Therefore, although Canglang is very envious of the huge military expenditure of the navy, as long as he embezzles a little, he can enjoy such a luxurious life.

Unlike the current army, which only has poor slaves under its command.

These slaves are dirty and skinny.

Even in those countries that were just destroyed by pirates, those noble women were sent to the auction house.

What is left to them is no longer the best stuff.

Because Canglang often follows the Celestial Dragons, he has also acquired many vices of the Celestial Dragons, such as raising slaves of various rare races.

In today's battle, if the Beasts Pirates were captured, and only the alliance's dragon was killed, he would be able to exchange for a lot of Baileys.

Such a large sum of money can even buy several beautiful mermaid slaves.

Although the battle has just begun.

But in Cang Lang's heart, he was already thinking about a bright future.

The fact that the wolf can be so arrogant also has something to do with the fact that they are only stationed on land.

The strong people in the sea are all pirates, but there are no powerful pirates.

The bandits are almost as strong as the bandits in Fengche Village, a group of bandits who dare not go to sea.

Over the years, the lack of a strong opponent also made Canglang feel very confident.

In this world, no one can break through his fruit ability.

The Vajra Fruit is the most powerful defense in this world.

He held a huge Vajra shield in one hand, and a long spear protruded from the other hand.

Canglang: "You have completely angered me, I am serious now, you can go to die."

Ye Fan in the sky looked mockingly at the wolf below.

"When you put on a thick carapace, you think you are invincible. The dung beetle on the ground will soon be invincible."

Hearing Ye Fan's mocking words.

Canglang: "You're still stubborn now, let me show you the general's fear."

"Invincible Overlord Spear."

The Vajra spear in Canglang's hand was thrown out forcefully.

The diamond spear, which had already reached a length of several hundred meters, followed his shot.

It turned into a diamond spear thousands of meters long in the air.

It turned out to be almost as huge as Ye Fan's current giant dragon.

After two days of training in the Time Gravity Room, Ye Fan is now exactly like Kaido.

It is a giant dragon with a body length exceeding 3,000 meters.

But now, it was even smaller than the javelin in Canglang's hand.

This is the horror of fruit ability awakeners.

Fruit Ability Awakeners can assimilate everything around them into their own fruit ability.

It doesn't need to be like the Golden Emperor, who has worked hard to accumulate gold for more than ten years, in order to realize the huge fruit ability.

See the attack now.

Ye Fan also cheered up.

You must know that your father-in-law, Kaido, was defeated by Luffy with a fist bigger than the island in the form of a dragon.

Although the wolf in front of him didn't control the domineering aura, as a lackey of the Tianlong people, he was destined to never be able to comprehend the domineering aura in his whole life.

But with such a terrifying fruit awakening ability, he is definitely a strong man in the sea.

face such an attack.

Ye Fan will not be forced to lower his IQ and use his dragon form to resist.

Canglang has proved that he can slightly break through Ye Fan's defense.

Ye Fan instantly changed from a giant dragon form to a human-dragon form.

"Momo thirty times faster."

The thundering fruit was originally the fruit ability with the fastest moving speed after the shining fruit.

Now add the speed increase of Momo fruit ability.

Ye Fan escaped the wolf's attack in an instant.

And came to the front of the wolf.

When Canglang used his ability, Ye Fan already knew that his real physical body was in the head of this metal giant.

"Eight Doors Dunjia·ShockingMen · day tiger, Momo thirty times the strength. "

Since this wolf is known as the strongest defense.

Ye Fan also decided not to hold back.

See if the most powerful force you can use now can penetrate his defense.

Although Ye Fan doesn't believe that his defense is more terrifying than his father-in-law Kaido and his aunt.

But the strength is a general after all, Ye Fan opened the seventh door of the eight doors of Dunjia,

Ye Fan's punch slammed the Giant King Kong's head hard.

Chapter 61 Accident

Ye Fan's body began to emit a large amount of blue steam.

This is the gas formed by his blood boiling and quickly evaporating into the air.

This is a trick to overdraw your life.

It looks similar to Super Saiyan Blue, but it is a completely different experience.

Ye Fan's body was full of great pain.

Every cell is burning rapidly.

Such endless pain also briefly increased Ye Fan's terrifying strength, speed, and agility.

Canglang: "You are very fast and dodged my attack, but it's useless. In this sea, no one can break through my vajra defense."

The gray wolf was originally silver, with a huge vajra body reflecting light, but now it has begun to blacken its entire body.

Once again covering the powerful armed color domineering.

And Ye Fan's fist also began to become extremely dark, and at the same time entwined with terrifying black lightning.

When the domineering color of the overlord is used.

The entire sky was torn apart with a huge gap.

A very strange pattern was formed.

Originally affected by the dragon fruit, it was cloudy and rainy for dozens of kilometers around.

But now, because of the influence of Ye Fan's domineering look.

In this dark sky, a crack appeared.

A ray of sunlight shines down from the sky.

The battlefield where Ye Fan and Canglang were located happened to be illuminated by light, while other places were covered with continuous rain.

In an instant, Ye Fan and Canglang became the focus of the entire battlefield.

Run q: "Come on, my son-in-law, tear this Tie Gada apart."

Yamato: "Honey, you are the most powerful man in the world, you will definitely win."

On the side of the Liberty Alliance, Long, who has never made a move, is also paying close attention to this battle.

According to the plan, he was supposed to be the first to make the shot, but Ye Fan rushed to the front.

Will this young boy be able to defeat the general's shield?

Lovely Klare, she was a slave of the Tianlong people when she was a child. Even if she was punished severely, she would always smile, but she was afraid that she would be killed after angering the Tianlong people.

She is also the person in the Freedom Alliance who most wants to free all the slaves in the Kingdom of the Bridge.

She clenched her fist and shouted loudly: "Mr. Ye Fan will win."

Army here.

General civet cat and general white deer are not worried about the wolf at all.

As a colleague of Canglang for decades, a comrade in arms who has fought together for decades.

They have unconditional trust in the terrifying defense of the wolf.

Canglang has a resounding nickname.

Shield of Sighs.

Means any strong opponent.

Facing the absolute defense of the wolf, he could only sigh at the strength of his defense in the end.

Many army generals also taunted.

"Innocent boy, he actually thinks that he can break Lord Canglang's Vajra form with his fists."

"Even the navy's demon-slaying order can't hurt Lord Canglang at all. Lord Canglang's defense is invincible. This poor fool, I'm afraid his fists will be useless."

A master of the Liberty League in the thousands.

Under the eyes of a hundred thousand soldiers and millions of slaves in the Kingdom of the Bridge.

Ye Fan bombarded this punch.

The wolf let out a wild laugh and did not choose to dodge.


Sign in to Yihua Palace at the beginning of the game, blending black and white Xuanjian


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