Food Customizer

Chapter 286: Pastry Master Zhao Huilian's Surprise

"Salt, salt, salt." Thomas swallowed his saliva and stared at Su Chen in disbelief, "Hydrochloric acid?"

The others were also confused!

As if they were afraid that they had heard it wrong, after whispering to each other, everyone was sure that they did not hear it wrong, but Su Chen really said this word.

Hydrochloric acid, fish!

As we all know, hydrochloric acid is an aqueous solution of hydrogen chloride. The chemical formula of this thing is HCI, which is extremely corrosive and has a very pungent smell.

Should I say it or not, this thing gulps down a few mouthfuls. Let's not talk about whether it tastes good or not, whether you can see the sun tomorrow is a question.

So what Boss Su just said was hydrochloric acid fish.

[I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network →𝘵𝘸𝘬𝘢𝘯.𝘤𝘰𝘮]

A fish made with hydrochloric acid?

What I mean is that it is wrong for us to disrupt the order of dining, but you don't have to fight with us.

Want to kill all these people with a fish?

But reason told them that in this situation, Boss Su would never do such an outrageous thing, so the question is.

In this case, what is this hydrochloric acid fish?

Su Chen now has two jobs. After seeing everyone's confusion and panic, he smiled like a gentleman.

"The hydrochloric acid here is not hydrochloric acid in the chemical sense. Please rest assured that there will be no problem if you eat it."

At this time, simultaneous interpretation alone is not enough. After the translators talked a lot, the faces of the guests gradually calmed down, revealing a little curiosity.

If it is not hydrochloric acid, why is it called hydrochloric acid?

Just look at Su Chen picking up a chopstick of vegetables from a jar, it looks like an ordinary vegetable.

"This is a local specialty from Guizhou Province. It is a pickled vegetable with a sweet, slightly spicy taste and a crisp texture. It has the effect of stimulating appetite and can also remove fishy and greasy smells when used in cooking."

Put the greens back into the jar.

Su Chen turned to face everyone.

"For this kind of pickled vegetables, the greens need to be harvested in sunny weather and dried for one or two days. After washing, remove the excess parts and leave only the rhizomes at the roots of the greens. The same is true for garlic sprouts, which are then dried together."

"After putting it into the jar, you need to add liquor and salt. After storing it for a few days, use sweet wine, chili powder, and salt. Then continue to seal it for nearly two months before it can be eaten."

Su Chen spoke slowly and gave the translators enough time. Based on his simple description, those imaginative foreigners were able to create a beautiful picture in their minds in a very short time.

In the mountains and forests of Guizhou Province, there lived such an ordinary family. The sun had just risen, and the family picked the green vegetables in the yard, processed them through various complicated processes, and sealed them up in jars one by one.

Waiting to be unsealed in two months.

And these beautiful pictures and imaginations should be thanked to some well-known domestic bloggers. The fairy-like videos they shot are deeply loved by foreign people.

Su Chen's voice continued to come.

"If the vegetables are dried too dry, the hydrochloric acid will be mellow, and if they are dried too raw, the hydrochloric acid will be too rotten and not crispy. If the salt is too heavy, it will have a choking smell, and if the salt is too light, it will be sour. Then the smart people in Guizhou Province added a new seasoning to this pickled vegetable: rock sugar. This not only allows the hydrochloric acid to last for a long time without changing its taste, but also makes its color more vivid."

After such an explanation, some people couldn't resist their curiosity.

"Boss Su, according to what you said, this hydrochloric acid can not only be used for cooking, but also eaten directly, right?"

Su Chen nodded, "Yes. Not only can it be used for cooking, but it can also be eaten directly, and it is best to eat it with staple food."

Thomas immediately held the bowl, "Can I try it?"

Others saw this and immediately ran over with bowls.

"Yes, you said it so well, this hydrochloric acid must be delicious, right? Let's try it."

"I have a question! I wonder how this hydrochloric acid compares to our country's kimchi?"

"Since it is a pickled product, it must be easy to store, so..."

Su Chen was a little surprised.

This link is not in the process of today's banquet. According to the normal process, after Ling Shuyu finished introducing the confusing hydrochloric acid, his hydrochloric acid fish was basically ready.

Why is he eating hydrochloric acid?

He looked at the position of the Chinese leader from a distance.

The man's eyebrows were full of smiles, and he just nodded slightly, which was equivalent to agreeing to such an unexpected link.

In this case

To be honest, these jars of hydrochloric acid were not pickled by Su Chen himself. First, there was not enough time, and second, some old craftsmen in Guizhou Province had already reached the peak of the skill of pickling hydrochloric acid. After all, this is a traditional delicacy that has been passed down for hundreds of years.

There is nothing wrong with using it directly.

And Su Chen mainly uses it for cooking, and can also make subtle adjustments during the cooking process according to the taste characteristics of hydrochloric acid.

Since the leaders said that there was no big problem, Su Chen had to pick out a few green vegetables from the jar, cut the roots of the green vegetables into very thin slices, and put two slices on each of the small plates stacked next to it.

"Although hydrochloric acid can indeed be eaten directly, it is a pickled vegetable after all. Eating too much will make you thirsty. Please."

Even if it is a simple pickled vegetable, it still needs to be made to look high-end.

Two thin and transparent green vegetable roots were placed on the bone china plate. The green and pale white colors complemented each other and looked elegant.

The guests who had received the side dishes in front were like treasures. They were already full of fantasies about what Su Chen had just described. At this moment, the joy in their hearts holding this side dish that took two months to make was simply indescribable.

He put his nose in front of the small plate and sniffed hard.

Thomas' first thought was: It really is not the smell of hydrochloric acid in chemistry!

Then a very strong and fresh fragrance rushed into his mind. This smell was a bit similar to... It seemed that some strange seasoning was made with green vegetable juice.

After receiving the side dishes, the guests could not wait to pinch a small piece and put it in their mouths after smelling it. Soon the kitchen was full of praise.

"Fragrant, sweet, crisp, fresh, slightly sour and spicy! After eating one piece, I want to eat the second piece. This hydrochloric acid is really delicious!"

"It's like I'm addicted. Hey, buddy, if you don't like it, give me this piece?"

"Who said I don't want to eat it! I'm just chewing it slowly. I want to taste it carefully!"

"It's hard to believe that this is just a delicacy made from the most common green vegetables. I thought our canned herrings had already brought the pickling skills to the extreme. In front of hydrochloric acid, I admit that canned herrings are still a little insufficient."

Even Su Chen did not expect that these foreigners like this very common pickled vegetable?

But it should be said that before making this hydrochloric acid fish, Su Chen himself had never seen this kind of pickled vegetable.

This also highlights a feature of Chinese cuisine, which is highly regional.

In each region, people have their own unique pickles. In some places in the north, people eat more mustard greens. In the south, people in Sichuan and Shu use bamboo shoots to make pickles. There are also small pickles made from fennel and radish, pickles made from cabbage from the three northeastern provinces, and so on. There are endless and varied pickles.

It is no exaggeration to say that if people from all provinces and regions bring out their own pickles for a food exchange, the variety of dishes will definitely shock the world! (Koreans are ecstatic.)

The side dishes are almost done.

Although there are still a few people who are eager to try and try to eat a few more bites, Su Chen has already sealed the jar and put it back, obviously not ready for others to eat.

"So the next dish is hydrochloric acid fish from Guangxi Province. Because the fish needs to be killed and cooked, please be patient."

Su Chen held his breath and concentrated, holding the kitchen knife tightly in his right hand.

Before the green fish could react to what happened, it was hit on the head!

The front and back sides were cleaned with just one scrape. The tip of the knife pierced three places accurately, and the internal organs and other inedible parts were taken out by hand, and then the fish was thrown directly into the basin and washed.

The whole process took only seven or eight seconds.

The kitchen, which was a bit noisy, became very quiet at this moment, and you could hear a pin drop!

Fast, too fast.

Before the foreign guests could react to what Su Chen was doing, a fish had been slaughtered!

And Su Chen maintained this extremely fast speed, slaughtering six or seven fish in less than a minute. The kitchen assistant beside him was washing the killed fish, and he was extremely surprised.

‘It takes more than ten years to practice this skill of killing fish? ’

‘No, the stall in our county market that has been killing fish for more than 30 years is not as good as Boss Su! ’

After cleaning a few fish in a hurry, the little kitchen assistant finally breathed a sigh of relief.

So many people are watching, but you can't embarrass Boss Su!

What made him most uncomfortable was.

When he was working in the kitchen before, he was at least a small chef. After he came to Delicious, he became the assistant chef of Master Wang Zhijun. But he was still a small chef in charge of a few dishes. Now he is helping Boss Su. He is just a tool.

‘When can I be as good as Boss Su? ’

Su Chen only moved his mind at this time. The [Precision Strike] badge that no one could see appeared in the void and was worn on his chest.

Then, his lips moved slightly, and he silently said in his heart, "White Jade Hand."

Even this morning, he had already placed the magic sticker on his temple. The main function here is to enhance the brain's ability to operate, so that he can always maintain a high level of concentration!

When he saw Su Chen with one hand behind his back and the other holding a knife.

Lu Yongliang secretly cried out that it was not good!

He pulled Cui Yufen back several steps.

Those who didn't understand were desperately trying to get closer to see Boss Su's craftsmanship, but those who had seen the wild knife skills had already hidden in the corner of the kitchen!


At some point, Su Chen quietly changed his hand to a kitchen knife with a unique shape!

Two golden dragons were circling on the back of the knife, and the two dragons were winding up, and the dragon heads gathered together at the handle. Although it looked exaggerated, it was very domineering!

"Wild knife skills!"

Su Chen shouted in a low voice, and suddenly raised the chef's knife with his right hand, swinging his arm and slashing wildly. This action shocked those who had just approached and immediately shouted and retreated.

There was no way, the movement was too large, and the kitchen knife in his hand was so sharp that no one could guarantee that they would not be injured by mistake.

Fortunately, Su Chen's action was quite fast. After swinging a few times, he stopped. When everyone looked closely again, the surface of the six herrings on the chopping board had been cut with oblique cuts, and the hydrochloric acid just taken out was chopped into fine pieces.

"what's the situation?"

"What's going on? Just a few swings of the knife and it's all done?"

"Oh my god, I haven't seen anything yet, and Boss Su is done?"

"Fast! Too fast! Boss Su should be the world's fastest man!"

Su Chen glanced at the assistant who said this, and silently memorized the man's appearance in his heart.

The chef's knife was put away.

Put the lard in the pot and boil it directly on high heat. Turn to medium heat and add hydrochloric acid, soy sauce, sugar, MSG, ginger, green onion, and water directly into the pot.

People who know a little about cooking began to murmur again.

The preparation of this dish completely exceeds everyone's understanding of dishes like [cooking fish].

According to common sense, the cleaned fish should be fried in hot oil until golden, then stir-fried with seasonings, and then add water. This is the conventional steps and sequence, which can be said to be very common.

But Su Chen's steps are a bit confusing.

As soon as the oil was heated, all the seasonings, including hydrochloric acid, water and fish, were thrown into the pot, looking like they were in a hurry.

After throwing them into the pot, the lid was covered.

Although many people found it hard to believe that this was the cooking method for this dish, when Su Chen placed a ten-minute countdown alarm clock in front of the pot, everyone knew that the dust had settled.

Next, Su Chen slowed down a little. Although this dish was cooked very quickly, it was very laborious, and his heartbeat was temporarily calmed down.

"Everyone, let me introduce a colleague to you next."

In a corner where no one noticed, there was a three-layer oven, and a middle-aged man with a high-top chef's hat sat on a small stool next to it.

Hearing the sound, he stood up and walked to Su Chen's side.

If Su Chen hadn't said it, no one would have noticed his existence.

Some people in the kitchen knew him, and some didn't.

Cui Yufen pursed his lips and nodded slightly, "If we invite him, there will be no big problem. After all, Xiao Su is not an omnipotent king."

Lu Yongliang disagreed, "It's just that Xiao Su prepared too many things. He has never been good at plain cases. He asked your apprentice Lao Ba to come because he didn't want to spend effort on plain cases. Now he is invited to come, probably for this reason."

Speaking of pastries, the lotus crisps and various kinds of pastries that Su Chen had made before are definitely the existence of Chinese pastries that cannot be surpassed today.

But Su Chen knew in his heart that there was a big disadvantage in making pastries by himself, that is, he could only imitate, and it was difficult to innovate.

This food exchange activity is of great significance. There are not many pastries involved, and there is no need to spend so much energy for one or two pastries.

So, after the meeting in Beijing, Su Chen personally visited a person.

Minzu Hotel, pastry chef, Beijing master craftsman: Zhao Huilian.

When Su Chen made pastries through live broadcast earlier, Zhao Huilian had the idea of ​​visiting him, but he had too many trivial matters and had not been able to come to Jingzhou.

After the two met and heard Su Chen's intention of coming, Zhao Huilian agreed without hesitation.

For this great craftsman, being able to show up at such an event is not a good thing?

And Su Chen's words at the time were: Qiong Province, characteristics, pastries, innovation.

So, a day ago, Zhao Huilian arrived in Jingzhou with a pastry that he had been thinking about day and night for half a month.

After a brief introduction.

Su Chen put his arm around Zhao Huilian's shoulder, "Brother Zhao, let me introduce to you the pastries that represent Qiong Province that you brought today."

Zhao Huilian nodded and turned his head to look at the oven behind him.

"The pastries I brought today are called: Coconut Pastry."

As soon as the voice fell.

The guests with simultaneous interpretation were stunned.

The person in charge of translation was also stunned.

Even Su Chen was dumbfounded.

Not brother, I said I trust you 360 degrees without dead ends.

I said I am looking forward to you bringing everyone a surprise at the banquet.

So you come up with a [Jesus].

What the hell does this mean? (End of this chapter)

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