“Tomioka Yoshiyuki, look at this guy you brought, no, I can’t bear it, I’m going to kill that little ghost and his cannibal sister together!”

Immortal Chuan complained, and the next moment he wanted to leave.

However, at this time, Tomioka Yoshiyuki was indeed very calm, and just fluttered lightly:

“Oh, I’m angry.”

“Who’s angry?!”

Immortal Chuan shouted madly, and said angrily:

“I just can’t get used to the members of the ghost killing squad running around with a ghost!”


The butterfly on the side couldn’t help but raise his hand and reminded:

“The current Tanjiro is not a member of the Ghost Killing Team, he has not passed the test yet.”

“So what does it matter?! As one of the pillars of the ghost killing team, it is natural to set out to kill ghosts. ”

When Immortal Chuan heard this, he scoffed at this, looked at Tomioka Yoshiyuki next to him with contempt, and said with disdain:

“I’m not like a guy who says something nasty to ghosts all day, but I still let the other party go in front of the ghost!”

“Well, I know very well.”

Tomioka Yoshiyuki’s tone was still indifferent, and he did not mean to be provoked at all, and continued to say lightly:

607 “You are not only one of the pillars of the Ghost Killer Team, but also the only one that has been hammered by the head! ”

“It was just a sneak attack, a damn sneak attack, if it wasn’t for you bastard talking to disturb me, how could I be sneaked up on me with this faceless trick?”

Hearing this, the Immortal River directly exploded, frantically refuted, and coupled with his scar-filled face, it was really a little scary to start angry.

However, everyone looked at his appearance, and then looked at the humiliating appearance of Immortal Chuan in the video, and couldn’t help but be handsome for a while.



Hearing the laughter that came from nowhere, Immortal Chuan roared angrily and questioned.


The love pillar that was targeted said a little embarrassed: “I didn’t laugh at anything, I just thought of something happy.” ”



Immortal Chuan roared depressedly, and the whole person looked like he was about to collapse.

Good guy, his face is lost in this video.

But the villains are all teammates, can you give some face?!

What’s with this getting bigger and denser laughter? Now even jokers don’t steal secretly? Can’t you laugh again when you go back!!

“That, I just thought of some happy things…”

“Me too!”

“Everyone has gone through strict training, don’t laugh here, Mr. Immortal Chuan will be angry.”

“We all know that we generally don’t laugh unless we can’t help it…”

“Hahaha, gorgeous is really gorgeous, this dashing hammer, really gorgeous enough!” – Yinzhu said.

“Hmm! We all thought of some happy things…”——This remark comes from the eldest brother, cough, ask for the column!


Immortal Chuan grabbed his hair frantically, turned around and wanted to go out:

“Bastard, damn it, I must have killed that little ghost, and his ghost sister!”

“Well, go ahead.”

The water pillar Tomioka Yoshiyuki still said lightly, and his eyes did not lift up: (Read violent novels, just go on the Feilu novel network!) )

“Go, the only pillar that has been hammered by the head!”

“Bastard, do you believe I killed you too?!”

Although this remark did not directly curse and scold, this flat tone made people more angry than any dirty words, which simply added fuel to the fire and poured salt on the scars.

Immortal Chuan was angry and wanted to use the knife when he said it.

However, the plain words in the inner hall came again:

“Okay, my swordsmen (children), don’t argue, let’s continue to watch the video, Tanjiro this kid, it’s very interesting.”

It was also a flat tone, but as soon as this remark came out of Immortal Chuan, he was suddenly stunned, and (aiei) quickly lowered his head.

No way, it was their Lord Gong who made the sound, and the pillars of many ghost killing teams also converged their tempers and strange manners at this time, and quickly lowered their heads and saluted.

“Trust me, this little one, but it’s very, very interesting, let’s look forward to his next performance.”


The picture returns to the video.

Looking at the [Record] set by Tanjiro, the other strong people were also confused.

Although it was Tomioka Yoshiyuki who interjected next to him, which made Immortal River a little stunned, but Tanjiro this guy can actually hit and open it without death.

This, this is simply not simple!

Tanjiro, who sat down with this kind of achievement, was not proud, and the anger in his heart was still undiminished, he blocked in front of his sister and said angrily:

“If you can’t even tell the difference between a good ghost and an evil ghost, don’t make a pillar!”

“You guy…”

The immortal river in the video was also extremely angry, stood up directly with a knife, and said coldly:

“I’m going to kill you!”

Hearing the voices of the two little girls announcing at the same time, a weak figure slowly walked out, and said in a gentle voice:

“You’re all here, my lovely children.”

“Everyone, it’s really good weather, it’s very blue, and I feel very happy to be able to usher in the semi-annual column meeting without changing the members.”

The body of the person who came looked very weak, even if he walked a few steps, he needed the support of the two girls next to him, and his face was purple and red, covered with dense veins.

“This is the master of the Ghost Killing Team?”

Seeing this equivalent to the highest and most noble existence in the human ghost killing team, the audience was puzzled.

How did such a guy get to this position today?

Could it be that he is also like the so-called daimyo of the ninja world? Has rights, but does not have the same strength as rights?

However, the next moment, everyone’s reaction was to directly dispel their doubts.

It was in the face of such a figure that Tanjiro was wondering what kind of situation the other party was.

The originally arrogant Immortal Chuan directly pressed him to the ground, and the speed was so fast that everyone couldn’t react.

And at this time, the Immortal River, including the other pillars, the various strange actions just now were instantly gone.

There is no such rebellion, or pride, or coldness, or heartbeat (?) ), or arrogant.

Some were just a gesture of forcing the palace, lowering their heads and half-kneeling to salute, expressing their respect for the people in front of them.

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