However, everyone is also very curious, after all, watching the progress bar of the video knows that Tanjiro’s story is not over yet.

This means that he will definitely be able to get through this [difficulty] in front of him…

However, the members of the ghost killing team practiced with ghosts, and such things were absolutely not allowed in the ghost killing team.

So everyone wondered what was the reason for them to accept this view.

Could it be… Is it the meaning of the Lord?

But even Lord Lord Lord is difficult to convince everyone to accept the fact that there are ghosts in the Ghost Killing Team!

With such doubts, everyone continued to watch the video.

Back in the video, it’s not just Tanjiro who is in danger of death, but even Tomioka.

But after all, it is Tomioka Yoshiyuki, after all, it is the water column of the ghost killing team, and there is not much blame, but the atmosphere has become more and more urgent.

“My sister…”

In the video, in the face of everyone’s doubts, Tanjiro roared unwillingly:

“My sister can fight with me, can fight as a ghost squad, to protect humanity! So…”

However, before Tanjiro finished speaking, a light and playful voice came over.

“Hey, something seems to have happened.”

The person who came was the wind pillar in the tail killing team, and at this time he was dragging the box containing Your Beans in his hand, and looked at Tanjiro in front of him with some disdain:

“The stupid team member with the ghost, is that the guy? What kind of plan is it! ”

“Mr. Immortal Chuan’s wounds have become more – it’s great!”

The love pillar next to him said excitedly when he saw the person coming.

Is there any necessary connection between more wounds and whether the stick is great?

After hearing this, the audience of the heavens and realms were full of black lines, not only for Lianzhu, but also for other people.

One is always in the heart, one is shouting gorgeous every day in his mouth, and the spirit guy, the one holding the snake, the pink and black one…

It seems that compared to these people, Tomioka Yoshiyuki is much more normal.

Thinking of this, everyone’s eyes suddenly woke up, and the corners of their mouths couldn’t help but rise.

Case solved!

The comments of the heavens and realms were joyful, but the atmosphere in the video became more severe because of the arrival of the wind column.

Looking at the behavior of the wind pillar, Butterfly Shinobu stood up and said lightly:

“Mr. Immortal River, please don’t act without permission~…”

And Lianzhu made a complain just right: “Xiao Shinobu seems to be angry, it’s really rare, so handsome!” ”

Seeing this, the audience of the heavens and realms couldn’t help but complain.

Good fellow, should I really deserve the title of love pillar?

The love brain has reached the extreme, even if you are excited by other handsome guys, now you don’t even let go of a woman…

This and this, this is a bit excessive!

“What the hell do you say? Little one, you can fight as a ghost killing team to protect humanity! ”

And the Immortal River on the other side did not answer Butterfly Shinobu’s words, but because of Tanjiro’s words, his tone became gloomy.

Obviously, as an extremely disgusting existence, he will definitely not allow factors such as ghosts to be mixed in the ghost killing team!

“That kind of thing…”

Saying that, Immortal Chuan cursed angrily, and actually pulled out a long knife and went through the box, tough and sharp, directly through the body of Your Bean.

“How is it possible, idiot!”

Seeing this, the audience outside the heavens finally couldn’t hold back and complained. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“It’s too much, this is also too arrogant, I actually started it directly, I didn’t know what to say for a while.”

“However, as a member of the ghost killing team, there seems to be no blame for such a thing as a ghost shot, after all, they, at least in reality, do not know You Bean.”

“But this is too much – obviously your beans are so cute, no one has been killed, no one has been hurt, and he has also protected his brother and protected the members of the ghost killing team…”

“Indeed, his lines are too hateful, even if he is a member of the Ghost Killing Team to save mankind, it is indeed worthy of respect, but it has nothing to do with what I want to scold him now!”

“There is nothing to deny that the members of the Ghost Killing Team are heroes, but Tanjiro is also ah, and he has been working hard to kill ghosts.

In the past, it was even to kill the spider ghost, and he was seriously injured and fell into the current situation, but in this case, there was a burst of disparagement and ridicule, which made no one look past it! ”

“What do emmmmm say, I don’t know why, I suddenly have a hunch that the other party will be slapped in the face next!”

Sure enough, seeing his sister being hurt, Tanjiro suddenly couldn’t hold back.

Even if he was seriously injured, he struggled to stand up at this time and rushed madly towards the Immortal River.

“‘I can’t forgive anyone who hurt my sister, whether it’s a pillar or something!'”

However, it is obvious that in the face of Tanjiro’s oath, Immortal River did not take the other party to heart, but just pulled out the knife and continued to frantically provoke:

“Is it? Great! ”


Seeing this scene, Tomioka Yoshiyuki, who has always been calm, was also very angry, and directly stopped it:

“Lord Lord is coming soon!”

Hearing this, Immortal River was directly stunned, and Tanjiro didn’t care about this and that, and rushed over frantically, dodging a stab from Immortal Chuan, and then jumped directly high.

Next moment!

The head hammer of the shocked world is online again…

Bang –

With a loud bang, Tanjiro hammered down, directly shocked the immortal river hammer out of the nosebleed, and plopped down on the ground.

Poof(okay Zhao) Boom –

Seeing this scene, the love pillar on the side was really stunned, laughed directly, and said embarrassedly:

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have laughed…”

“Hahaha, hahahaha!”

The love pillars here need to care about their own image, but the audience of the heavens and realms is happy.

You talk about this immortal river, who is not good to provoke to provoke the protagonist, it is really fearless for those who do not know, the other party is the head pillar of the future hall.

Now it’s okay, it’s just a shame…

In the world of ghost destruction, Immortal Chuan directly exploded when he saw this scene.

“Damn fellow, actually engaged in a sneak attack, hateful, abominable!”

Immortal Chuan said indignantly, let his group of teammates see it, but the current situation is simply equivalent to spearing his own embarrassing picture towards the world.

No, it is broadcast towards the entire heavens and realms.

This makes him unbearable! .

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