Finally, under the order of this headquarters, this farce is completely over, and the content of this video is also over.

This scene, many viewers in the clouds, although they felt a little interesting, but it seemed as if they had seen everything, but did not see anything.

However, for the existence of the ghost destruction world, the contradictions they have accumulated have completely erupted.

After all, the position between the ghost killing team and the ghost has always been incompatible, and according to the absolute iron law, the ghost killing team must destroy the ghost for no reason when it sees it.

How is it possible to get along with ghosts, let alone take ghosts everywhere to carry out tasks …

Tanjiro’s behavior can be said to be an extremely serious violation of team discipline, and according to the results of the treatment, it is possible to kill it directly.

Of course, Your Beans will not end particularly well…

Such a discussion, such a contradiction, at the beginning of the video, has already buried the contradiction factor in the high-level meeting of the Ghost Killer Team.

They have been discussing and criticizing, but because of the progress of the video, they are curious about how far these 08 Tanjiro can go.

In addition, in reality, Tanjiro has not yet become a member of the ghost killing team, and everyone does not know where to start for a while…

So it was temporarily put on hold at that time, but now, the contradiction has completely erupted in the video!


Ghost Destroy the World.

“Oh, Mr. Tomioka, you really have no mercy on your teammates…”

Looking at the scene in the video, Butterfly Ren said in an extremely unhappy mood.

She can naturally see that Tomioka Yoshiyuki in the video is really unreserved to herself, and she is too ruthless, so she makes herself embarrassed.

It’s really abominable!

However, in the face of Butterfly Shinobu’s questioning, Tomioka Yoshiyuki just kept silent, his eyes were without light, as if he had lost the ability to think again.


Looking at the other party’s reaction, Butterfly Shinobu was also very helpless, and for a while could only sigh and say:

“Forget it, anyway, Mr. Fugang is not popular and hated by everyone, and this matter is already obvious.


Butterfly Shinobu’s eyes were straight, and there was a hint of complexity in his tone:

“How do you plan to solve the situation of the ghost of Your Bean? You have to protect her all the time, in this case, the other pillars of the Ghost Killing Team will definitely not accept it. ”

Hearing this, Tomioka’s eyes finally changed a little, but he still did not speak and remained silent.

No matter how touched by the emotion between Tanjiro and Youdouko, discipline is discipline, it is forged of iron and blood, and it can not be changed by talking!

“Alaala, is Tomioka-san really going to keep silent all the time? That’s not a good phenomenon. ”

Looking at the other party’s posture, originally wanted to find a way to help the other party solve it, the green tendon on the butterfly ninja’s brain jumped up again.

Good fellow, it’s really one thing down one thing, brine point tofu.

In the face of Tomioka Yoshiyuki, the irony who does not advance, even if the butterfly is ninja, there is really no way.

Fortunately, when the internal atmosphere became more and more embarrassing, news came from outside.

Lord Lord-sama is to gather all the pillars and hold a meeting to discuss Tanjiro’s affairs.

Hearing this news, the two no longer hesitated and immediately rushed out.

I have to say that Lord Lord’s majesty and status in the minds of all the pillars of the Ghost Killing Team can be said to have reached the extreme.

They will never allow the other party to be unhappy because of their own small emotions, well, of course, the other party will not be angry because of these little things.


The footage returns to the video, where Tanjiro has been taken to the headquarters of the Ghost Killer Squad and is questioned by many top-level leadership pillars.


A guy dressed up in gold and marked as a sound column in the video said:

“Said that it was a member of the ghost killing team with a ghost, I also expected it, it would be a fancy guy, and it turned out to be an ordinary little ghost.”

Yan Zhu next to him also nodded: “Hmm! The next thing is to judge this teenager! I see! ”

Seeing that Tanjiro had woken up, Butterfly Shinobu blinked his eyes and said with a smile:

“There will be a trial next, but some of your guilt-”

But before he finished speaking, the Yan Zhu next to him who looked particularly spirited, this directly interrupted the other party, and said spiritually:

“There is no need for judgment! Shielding a ghost is obviously a violation of discipline, and we alone are enough to deal with it, and beheading with the ghost! ”

“Then let me gorgeously cut off his neck, I will let his blood splash everywhere, more gorgeous than anyone!”

“Ah, what a cold child, what a pitiful, the birth itself is pitiful enough.”

“What shape did that cloud come from?”

The other pillars are almost the same attitude.

This surprised everyone, who originally thought that people like Yoshiyuki Tomioka were the mainstream of the Ghost Killer team. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

It’s a pity that now it can be seen that whether it is from the image and personality or from the face of Tanjiro, Tomioka Yoshiyuki is the accident!

Like these members of the Ghost Killing Team, in the face of Tanjiro’s situation, most of them planned to kill each other directly.

Except for the love pillar who didn’t care and had a sympathetic flood, there were no other 240 voices!

This, this, this —

The audience of the heavens and realms had a black line, and they really didn’t understand why things had developed like this.

Could it be that Tanjiro, who managed to survive under the enemy, ended up planting it in the hands of his own people?

The audience of the heavens and realms discussed a lot, and finally obtained detailed information in the chat group.

The ghost killing team and the ghost are absolutely incompatible!

Tanjiro’s behavior is challenging the majesty of the rules!

So it’s no wonder that’s the case…

For a ruling class, the most fundamental and direct rule at the bottom is that it is never allowed to be provoked, and those who have just touched it will inevitably face iron and bloody hair.

It’s just that everyone is curious, in this case, how can Tanjiro be freed?

This is not something that can be solved by a temporary outbreak of combat power, after all, what is in front of you is the strongest collection of combat power among human beings.

And there is no need to stab them at all!

They were also so curious about where the video was going that there was no discussion about Tanjiro.

After all, the lines that should be said have been snatched up by themselves in the video, what else can be said?!。

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