A crowd of people rushed into the video, and then they couldn't get out.

In the video, it is shot from entering the store, without adding background music, it is a scene of pure human voices, and you can hear from the background music that the restaurant is doing well.

The barrage at the beginning was all surprised that the skin food updated the video in the afternoon.

But when it was served, the painting style changed completely.

Shooting without filters, zooming in on the lens allows people to clearly see the appearance of the dishes.

The saltwater duck is juicy and can be clearly seen when zoomed in.

The fillets of sauerkraut fish are curly and tender white, and you can see the bounce on the chopsticks when clamped, which shows the freshness.

The ham was separated in the gold and silver hooves, and the perfect cut was not enough to think how delicious it was.

All kinds of dishes, one beginning clipped together, is dazzling to watch.

"Lying groove, it looks so appetizing, which restaurant is this?"

"Damn, how come these home-cooked dishes ordered with skin food are like they can't afford to eat?"

"I know I know, it's just that the restaurant I recommend to Skin Food has been particularly popular in our East City recently."

"Is this the hotel that has been on the hot search?"

"When I brushed it on my neck before, I was curious if this restaurant was as delicious as described by Mr. Hu "837", but I didn't expect that my favorite blogger also went to visit the store! "

"It looks delicious, how does it taste?"


At the beginning of the main film, I saw in the video that the skin food changed after eating a bite.

Everyone can clearly see that his eyes are lit up, and then he excitedly brings the half-bitten saltwater duck to the camera to show.

"Family, it's really delicious, the first time I eat such a tender saltwater duck, there is a thick taste of duck meat, but the soup contained in it is not salty in one bite, very idle, the duck skin is not greasy, there is no need to peel at all, the taste of the duck skin is also very fragrant, a little chewy but soft and glutinous, there is no fishy smell at all, I have never eaten such a delicious saltwater duck, I can now finally understand why a dish can be famous in the country, it really tastes amazing!"

Simply show the camera, and gnaw several pieces of skin.

Especially the duck meat is tender, the parts near the bones are tender pink, but there is no fishy smell at all, but the more chewed the more fragrant, it is really delicious and makes people want to cry.

"And although it is a cold dish, a marinated dish, but the taste is not salty at all, and even in order to highlight the taste of the ingredients themselves, there is a light feeling when eating, the various aromas of the marinade, and the umami of the ingredients themselves, can be eaten, salty and light, not light nor salty, holding and nibbling I alone can gnaw one."

As soon as the words fell, the sauerkraut fish was also served.

The impact of the color picture makes people's eyes immediately attracted.

White and tender fish fillets are piled on a soup plate, with coriander garnished and white sesame seeds sprinkled on the noodle soup, filling the appetite everywhere.

"It's so tender!"

In the picture, the skin immediately abandoned the boastful saltwater duck and put chopsticks on the sauerkraut fish.

The golden sour soup floats on the surface, and the chopsticks move to reveal the milky white fish soup underneath, causing the soup base to look creamy yellow.

The fillets are tender and white enough, and a thin slice is eaten in the mouth, and it is as tender as eating steamed fish.

It has more sauerkraut taste than steamed fish, not light, but spicy and enjoyable.

"This sauerkraut fish is very fresh, the freshness of the fillets is the same as eating steamed fish, but eating sauerkraut with sauerkraut in the mouth and the aroma and spiciness of the seasoning, the overall taste, there is the deliciousness of the fish, but also sour and spicy and fragrant, the taste is a little spicy, but not spicy, I don't know what the spices are above, but the taste is very fragrant, very appetizing, but I won't eat today, the dishes ordered are a little much."

The skin food does not stop, the mouth does not stop, while explaining to the camera, you can also beckon two companions to eat together.

Those who can be food bloggers either have a big appetite and can eat very well, or they eat something that makes people very appetizing and can be a big Internet celebrity, then there must be a unique place.

Skin food is a northerner, the amount of rice is large, and the meal has an appetite, will also eat, the meal is not dry praise the food is delicious, but the boast is reasonable, from the color and fragrance of many aspects to describe, hungry fans crazy swallow saliva, was planted grass.

This video was brushed in a short period of time, the top of the douyin hot, just before the popularity of the hot search around the neck has not gone down, the fans in the comment area a popular science, the number of likes, comments, retweets are all rising.

This is a restaurant recommended by fans who did not expect it, first eating a delicacy that I had never eaten in my life, and then it was a hit.

Popular video data is definitely much better than popular data.

At the same time, the popularity brought by it is not comparable to that of ordinary videos.

If every video he shoots has such popularity, he is afraid that he will make money.

"This is good to come to the hotel again, you see this name is very festive, you must stay for a few more days!"

Seeing the popularity of the video rising, Leather Food said happily to the two companions.

Staff member:...

Reluctant to come to the restaurant again, just say bluntly, they don't disagree.

They are willing to go!

After five o'clock, Jiang Yan's dishes were almost ready, and he was ready to make staff meals.

He had to try the chicken recipe he paid for.

Such a big name, how delicious it is!

The method of Qianjiang chicken miscellaneous is not complicated, first wash the fresh chicken intestines, chicken heart, chicken liver, chicken gizzard, cut into slices and knots, add salt, ginger slices, green onion segments, cooking wine code flavor, add dry fine bean flour and mix well.

In addition, chop the pickled ginger, slice the red pepper in half, and slice the sour radish into strips.

Because it is a new dish, Jiang Yan gave Li Xia a complete demonstration of how many ingredients were needed. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Then Li Xia had a count in his heart.

"This is making pickled chicken miscellaneous?"

Li Xia looked at the materials prepared by Jiang Yan and asked.

"Yes, it's the same as duck miscellaneous as a hidden menu, there are not many chickens and ducks offal every day, and there is not enough to eat on the menu."

"Then I'll take out the frozen chicken miscellaneous before and dispose of it."

Li Xia nodded and took out the chicken miscellaneous in the refrigerator to thaw.

Once the ingredients are ready, you can stir-fry.

When the oil in the pot is boiled to 80% hot, fry the chicken miscellaneous chicken that has been stacked until it is broken, add beans and other spices and stir-fry, add the cut pickled ginger, pickled chili pepper, pickled carrot and stir-fry until the chicken miscellaneous is cooked and full of flavor, sprinkle the peppercorn noodles in the pot, and pour hot oil in another pot.

Such a simple production method, but to make such delicious chicken haggis, it is inevitable to make people wonder, where is the secret?

Because Jiang Yan has a systematic recipe, he can clearly guide the key points of Qianjiang chicken miscellaneous taste.........

First, only oil can be used in the pot, and more oil should be used, and no water can be added.

That's why you need to make your own secret sesame oil, and add spices to make it more delicious and mellow.

The second is "old mother and child water", which is the "old altar water" of kimchi.

For authentic Qianjiang chicken miscellaneous, the kimchi used must be soaked in the water of the old mother and child that has been used for decades.

The kimchi jar is similar to a cellar, there are many microorganisms in it, which not only changes the original flavor of the ingredients, but also these yeasts enter the chicken miscellaneous with the kimchi, which will also change the taste of the chicken miscellaneous.

What makes Qianjiang's kimchi unique is that it will also add more than a dozen spices or Chinese herbs such as perilla and patchouli, and add hemp sugar made by local local methods to improve the crispness of kimchi.

In order to keep the water of the old mother and child not bad, the sediment in the pickle jar is fished out every year.

These Jiang Yan naturally did not have them, but he could directly purchase them in the system, how authentic and how authentic they were.

Third, stir-frying a pot of Qianjiang chicken miscellaneous is a test of the chef's speed, from the oil under the pot to the hot chicken miscellaneous served, about 5 minutes, such a fast speed is the secret of chicken miscellaneous to keep crisp and smooth.

The chicken miscellaneous cooked in this way is full of red and bright and attractive aroma, the chicken miscellaneous is crisp and tender and fragrant, the radish is slightly sour and refreshing, the spicy taste is soft and long, and the flavor of pickled pepper is outstanding. Hemp, spicy, fresh, fragrant and crispy are skillfully integrated. Eat in the mouth rich and mellow, spicy after eating, and has the effect of appetizing and strengthening the spleen and increasing appetite!

As a pot of chicken miscellaneous comes out, the kitchen is filled with this rich fragrance.

An Feibai and Wan Siqi outside smelled the fragrance, and ran in directly.

"Brother Jiang, are you making a new dish again?"

This strange fragrance has never been smelled before, and the owner must be making a new dish!

Wan Siqi's excited little broken steps ran out.

What a blessing is this to be able to eat new dishes for the first time?

If you calculate this way, those members are not as happy as these employees, and they can eat the first new dish made by the boss!

"Well, looking at the extra chicken miscellaneous 4.7, it's a waste if you don't eat it."

As soon as Jiang Yan's words fell, a plate of chicken miscellaneous wrapped in scalding red oil, accompanied by sour shredded radish, made people appetite and salivate at first glance.

The hemp, spicy, fresh and fragrant air makes people can't help but immerse themselves in it.

"This chicken miscellaneous looks delicious!"

Wan Siqi sighed while already drawing her chopsticks and preparing to start.

"Boss, I'll help you try the taste..."

Without waiting for the words to finish, she had already taken a small section of chicken intestines into her mouth.

The rich numbing spiciness spreads from the mouth in an instant, although spicy, it is really fragrant!

Wan Siqi is not very spicy, the spiciness of chicken miscellaneous has exceeded the range she can bear, but the fresh aroma spreading on the tip of her tongue, crisp and smooth taste, so that she can't help but continue to take another piece into her mouth to eat, while spicy Sihasha, while frantically using chopsticks to find chicken miscellaneous food.

"Hmm... So spicy, but so fragrant, not a little fishy, so tender, crunchy, delicious! "

Li Xia can eat spicy, but also feels spicy, and it is better to go with rice.

The sour radish inside is also delicious!

A sip gave him a sour spirit, and his mouth secreted saliva madly, but the umami taste after the sour was really catchy.

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