Food Customizer

Chapter 288: If you are impatient, you won’t be able to eat the hot tofu!

The competition for hydrochloric acid fish has begun to enter a fierce stage outside.

The easy-to-pick-out pieces of meat on the surface of the fish have basically been eaten completely by everyone, and now only the skeleton and the bits of shredded meat wrapped on it are left.

At present, foreign guests who use knives and forks are obviously at a disadvantage in terms of flexibility. Those who use chopsticks look at the knives and forks in their hands with various proud looks from time to time.

As if to say: Chopsticks are the dining tools that humans should really use!

Thomas went even further. The chopsticks in his hands were even easier to use than many Chinese people. In the blink of an eye, he had two fish heads in his bowl!

Zhang Li stared blankly at the "real faces" of these foreign guests at the door of the kitchen, always feeling a little incredible, but seeing Thomas sizzling the two fish heads, Zhang Li was still quite emotional.

"When I was a child, I read in the text that my mother loved to eat fish heads. Later I found out that the reason why my mother loved to eat fish heads was because she wanted us to eat more fish."

Liu Shengnan nodded slightly, "Yes. My family is like this. My mother eats fish heads every time. I asked her to eat more fish several times, but she refused to listen."

Unexpectedly, Zhang Li suddenly snorted, "I didn't realize until I grew up that fish heads are quite delicious!"

Liu Shengnan and He Shuting tilted their heads and looked at the short legs.

This brain circuit is really invincible.

Nothing outside could affect Su Chen who was cooking inside. When Su Chen took out the refrigerated tofu in the tray from the refrigerator, the chefs cheered up and their faces became serious.

They know that only this kind of dish that is fried and eaten can fully demonstrate the skills of a chef during the cooking process!

Governor's Tofu is a dish that is not well-known in China.

Speaking of making tofu, there are mirror box tofu, mapo tofu, etc. These dishes almost fully bring out the characteristics of tofu itself.

It is really difficult to come up with a truly delicious tofu dish in other cuisines.

This time is different.

Su Chen not only worked hard on cooking, but also made the tofu on the tray by himself.

Governor's tofu is different from tofu in other cuisines. When making it, egg tofu is used. You only need to mix the ground soy milk and the eggs evenly in a one-to-one ratio and then steam them.

Of course, there are many tricks to this.

For example, the heat must be low and the bubbles must be fully released when stirring.

After steaming over low heat for 15 minutes, it becomes an egg tofu dish.

This is much more delicious than the ones sold on the market, and both the egg and bean flavors will be more intense.

Stainless steel trays are used to hold tofu, also to make the steamed tofu better shaped.

At this moment, Su Chen used a knife to cut open the four sides of the tofu, turning the tofu in the middle into a very regular rectangular parallelepiped.

Then continue to modify the knife, just cut the middle cuboid into a cube about two centimeters in size.

The soft tofu seemed to show no resistance with every cut, and it was easily transformed into more than sixty small tofu pieces.

“This thing looks like a great way to relieve stress.”

"Yeah, watching Boss Su cut tofu makes me feel like I'm taking a breath of fresh air! Maybe this is the God of Cooking!"


Su Chen turned his head and glanced at the little cook who said this, thinking that this was too awesome. If he kept blowing like this, I would really swell.

Use a large shovel to slowly scoop up the tofu pieces against the bottom of the tray. Only now can you see the full picture of these small light yellow tofu pieces.

Although it has been refrigerated for a certain period of time, it still looks shaky at the moment. The cut surface is extremely smooth and even slightly reflective. From a distance, it looks like mango-flavored jelly.

After cutting the tofu, Su Chen's hand movements began to become faster, and even the national chefs began to show a little surprise.

Put oyster sauce, light soy sauce, vinegar, and shrimp into a bowl and stir quickly evenly.

Cut the scallops into thin strips and add them to the stirred sauce.

While stirring the sauce, don't forget to pour half of the new oil into the wok in front of you and turn on the fire!

"This dish looks like this, but the preparation method is actually quite simple." Cui Yufen started the review session, "It is a more common type of dish that is fried in oil and then stir-fried."

Lu Yongdian nodded, but quickly shook his head, "So I don't recommend that apprentices always cook this kind of food when they learn cooking."

Liu Guochu and Wang Zhijun both nodded in agreement.

A little helper took a few deep breaths and then came over, "Mr. Lu, why?"

If this kind of dish is relatively simple, it stands to reason that the apprentice should learn more to improve his skills and then learn more difficult dishes. This is right.

Liu Abao watched Su Chen constantly put his hand on the oil surface to feel the temperature, and then interjected, "One of the characteristics of this kind of dish is that the lower limit is very high, but the upper limit is beyond the reach of ordinary people in their lifetime."

Naturally, the conversation between several people was transmitted word for word from the perspective of the kitchen live broadcast room.

"What do you mean, what are the upper and lower limits? I just want to learn a few tricks in this live broadcast room and then show them to my wife. Is that okay?"

"Brother, if you really want to learn, then take a good look at this dish!"

"What the fat chef means is that even if someone who doesn't know how to cook cooks this dish, it won't taste bad. But if you want to make this dish as delicious as it should be, then It’s difficult”

"Yes, this dish may seem simple to make, but in fact, only when every step is done to the extreme can the characteristics of the dish itself be fully stimulated. I studied under Baoding Wangyue Tower and worked there for eight years, but I haven't mastered this dish yet."

Governor's Tofu is a famous dish in Baoding.

In the live broadcast room, there are many famous chefs from all over the country. After all, it is a rare opportunity to watch the second-level members cook by themselves!

And when they saw that the oil in the pot in front of Su Chen began to smoke slightly, some people finally couldn't help it.

"Nonsense! The tofu is so tender and the oil temperature is so high, won't it burn immediately after it is put into the pan?"

"I agree. My master said that the oil temperature for this dish should be no more than 60% hot. It can't be lower. If it is lower, the tofu will not be fixed and it will easily break. But it can't be higher. If it is higher, the tofu will easily burn. It has started to smoke. Is it okay?"

"I believe that Boss Su has his reasons for doing this, but this reason is too hard to guess, right?"

Su Chen continued to feel the oil temperature, completely unaware that the chefs who were lurking in the live broadcast room watching him cook were already furious at this moment.

'This is the time'

With the perception ability of white jade hands, Su Chen only needs to place his palm a few centimeters above the oil to know the specific oil temperature.

The accuracy is no worse than that of a thermometer.

80% hot!

This is the answer Su Chen gave after hundreds of attempts in the practice room.

Indeed, at this temperature, once the tofu enters the oil pan, it will burn on the surface before it can react.

But this is just a traditional method of making it.

Su Chen lit another pot next to him. There was nothing in the pot, but he turned on the bottom fire directly, low fire.

Put the cut tofu into the large colander and hold it above the empty pot with his left hand. With his right hand, he took a pot spoon and scooped the hot oil in the pot and began to pour it.


When the high-temperature oil met the refrigerated tofu cubes, the two collided and made a violent sound. The surface of the tofu cubes lost its smoothness at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Another spoonful!

The surface of the tofu began to become slightly grainy.


The surface continued to change, and the protruding points of the grain seemed to be stained with a light yellow hard layer.

Another spoonful!

One spoonful after another, the hot oil just now was poured on the surface of the tofu cubes, and then flowed into the empty pot below along the pores of the colander.

Almost all the hot oil in the pot was scooped out. At this time, the tofu cubes in the colander turned into a brown color on the surface, which was more attractive than its own color.

Until this time, Su Chen put all the tofu cubes into the new oil pan at once.

"So the purpose of doing this is" Liu Abao pinched his chin and thought.

Lu Yongliang frowned and thought for a moment, "Do you know that there is a dish that also needs to be made by pouring oil, it is a fish."

"Not only fish, I remember that Boss Su made dinner for me and Zhang Li before, and there was a dish called Tang Xiang Meat Slices, which was also made in this way." Abao said.

Cui Yufen continued, "Yes, for some ingredients that need to be quickly shaped and have a fresh texture, pouring oil is much better than directly frying."

Why didn't the chefs of Ji cuisine know to pour oil before?

This is puzzling, and Su Chen is also a little puzzled.

I thought about it for a few days before, and then I thought it might be troublesome to do this in a restaurant, so I fried it directly?

After pouring oil on the tofu, it still needs to be put into the oil pan and continue to be fried, but after the oil from the refrigerated tofu enters the empty pan, the oil temperature has already dropped a lot.

At this moment, the oil temperature was only 50% hot. Su Chen gently pushed the tofu in the pot with his palm spoon, and took the tofu out in about half a minute.

There was still some bottom oil in the pot of high-temperature oil before, and now the sauce just prepared was poured into the pot at once.

With just such a simple action, the chefs present knew that this dish would be good!

The moment the sauce collided with the high-temperature oil, a strong smoke gushed up, and the salty and fresh fragrance could not be completely removed even by a large range hood.

"This is the charm of our Chinese cooking," Wang Zhijun was a little excited.

Looking around the world, besides China, where else would cook like this?

If this were in some European countries, I'm afraid the smoke alarm above their heads would have started working now, right?

The smoke dissipated, and the sauce-colored sauce was bubbling in the pot. After adding half a spoonful of water, Su Chen turned the fire directly to a high flame!

When the sauce looked like it was about to boil, Su Chen quickly turned the fire to medium heat, and at the same time, he put all the tofu cubes that had been drained of oil into the pot with his other hand.

Fortunately, this wok was well chosen, with a large diameter, so many tofu cubes could be placed flat on the bottom of the pot.

On the surface, it seemed that this was just a simple fire and fire control, but only the national chefs who were watching knew how valuable Su Chen's simple action was!

Because everyone with a discerning eye knew that what Su Chen was going to do to tofu next was: burn it.

What does burn mean?

If students who have attended culinary school, they would give this answer: a cooking method that uses water as a heat transfer medium.

Therefore, the control of water temperature is the top priority of cooking!

When the tofu was put into the pot, Su Chen showed his exquisite control ability of [boiling or not boiling], and the sauce-colored soup wrapped the tofu cubes and gurgled slightly.

This step looks really simple. If you haven't learned cooking for a few days, you might even think that there is no technical content at all!

Cover the pot and wait for half a minute, then drip a little prepared starch.

"Prepare to serve."

As soon as Su Chen finished speaking, Zhang Li and the other two came in.

The fried golden tofu cubes did not change color due to the cooking process. They looked more like a layer of sauce-colored sauce wrapped on the surface of the tofu cubes.

There seemed to be an invisible layer of separation between the sauce and the tofu, so that they did not blend into one.

This feeling is very wonderful.

Three spoonfuls of tofu were first placed on a large plate, two spoonfuls of tofu were placed on a medium-sized plate, and finally a small plate with a spoonful of tofu.

More than sixty pieces of tofu, just enough to fit.

Pinch the chopped chives and sprinkle them on the surface, and then sprinkle some dried scallops on the tofu on each plate.

Zhang Li held the medium-sized plate, and just as she lifted it up, her nose couldn't help but twitch a few times.

"Boss, can we eat this dish after we're done?"

Su Chen was stunned, "Sure. Let A Bao make it for you then."

Liu A Bao: ? ? ?

Is this the exam?

Zhang Li looked at Liu Abao happily, "Come on!"

The three girls carried three plates of different sizes and sent out the dishes.

Cui Yufen carefully handed Su Chen a small towel, "Take a break, the next dish is not so urgent."

Su Chen wiped the fine beads of sweat on his forehead, "Yes, I didn't expect that foreigners are like us, and they will lose their composure when they encounter delicious food."

Everyone pursed their lips and laughed.

If the banquet had not suddenly turned into a big banquet, according to Boss Su's advance arrangements, there would be no such rush, and everything would be in order.

However, in the face of such a sudden situation, it is estimated that only Boss Su can complete it by preparing the dishes and sending them to the table in time.

Su Chen suddenly thought of something.

"By the way, the drinks from Jin Province can be served. One serving each of iced and room temperature, let the guests choose."

The flesh on Liu Abao's face trembled, "No, boss, shouldn't the sea buckthorn juice be served when the service is almost over?"

Su Chen waved his hand, "Hurry up! If it's any later, I'm afraid there will be trouble!"

Su Chen's voice had just fallen.

I heard a sound outside the kitchen door.


It was several sounds in succession!


"God. What is this thing? Why is it so hot!"

"Damn it! Where is the water? I feel like my mouth is going to explode!"

Su Chen nodded his head in embarrassment.

Sure enough, I forgot to remind everyone.

You can't eat hot tofu if you are impatient. (End of this chapter)

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