, it will be much easier for us to deal with the Zhonglong Empire."


This is what the mysterious man provided to Bu Maha.

The main purpose was to give him a preliminary understanding of the enemy country and the world, which opened his eyes.

At the same time, I sighed in my heart that the mysterious man's methods were so powerful that no one could match him.

When he thought that he had a mysterious person as his background, Bu Maha's back straightened a lot.

He understood that he could develop from a small tribal leader to now the head of the empire.

Here, it is inseparable from the mysterious person behind it.

It's a pity that the other party doesn't like power, is indifferent to fame and fortune, and seems to have no desires.

However, the other party seems to have another request, that is, let him unify the entire Central Continent.

Although he didn't understand, Bumaha thought clearly, as long as he obeyed.

It doesn't matter whether you are the master of the mainland or not.

Because he knows his abilities very well.

Among the entire barbarian tribe, he is not the strongest leader.

However, in front of the mysterious man, he does not need to be the strongest, he only needs to be the most obedient.

As expected, the mysterious man continued to provide him with help.

It is precisely because of this that Bumaha has achieved his current achievements and status.

"Okay, let's discuss what to do next." Bu Maha didn't want to think about it anymore.

He set his sights on the map and communicated with his national advisor Qin Hao.

"Okay, Your Majesty." Qin Hao responded.

Qin Hao nodded.

Normally, in addition to teaching Bu Maha and broadening his knowledge, Qin Hao mostly discusses things with Bu Maha and protects his safety.

After Bumaha first became emperor, there were many leaders, chiefs, clan chiefs, etc. who were dissatisfied with him and wanted to compete with him for the throne.

However, because of Qin Hao's existence, he solved all the objections.

Otherwise, it would not have taken three years for the Barbarian Dragon Empire to stabilize after its founding.

This is also the time spent cleaning the interior, which consumes too much time.

Now, we have an army, logistical supplies, and a foundation of popular support.

As the saying goes, ‘Everything is ready, all we need is the east wind’.

Here comes their chance to go one step further.

"Then let's first determine the route we want to attack."

Next, they will choose a coordinate on the map as a breakthrough point, and through it, they will destroy the entire Zhonglong Empire and unify the entire country.

"Judging from the map, currently, the best attacking position is King Nanlong."

"In other places, due to terrain restrictions, we do not have naval forces, and it is easy for the enemy to cut off our retreat."

"The old guy from the Zhonglong Empire will definitely fight us to the death."

"But if we only attack Nanlong, then the old guys from the Zhonglong Empire will definitely treat the current King of Nanlong just like they treated the previous border troops."

"Besides, the old guy has sent eunuch Zhang He to mobilize King Nanlong."

"As long as King Nanlong's troops leave Nanlong, our opportunity will come."

Qin Hao told Bu Maha the reason why he chose Nanlong.

Bu Maha nodded frequently and said: "That's very good. It seems that the day of our attack is coming soon."

Thinking of the Eastern Expedition Army deployed in the Himalayas a year ago, they began to look forward to it.


They are now waiting for Emperor Long to mobilize King Nanlong to deal with them.

In fact, King Nanlong is also the most suitable to attack them.

If they can solve the problem of King Nanlong, they will not be afraid of King Nanlong stealing his family.

"I just don't know what the current situation of the Yinghun Sect is like?"

Bu Maha was a little worried about the situation there. If there was any impact, he must make adjustments as soon as possible.

"The old master of Yinghun Sect may not be able to hold on anymore, but it won't have much impact on our entire war situation."

"In addition, although it is because of the old sect master's affairs, they will still send people to support the Eastern Army."

"That's good."

Originally, Bu Maha was more worried about this issue.

As long as there was no problem in this regard, he was relieved.

However, bad news soon spread to the palace.

"Your Majesty, King Beiding wishes to see you."

At this time, the guard's voice came from outside the hall.

The two stopped talking.

"King Beiding is here, let him come in."


Bumaha looked up and saw that it was Amala, King of Beiding.

He is Bumaha's biological brother and Bumaha's right-hand man.

He played a key role in stabilizing various tribes. Therefore, he was also named King of Beiding by Bumaha.

"Amara, what's wrong?"

Amara didn't explain, but his face looked very ugly and he handed a letter to Bumaha.

"Your Majesty, this is the news I just received. Please take a look."

Bu Maha took the letter suspiciously and opened it.

When he read the contents of the letter, his expression immediately changed and even became angry.

"The Eastern Expeditionary Army was completely wiped out, and Rob was even dead."

"Damn it, it was actually King Nanlong who did it."

After reading the contents of the letter, Bumaha was very shocked.

He must have thought that the Zhengtong Army was well hidden.

Unexpectedly, he was still discovered, and moreover, he was served in a pot.

"Your Majesty, what is going on?" Qin Hao was a little confused when he heard Bu Maha's words.

Bu Maha handed the letter to Qin Hao.

Qin Hao was equally surprised after reading the contents.

"This, when did this happen?"

Qin Hao looked at Amala.

Amala said: "It's the news that just came. The news was delivered through the flying boat."

"In other words, this incident happened three days ago."

Qin Hao frowned.

He calculated with his fingers and said: "Three days ago? Isn't this the second day after the Yinghun Sect's people evacuated?"


"This means that the enemy is very likely to have discovered us and has been observing us secretly."

"And as soon as the Heroic Soul Sect left, they felt that there was an opportunity to attack, so they came to attack us."

Qin Hao saw some clues, and similarly, his face didn't look good.

"I didn't expect that the Zhengdong Army's vigilance was so low. It has been targeted for so long and it has not been discovered yet?" Bumaha was also a little angry.

You know, they were just thinking of catching King Nanlong off guard by relying on the Eastern Expedition Army.

As a result, he found that he failed to stab, but was exploded.

"Ah, damn it, I must take revenge."

Bu Maha also became more and more angry as he thought about it.

Among them, Rob is his good friend.

But now, this friend is dead.

In this regard, Bumaha will never let King Nanlong go.

"Your Majesty, now that they have discovered us, it will not be easy for us to hide our troops in the Himalayas." Qin Hao sighed.

They had already alerted the enemy, and King Nanlong's army actually completely destroyed their Eastern Conquest Army.

Although avalanches were the biggest cause, it could not prevent their losses.

"Although the Eastern Expedition Army has been lost, we still have to do this." Bumaha did not want to change the plan.

"Your Majesty, you still decide to pass through King Nanlong's territory?"

"Yes!" Bu Maha nodded and said, "This is also what the adult meant."

When Qin Hao heard this, he immediately understood.

In this case, he would say nothing more.

"Okay, in that case, we will re-adjust the plan, but the main direction of attack remains unchanged."

"Well, the direction of the attack remains unchanged, but adjustments must be made to the deployment of troops."

He thought about gathering all the important main forces.

Then, he attacked again and captured the territory of King Nanlong.

Qin Hao nodded and said: "In addition, in order to ensure that this battle is foolproof, I think we have to ask those sects to help."

"Okay, I will issue a recruitment order when the time comes." Bumaha nodded. With the help of the immortal cultivators, it will become much easier to conquer the city.

Then, Bumaha looked at Amara and said, "How is the situation over there in the tribe?"

"Your Majesty, please rest assured that all the tribes are very obedient now. As long as your Majesty needs it, they are willing to send troops to support your Majesty at any time."


In this way, they can at least form an army numbering one million.

Think about how spectacular it would be to imagine an army of millions going out to war.

"Now, do we still have to wait for news from the Dragon Empire?" Amara asked.

He also knew about the plan of the Eastern Conquest Army.

But the key to the plan lies in the existence of the Eastern Expedition Army.

Now that he no longer exists, the battle will shift from the dark side to the bright side.

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