Food Customizer

Chapter 148 A braised pork dish that can be made with just your hands!

Is there a possibility that we can make braised pork with multiple flavors?

This is the most pleasant voice Su Chen has ever heard from Fang Chang.

"You can still say such useful words?"

"No." Fang Chang grabbed a piece of hair on the back of his head, "What do you mean by useful words? I used to talk nonsense?"

Seeing Zhang Heping and Su Chen nod at the same time, Fang Chang understood a word at this time: self-humiliation.

"Fang Chang is right, why can't we make braised pork with multiple flavors?"

Su Chen looked at Zhang Heping, "We are actually trapped by a certain way of thinking. You often go to restaurants to work, but you still use your restaurant thinking."

Zhang Heping nodded.

Su Chen continued, "I do more customization on the 19th floor, using customized thinking."

That is, the model of customers raising demands and delicious food to meet the needs.

"Now our goal is to set up a stall, so making multiple flavors may indeed be the best choice!"

In this way, Zhang Heping's 'restaurant model' plus Fang Chang's 'multiple flavors selection' helped Su Chen solve the initial problem in a timely manner.

"Okay, second brother. You make some braised pork for Fang Chang. Oh, yes, put the meat in the refrigerator at -4°, no need to freeze it."

After saying that, Su Chen excitedly climbed back to the 19th floor from the stairs. It should be said that I can't say whether the decoration is good during this period, but this body is definitely well exercised.

Su Chen climbed directly from the 2nd floor to the 19th floor in one breath without even taking a breath.

"Maybe shutting down the elevator in the future will not only save money, but also allow employees to exercise!"

Su Chen silently kept this idea in mind, then returned to the office and slept on his favorite recliner.

He sank his mind and appeared in the practice room.

'Anyway, if you want to make the braised pork homely, you have to simplify it as much as possible. '

'Use the simplest means to achieve the best results. '

While thinking about the recipe, Su Chen was still thinking that in fact, this home-cooked food series can be made into a special issue by He Shuting, saving hundreds of thousands of fans from watching his mobile phones every day.

You have to learn how to cook, or else how can you get enough nutrition?

"Ingredients: pork belly."

Simple, pure, no other side dishes are needed, and then there are some simple seasonings.

Summon these things.

Su Chen thought, why do you have to scald the pork belly skin with the bottom of the pot before cooking?

Its function is nothing more than better hair removal and removal of impurities in the pores of the pig skin.

Just right, for the freshly killed pork belly sent by Fang Chang, there is no need to do this step at all. People have already handled it very cleanly, and the money that is 30% higher than the market price is not earned in vain!

And then.

'Why do most braised pork recipes blanch it in water to shape it, and then cook it until it is 70% done before cooking it? '

Su Chen believes that his cooking skills are not top-notch, and his understanding of ingredients and cooking skills cannot be said to be first-class, but there is still some knowledge in it.

On this issue, Su Chen has never figured it out since he became a broadcaster.

Wouldn't it taste better if the meat was directly cut into small pieces for cooking?

"Change it, I must try it!"

After cleaning the pork belly with skin, cut it into 2.5 cm square blocks. In order to make the blocks look more neat, Su Chen first trimmed the four corners of the pork belly before cutting.

'Modern people have no shortage of fat in their stomachs. In fact, the dish of braised pork is not popular now, mainly because seeing these three layers of fat will discourage many people. '

Others dare not say it, but people like He Shuting would never touch this kind of thing even if they are beaten to death!

Su Chen would feel choked after eating two or three pieces at most. Only the older generation, like Zhang Heping, eat this thing the most. Some people can even eat two or three pounds of meat with rice!

After cutting, add a little base oil to the pot, and then add a few big spices and cinnamon to stir-fry to bring out the aroma.

Then put the cut pork belly into the pot and stir-fry over low heat.

This step does not add any seasoning, just a dry pot, slowly heat it over low heat, and then slowly stir-fry the cut braised pork cubes in it.

It can be seen that under low heat, the meat cubes that were sticky at the beginning gradually stopped sticking, and the bottom of the pot originally had only a small amount of bottom oil, and now the fat gradually increased.

‘So in fact, the requirements for ingredients for making pork belly are a bit high. ’

The freshly killed pork belly from Fang Chang does not need any pre-processing at all, just stir-fry with star anise and cinnamon.

But if it has been frozen in the cold storage for a period of time, then you have to add onions, ginger and cooking wine for blanching.

As for the heat.

Su Chen always chose low heat, so that the temperature of the bottom of the pot would not be very high, and it could be maintained at a temperature that would extract the fat in the pork belly but would not cause the surface of the meat to burn.

This step lasted for a long time.

Only when the fat layer in the pork belly looked slightly transparent did Su Chen push the meat in the pot to the sides of the pot, revealing a large amount of extracted lard in the middle.

Put the chopped scallion and ginger in the middle and stir-fry again with the extracted lard to bring out the aroma.

This step is very particular.

When Su Chen was cooking before, he thought of several concepts, namely seasoning before, during and after cooking, and this one belongs to the seasoning in cooking.

Green onion, ginger, star anise and cinnamon can fuse the extracted lard with a very strong compound aroma. Then use this oil to fry the pork belly, and the compound aroma can be integrated into the meat!

During the frying process, the lard in the pot increased again.

It’s almost parallel to the meat!

"If I decanted all the lard."

I have to say that Su Chen was a little hesitant when he did this step, but this is a gourmet practice room!

Decant all the lard directly, leaving only the fried meat pieces.

Even at this time, the pork belly pieces are already exuding a very strong meaty aroma. This meaty aroma is the most appetizing.

However, at this stage, it is obviously still in the stage where it smells good but tastes not so good.

"Because the meat is fried for too long, not only the fat is lost inside the meat, but also the moisture is lost!"

Add a spoonful of soy sauce to the pot.

After decanting the fat, the soy sauce poured into the pot penetrated into the meat at a speed that was almost visible to the naked eye!

'It seems that something extraordinary has been discovered.'

Not wanting to think about this matter for the moment, Su Chen immediately added another piece of red bean curd to the pot!

This is a carefully considered approach.

In the north, some restaurants use red bean curd to make dishes such as braised pork and braised pork. In fact, this method is somewhat tricky!

First of all, red fermented bean curd is made through fermentation. There is a certain amount of alcohol in it, which can remove fishy smell and relieve greasiness!

Moreover, fermented bean curd has a salty taste. If it is served with soy sauce, you only need to add a small amount of salt. The dish will be very fragrant just because it has a 'salty' taste!

Then there is.


Su Chen's braised pork avoids the troublesome problem of frying the sugar color, which is a headache for newcomers, and directly uses soy sauce and fermented bean curd to color it.

The taste of bean curd itself is acceptable to most people in the north.

Especially in Jingzhou, many people like to eat steamed buns dipped in fermented bean curd, so there is no problem in adding fermented bean curd to this braised pork dish.

After adding fermented bean curd and stir-frying a few times, the color of the meat turned into the most attractive red sauce.

“You can add water at the end.”

Add boiling water directly to the meat and let it cook for a few minutes. This step is to fix the color of the meat.

If you don't stir it a few times, the color on the surface of the meat will be easily diluted by the added boiling water.

“Let’s use Zhang Laoer’s hotel method again.”

Su Chen directly opened a pressure cooker and poured the meat pieces that were cooking in the pot into the pressure cooker.

'I believe there is no simpler braised pork than this.'

Because the pressure cooker only needs to simmer for 15 minutes at most, and using a pressure cooker is much better than simmering it slowly for more than an hour on the stove.

First of all, the shape of the meat will be more complete, and secondly, the taste will remain perfect.

Fifteen minutes passed quickly.

After the pressure cooker deflated, Su Chen directly picked out a piece of meat with chopsticks and put it in his mouth.

‘Why do those food bloggers make such a simple braised pork so complicated? ’

After one bite, Su Chen even shocked himself!

In the past, although Su Chen was also a gourmet anchor who enjoyed all things meat, pork really didn't arouse much interest!

These days, everyone's life has become better, and pork has become cheaper. Basically, no one particularly likes to eat pork.

But what about this bite!

‘The salty and fresh taste is more in line with northerners’ preference for pork. ’

‘It’s not greasy, this meat is not greasy at all! ’

Pick them up and look at them together. There are five layers of pork belly, three fat and two thin. The fat parts in the middle are completely transparent and slightly gelatinous!

It doesn't look like fat anymore.

The lean meat part, after absorbing enough soup in the pressure cooker, has regained its tender texture. Every bite will overflow with the flavor of sauce with gravy, and the slightest hint of fermented bean curd.

‘If you want to set up a stall and sell it, you have to take the last step! ’

This is what Zhang Heping calls hotel thinking.

When ordering a braised pork dish in many restaurants, it is actually cooked in advance the day before, which is what Su Chen is doing now.

If a customer orders food.

Take out a portion of braised pork directly from the pressure cooker, add a spoonful of soup, and return it to the wok over high heat to collect the juice.

When a layer of juice hangs on the meat pieces when you pick them up, the dish is done!

Send it to the chopping board.

Golden words appeared in the sky above the gourmet training room.

[Home-cooked Braised Pork: Evaluation, Grade A]


Su Chen snapped his fingers. It was enough for this dish to be A-grade. From the evaluation system, the braised pork was the same as the first stir-fried yellow beef.

It’s a dish that appeals to thousands of people.

It is impossible to directly achieve S level.

"There's something salty, and then there's the sweet roast pork."

Different from northerners, many southerners like to eat sweet braised pork, especially in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai.

Su Chen once tasted the famous "Grandma's Braised Pork" in a shop in Shanghai. It was so delicious after eating it!

Sweet, sweet!

The taste is very unfriendly to northerners!

But I can’t resist it. Southerners love to eat that taste.

‘Don’t rush to make the sweet one now, let’s make the salty one first to see if it can reach the S level required by the mission, and take a video by the way. ’

Today's delicious Douyin account is not as good as before. If you have hundreds of thousands of fans, it is very important to update your videos appropriately.

Leave the food practice room.

Su Chen immediately ran to the second floor again, because this production was only the first attempt to achieve level A. In reality, the time only passed by the time Su Chen climbed the stairs.

In the kitchen, Zhang Heping had just brought a piece of pork belly and started blanching it.

"Stop, stop."

"Ah?" Zhang Heping was stunned, "Didn't you just go upstairs? Why did you come down again?"

Su Chen said, "I'll cook this dish, and you guys will be responsible for tasting it. If possible, I'll add this dish to the menu this afternoon!"

Hearing Su Chen say that he wanted to cook the food himself, Fang Chang slapped his thigh excitedly, "Boss Su! You have discovered your conscience for once!"

Zhan Yang had just made several videos with him, saying that even if he couldn't eat the dishes cooked by Boss Su, he should at least watch them.

Fang Chang refused several times, so much so that Zhan Yang directly said something in the group. Fang Chang loves to show off. He doesn't care about pretending to be normal, but he can also pretend to be trying food?

it's good now!

Brother Fang Chang directly posted in a group chat video.

Let you see if I am showing off?

Seeing this, Su Chen said, "Fang Chang, you can save the time and start the video. I'll get you some equipment and you can help shoot the video."

"Take a video?"

Su Chen nodded and said, "Yes, during the two days of live broadcast, our company account gained hundreds of thousands of followers, and now we have to shoot some videos. I think this home-cooked braised pork is very suitable."

"That's okay. Where's the equipment?"

Su Chen went to Ling Shuyu's office and took out Liu Abao's set of professional equipment.

This thing has been used by He Shuting several times before when filming videos, and it has been gathering dust in the office.

"You don't need to take pictures of people, just find a camera position and keep taking pictures of the pot and my hands."

This is not difficult. Brother Fang Chang clicked on the group chat video and found an angle to aim at Su Chen's hands.

"Today I will teach you how to make an invincible version of home-style braised pork!!!"

Su Chen made some opening remarks, and then started cooking very neatly.

twenty five minutes later

Zhang Heping, Chen Laoba, and Fang Chang.

The three of them stared blankly at the small wok in front of Su Chen, which contained braised pork cubes that had absorbed the juice.

It looks a little unremarkable.

"Is this gone?"

"Yeah, it's gone. What else do you want?"

Zhang Heping touched his head and said, "I feel like your braised pork is a bit sloppy. Did you only use four seasonings: green onion, ginger, star anise and cinnamon?"

Su Chen snorted, "Aren't there also soy sauce and bean curd?"

One sentence made Zhang Heping, the Shandong cuisine chef, choke up and didn't know what to say.

"Okay, let me try it!"

"I'll try it too!"

The three of them didn't know what to say. They thought that a pure meat dish like braised pork must be complicated in the hands of Boss Su, and it would be full of color, flavor and flavor!

But looking at it now, it's either that or not, but I don't know how to taste it.

Meanwhile, under the building where Yummy comes.

"There are so many restaurants to visit, the real and fake chefs say! Today we come to a restaurant that suddenly became popular on the Internet! Jingzhou, here comes the delicious food!"

"The boss of this company is a bit special. He only accepts reservations. Although Old Tang has not made any reservations, I am so shameless! Let's go upstairs and have a look!"

As the first person to rush to Jingzhou.

Lao Tang has started the production of a new store visit video!

I was in Macau and just came out of the casino, feeling dizzy. Macau will update 4,000 these days, I hope you will forgive me!

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