Food Customizer

Chapter 287 The banquet turns into a banquet

If Su Chen’s [Hydrochloride Fish] brings confusion and confusion to everyone.

The [Coconut Crisp] that Zhao Huilian just mentioned is like a nuclear bomb for everyone!

Let me ask, what would be the reaction if a nuclear bomb was dropped into the crowd?

It's not hustle and bustle, it's not noisy, it's just nothing.

This is what the kitchen looks like at this moment.

When they heard that the pastry they were about to eat was called [Coconut Crisp], the guests were all stunned. Their minds were completely shut down, and they were completely blank. They didn’t know what they were thinking, or what to say, or what to say. Do something.

A crisp sound broke the silence in the kitchen.

"Master Zhao is too nervous."

Ling Shuyu walked into the crowd and faced the guests, "This noodle is named Coconut, Su."

"Cui is an adjective in Chinese pastry, and it is also used as a noun. It means that the texture of this pastry is crispy, and the coconut in front indicates the raw material of this pastry."

Only then did Zhao Huilian react and hurriedly followed Ling Shuyu's words and said, "Yes, yes, you're bald. The pastry I brought today is called Coconut Crispy!"

He also paused deliberately in the middle of words.

I was still feeling quite panicked.

No wonder I always felt that the name was so smooth after I made it before. The more I said it, the smoother it became. I didn’t think carefully about the reason.

If this little girl hadn't reacted so quickly, her career would have been ruined.

This was an insignificant mistake, but with Ling Shuyu's rescue, the guests also breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as you don't let us eat up your faith, it will be easy.

Zhao Hui didn't even dare to explain more at this moment. He immediately turned around and went to the oven to check the oven's timing and heat temperature. After confirming that there was no problem, he took a deep breath and opened the oven drawer!

All of a sudden.

With Zhao Huilian as the center, a strange aroma began to fill the kitchen. The aroma was so rich that it felt very sweet just by smelling it!

It's a bit similar to the feeling of smelling fried chicken on the street. It's not necessarily delicious or not, but the smell is very tempting and makes people want to buy one and try it!

And when Zhao Huilian placed the pulled out baking sheet on the workbench, the strange aroma became even stronger, the smell of coconut.

There are various small and delicate pastries in the baking pan. They are golden in appearance and shaped like coconuts made by Zhao Huilian. Each one is the same size, only one centimeter in size, and looks very suitable for eating.

One bite at a time!

The guests present were each given a few small pastries.

The old lady and Thomas ate each bite deliciously, while there were several guests on the other side who only tasted one and then stopped eating.

After Su Chen noticed this situation, he could only sigh silently.

Recalling that when I was in Beijing, Qiong cuisine was actually very controversial. At that time, representatives from Qiong Province immediately proposed the four famous dishes of Qiong Province.

They are: Wenchang chicken, Jiaji duck, Dongyang goat, and Hele crab.

The reason why these dishes are famous is that the locals believe that these local ingredients are superior and the cooking methods are relatively simple, mainly to highlight the characteristics of the ingredients themselves.

But after Su Chen tried the ingredients brought by representatives from Qiong Province, he discovered that

If you want to talk about chicken, it can’t compare to the Qingyuan chicken from Guangdong Province.

For duck, we already have roast duck and camphor tea duck. Making duck again would be too repetitive.

The characteristic of Eastern goat is that there is very little odor, almost no mutton. However, according to Su Chen's tasting, this kind of mutton is fatter, and there is a big gap compared with the mutton from Mongolia and Gansu provinces.

There’s not much to say about crab. It’s not a special ingredient. It’s available all over the world, and its cooking methods are varied. It’s definitely not amazing.

After much thought, it happened that the banquet was still missing a dessert, so coconut was decided as the main ingredient, and Zhao Huilian's innovative coconut crisp was decided upon.

The reason why Su Chen didn't want to do this kind of thing was because besides the disproportionate amount of effort and reward, there was another very important reason.

Compared to serious dishes, desserts are the real thing, and it’s hard to agree on!

Some people like coconuts and some don't, and the same goes for mangoes. Su Chen didn't want to waste too much effort on something that could no longer be decided with his own skills.

So that was basically it for Qiong Cai. When everyone was about to taste the desserts, the alarm clock in front of the operating table rang.

This voice drew everyone's attention back.

Just now, Zhao Hui even gave everyone a [Coconut Crisp] and they were all confused. They completely forgot that there was another dish waiting for them to taste.

The herring, which had been simmered in the pot for ten minutes, was now in a mature state.

Su Chen carefully put the fish into a large fish plate with a spatula. The herring that had been cooked until it was almost soft was not broken at all.

Immediately pour the water starch prepared previously into the pot, add sesame oil and pepper, briefly thicken the sauce to enhance the flavor, and then pour the fish soup over the six herrings.

According to the original plan, Su Chen needed to cut off the head and tail of each fish with a knife, and then select the four most delicious parts from each fish and put them on the plate.

But seeing the guests swallowing their saliva one after another, they were still eager to try.

Su Chen walked slowly to the leader.

"Leader, since everyone is here, how about we change the original banquet method and simply use our Chinese mixed meal system?"

This saves the kitchen time, but it saves the guests from the anxiety of waiting, and it allows everyone to enjoy the meal all at once!

Didn't you say it's not enough?

Well, we'll serve it all to you!

The leader smacked his lips, obviously thinking seriously about the feasibility of this suggestion.

Before he could say anything, Thomas came over and said, "I think Boss Su's suggestion is very good! When we come to China, we should integrate into the Chinese culture! Not only should we eat local Chinese dishes, but we should also eat in a Chinese way. This is the real way to appreciate the Chinese food culture!"

Su Chen turned his head with a look of surprise on his face.

He said it so high-soundingly, is it really for the purpose of experiencing the culture?

The old lady also stood up seriously, "I agree with Mr. Thomas's statement very much. Since we want to experience Chinese food, experiencing Chinese culture is also part of it! Only by combining food with culture can we better understand the spirit contained in it!"

Good guy. The height is getting higher and higher.

In this case, the leader did not hesitate, "Then let's go back to the banquet hall? Change the separate dining system to the shared dining system?"

"What banquet hall? I see there is a place outside Boss Su's kitchen, so we can just eat here! Real food does not need an environment to set off!"

Thomas now seems to have become a mouthpiece for other guests. When he said something, others immediately nodded and agreed in various ways.

If this is done, the service team in Li Wenkui's company will be a little confused.

They have always been in big scenes, how should they serve such a small fight?

And the dining place is so big, it is estimated that at most ten people can sit on the round table, and there is a small square table, which can only seat four people.

But there is also an antique small private room next to it, which seems to have six or seven seats.

With the total number of people, it seems that it is okay to squeeze in?

What should their service team do? The guests alone are almost filling up the restaurant. If there are 20 or 30 more waiters, there will be no place for people to walk!

The kitchen was gradually becoming chaotic due to the temporary changes.

"Everyone, please follow me."

Ling Shuyu stood up again. Her fluent English immediately attracted everyone's attention. Everyone followed Ling Shuyu out of the kitchen and came to the restaurant subconsciously.

Zhang Li, Liu Shengnan, He Shuting!

These three girls had been waiting outside the restaurant. They were still mumbling when it was lively inside just now.

"Such a grand banquet ended up with no place for us"

"Who said it wasn't. Hey, let's go, it feels inappropriate to leave. If we don't leave, I feel awkward standing here. This is obviously our own company, but now it seems like we are outsiders."

"Hey, there's nothing we can do. Who made us weak? They are all waiters trained by big hotels, and we are all monks who changed their jobs halfway."

The three people were talking in a boring way, only to see Ling Shuyu leading a group of people to come out in a mighty manner, and at the same time gave the three people a look, "Shengnan, you are responsible for arranging the guests to sit down."

It's time to work!

The three people's eyes suddenly flashed, "Okay!"

If they can't help with the banquet hall upstairs, it's true.

But if you move the venue to the 19th floor, then sorry, we are professionals!

These three girls are college students anyway, and if nothing else, their half-baked English is still okay.

Under their arrangement, more than 20 guests were seated very quickly. There were 12 people sitting at the round table, and 8 people sitting in the small private room, which was the private room that was temporarily built for Fang Chang's engagement banquet.

There were also 4 people sitting at the small square table next to it.

In this way, the guests were all seated, and reception in this place was the forte of the employees of Delicious.

When Zhang Li passed by and saw the waiters in neat uniforms, she raised her head very arrogantly, "Huh~"

This scene really made the audience laugh.

The audience also thought that the misunderstanding of hydrochloric acid fish just now was a translation problem.

Later, the misunderstanding of coconut crisps, although interesting, was not something that could be used as a joke.

But now?

Instead of staying in the luxurious banquet hall, they first clamored to visit the kitchen, and now they have become a group of people eating together.

A high-end banquet suddenly became a Chinese feast!

This time, Su Chen didn't have to taste all the dishes later, so he made them very small and exquisite.

We're having a big feast, so why be exquisite?

Six fish, three for the big round table, two for the private room, and one for the small square table.

The number of dishes served later was also based on this and that was it!

Six hydrochloric acid fish appeared on the tables of the guests. This time there was no restriction of small portions just now. Everyone looked at the whole fish in front of them and felt very happy for no reason.

The old lady took the knife and fork in her hand and was about to start with the most tender piece of meat in the belly of the fish. As soon as the knife reached over, she saw a pair of bamboo chopsticks quickly pick up the piece of meat!


Immediately, the old lady immediately pointed the knife and fork in her hand at the piece of fish back meat with the most plump meat next to it.

But before the knife was put on, the pair of chopsticks appeared again!

She raised her head with an unpleasant expression, only to see Thomas enjoying the feast. He ate one of the three fish on the table and the other, and after eating the last one, he had to touch the other one!

And the pair of chopsticks in his hand seemed to be very flexible as if they were grown together with his fingers. Several foreign guests who also used knives and forks were also very angry but dared not say anything. They could only watch Thomas show off these fish at nearly four times the speed of them.

Just like the hydrochloric acid they tasted just now, this fish has a part of the taste of hydrochloric acid, but because it has been cooked in other ways, the taste of hydrochloric acid is not so strong, and only the freshness and slightly sour taste of the green vegetables are retained.

The old lady finally grabbed a piece of meat, and before she could chew it properly, the piece of meat seemed to have legs and ran straight into her stomach along her throat.

"I've watched the whole process of Boss Su making this fish, but I still can't figure out why the fish is so tender!"

The old lady grabbed a piece of meat again. This time she didn't rush to eat it, but observed it repeatedly.

After Su Chen's cooking, the fish was very different from the fish she had seen before in terms of appearance.

No shredded meat!

It was as if the fish was a whole piece, and if the fork was stirred slightly, the fish would spread apart by itself, and each piece of meat would be in the shape of a garlic clove.

"Never mind, eat it first!"

The old lady saw from the corner of her eye that Thomas was stuffing food into his mouth all the time, and he didn't care to taste it slowly like her, so he could only complain depressedly, "Vulgar!"

After switching to the banquet mode, Su Chen was relieved in the kitchen.

According to the alphabetical order, the dishes from Hebei Province are now on the stage. Just like the recent dishes, the dishes from Hebei Province are also very controversial.

The presence of Hebei Province in China is currently very weak, and the taste and flavor of Hebei cuisine are also mediocre.

Moreover, even the locals of Hebei Province will quarrel over the food, let alone those from other places who don't understand their food.

People in Baoding and Shijiazhuang think that their Jingnan cuisine is the real Hebei cuisine. After all, their dishes are derived from the gifts of the farming society and have been made in a way that has lasted for thousands of years, which seems to be more orthodox.

Then people in Tangshan and Qinhuangdao are not convinced.

We can eat seafood, is it because we are next to the sea?

Who wouldn't think that our Jingdong cuisine's seafood dumplings are the best?

The shrimps and crabs from the Bohai Sea jump into our bowls by themselves, and we just add some lard and new leeks. That taste is enough to fascinate anyone, isn't it delicious?

Let's not talk about seafood dumplings, let's just say that we put a layer of seafood on the meat pot of the three northeastern provinces, who wouldn't be confused by the taste?

Is our Jingdong cuisine not worthy of representing Hebei cuisine?

When the two factions were arguing, some locals from Zhangjiakou and Chengde would often smile without saying anything until everyone had no energy to argue, and then they would jump out.

It's so funny, what is our Beijing North cuisine called? It's called Zhili official uniform cuisine!

If you can call it authentic Hebei cuisine, then what is our official cuisine?

Our Chengde was the Summer Resort and the emperor's back garden. What do you think of the thousands of famous court dishes left behind?

If all your dishes can be called Hebei cuisine, then I really don't know what our court cuisine is!

Generally speaking, as long as you talk about Hebei cuisine, this kind of debate will arise.

If we don't talk about food, we are still fellow countrymen. If you want to talk about food with me, then I'm sorry, we are not the same kind of people!

And Su Chen faced this dilemma when he was in Beijing. Three pairs from Hebei Province came, and three presidents came!

When the agenda came to the famous dishes of Hebei Province, they argued fiercely. At that time, they even decided on the dishes of the provinces after Hebei Province before returning to continue studying Hebei cuisine.

It was at this dark moment, in this historical issue that had been left for hundreds of years, that Su Chen conquered the three presidents with a dish.

At this moment, Su Chen was unwilling to recall the dark meeting of half a month.

He took a deep breath.

Another dish that was cooked and eaten immediately.

Improved version, Governor's Tofu! (End of this chapter)

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