“This is a girl!”

My wife Shanyi said wildly paranoidly, looking as if she was directly crazy, and even he didn’t figure out what he wanted to say.

“Girls, girls like creatures…”

“You can smell the fragrance just by passing by, isn’t it already fun just by looking at it?!”


My wife Shanyi said, actually directly said that she was excited, the whole face became red, and she directly rotated to the sky.

Then completely ignoring the anger of Old Man Newton who wanted to break the ground, he constantly rolled and spun in the air.

“It’s so happy, woo wow wow, this is so happy!”

Seeing this scene, not only the two people on the field were stunned, but not only the audience of the heavens and realms were stunned.

Even the old gentlemen in the audience were a little ashamed of themselves.

This guy, this is outrageous!

Woo hoo, no, what is called outrageous, this is the state of gentlemanly level to 08 to the extreme.

Be sure to elect him as the president of the Gentlemen’s Association Mutual Aid Association!



The screen returns to the video.

“Don’t say these inexplicable things to me.”

At this time, looking at my wife Zen-yi’s exaggerated appearance, Pingei Inosuke finally couldn’t help it, and complained depressedly:

“Losing to someone whose body is smaller than yourself is very frustrating in your heart!”

That’s right, people with smaller bodies than themselves do not refer to my wife Shanyi in front of me, but to the girls.

And this scene directly amused my wife Shanyi, who showed an exaggerated expression to the extreme, wantonly mocking:

“How pathetic? Inosuke has never gotten along well with girls! Hehe, after all, you grew up in the mountains ah, no wonder you scold a step, ah, what a pitiful! ”

This provocative expression, the yin and yang strange words, made anyone who listened to it would probably be angry.

Not to mention, he was himself an irritable and irritable mouth, plus he was particularly unhappy at this time, he angrily took a step forward and retorted loudly:

“What do you say, I have also stepped on young females!”

“That’s just terrible!”

Such a rebuttal left everyone speechless, good fellow, is this a glorious case worth mentioning?

And my wife Shanyi sprayed back mercilessly:

“Hate hate hate, you will never be welcome like this!”

“Ahhh, it’s just a few women, I can still lift several…”


Finally, after an outrageous noise, the noise here temporarily came to an end.

And my wife Shanyi finally greeted everyone with an excited face, waiting for the next restorative training:

“Ah, please advise me next…”

And everyone was also very curious, although the old gentlemen always said that the training just now was heaven or something.

But in fact, everyone can see that what they have endured is extremely painful, and those guys are just talking, who knows if it’s true!

So everyone is looking forward to the next scene, wanting to see if my wife Shanyi’s body is as hard as his own mouth.

And obviously, everyone is still far away, underestimating my wife’s own gentlemanly concentration…

Take that massage, for example, this is a terrifying “soft abuse” for the mouth Hiranosuke, who has excellent body flexibility.

It was put on my wife Shanyi, but it only made him blush and moan with excitement. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )



“Hey, hey, hey…”

My wife Shanyi’s whole person is like turning into a puddle of water, and her body is being manipulated at will, without feeling the slightest pain, just a lewd and lewd face (not )… Ahem, satisfied smile.

Even the whole person’s face was full of highlights, excited emotions, which illuminated the entire room.

This made everyone’s face black line, the corners of their mouths twitching wildly, wanting to complain, but every sentence seemed so weak.

“Red, red, red, fire, trance, this really laughs at me…”

“This can be enjoyed, outrageous, really outrageous, really worthy of my wife’s good taste.”

“Hahaha, I bet that if the person who gave him bone massage was replaced by a man, this kid would definitely only scream and would definitely roll all over the ground and burst into tears…”

“Bet? What to bet, this is either a must lose or a must win, the obvious choice, what is there to bet on! ”

“Pure and pure a shaking M, Lsp, really an old gentleman, an old pervert…”


The audience of the heavens and realms was complaining madly, but at this time, the degree of perversion shown by my wife Shanyi was not at all what they could describe in words.

Terrible, really terrible!

Seeing that these little girls have done their best, and my wife Shanyi is still smiling with satisfaction, casually saying, it’s okay, it’s okay.

The mouths on the side were directly stunned and couldn’t help but complain.

“This guy is really amazing… I was about to cry out in this obvious pain, but I could still keep a smile on my face. ”

Between words, the training has come to the next part.

And the opponent that my wife Shanyi faced was the girl who used to act as a 340-year-old nurse, Aoi!


With an order, Aoi Meng’s shot speed was extremely fast, which was enough to make everyone’s eyes shine.

I didn’t expect that a small nurse in the headquarters of the Ghost Killing Team could have this kind of strength, which was much more powerful than the Murata before!

However, this speed is okay in front of others, but in the eyes of my wife Shanyi, a pervert, it is extremely slow.

Snap –

With a snap, my wife Shanyi easily held the other’s hand, and the other hand also raised the teacup high.

Everything happened just between the electric flint, which made the surrounding people watching the battle suddenly startled.

However, my wife Shanyi obviously did not mean to splash tea. Just raised the teacup in his hand, and said with a sparkling look in his eyes:

“I wouldn’t spill tea on girls!”

This handsome scene not only made everyone around speechless, but also made the girl Aoi roll her eyes wildly, forcefully stabilized her emotions, and almost punched over.

Can’t hit, absolutely can’t hit, this is a patient – a yarn, how can there be such a perverted patient ah hey?!

In the following full-body training, my wife Shanyi completely perverted the outbreak, thunderous speed flashed, and directly hugged the girl on the opposite side.

However, this finally made the other party’s emotions completely strained….

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