
Whatever kind of patient he is, this is a big pervert of pure purity.

If it is a pervert, it will be hit!

After the sound of snapping, the girl Aoi had no intention of stopping at all, her emotions completely exploded, and she directly beat up.

As the camera changed, appearing in the picture again, my wife Shanyi was already blue and swollen, and he was scarred, and said with some emotion as he walked:

“Win the game, or lose the battle…”

And the girl Aoi on the side was still holding her hands on her shoulders, looking indignant, and her eyes were about to solidify.

“I’m coming too—”

Seeing this scene, the competitive mouth Hiranosuke finally couldn’t hold back and joined the training again madly.

And this time, he really did it, not only poured tea on the girl in front of him, but also directly pulled the other party’s feet upwards, and slammed wildly.

This scene made the heavens and worlds unbearable to look at it directly.

Good guy, Tanjiro, this protagonist group has one to count, all of them are strange.

A brazen womanizer, a straight man of steel who is the complete opposite …

Such an act is really something that only Izuhira Inosuke can do.

In this, Tanjiro alone is still normal.

However, on the video side, I don’t know that I am praised by the audience as normal Tanjiro’s mood is abnormally low.

Because no matter what happens to these two teammates, they can win after all.

But only I kept talking, and I was soaked all over…

As a result, no matter how gentle Tanjiro is, no matter how balanced he is, he is a little strained and lost to the extreme.

However, surprisingly, in the following training, everyone, including Tanjiro, lost to the girl named Kanahu.

But relative to the audience’s liking. Tanjiro and the three of them suffered.

As Hiranosuke said before, losing all the time, or losing to girls with such petite bodies, this is a huge blow to those of them who are proud.

After experiencing one failure after another, even my wife Shanyi was a little strained…

Think about it, as an old gentleman, he can’t withstand this kind of blow, and you can imagine that the taste of this failure is really not very good.

And this time, there was no grandfather who came over and taught my wife Shanyi not to give up.

After such repeated blows, finally after a few days, the two salted fish lost their dreams.

That’s right, my wife Zenyi and Izuhira Inosuke directly never came to the training ground again.

Tanjiro was left alone and struggling to persevere, but even so, he had no hope of victory.

At this moment, the three little girls who acted as little nurses came over to deliver the plug-in.

That’s the breath that stays focused throughout the day!

As soon as these words came out, the audience of the heavens and realms were a little surprised, and their faces were slightly stiff.

“I’m going – is it actually a full-focus breathing method throughout the day? This is also too exaggerated, I have tried the breathing method of their world, and when it breaks out, it will be used and used, it will be kept all the time, and it is scary to think about~. ”

“Maybe it’s because of this that the members of these ghost killing teams can maintain such strong combat power in this low-demon world without much extraordinary power?

There is no traditional cultivation method, no cultivation factors such as Reiki magic power, fighting qi, etc., so you can only squeeze the potential in your body over and over again, making yourself stronger? ”

“This kind of thing is a kind of torture for the human body, a kind of oppression… Every time it is used, it is to squeeze the power in the body, and it has been maintained to squeeze, and it is reborn in destruction? Gee, interesting! ”

“In this case, people in this world won’t live long (crying), and it’s really not easy to fight ghosts…”

The audience of the heavens and realms complained, it can be said that compared to the situation of Chakra in the ninja world and the heroic magician in the fate world.

Although the upper limit of the Ghost Destruction World is slightly lower, the lower limit is still possible, and this breathing method is really easy to copy.

Therefore, a considerable number of people have practiced this method, and they can be regarded as having a lot of understanding of the cultivation system of the Ghost Annihilation World.

It is precisely because of this that they feel more and more exaggerated. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

What has the human race gone through in this world? To be able to create a power system that squeezes his body so much?

Isn’t silence in death and bursting into desperation?


The world of ghost destruction is a world full of despair of destruction.

But fortunately, although the breathing method is a great torture to people, it brings a ray of light, even if it is the dawn stained red by blood…


The picture returned to the video, and Tanjiro, who had just learned this method, was also surprised, and the whole person was shocked.

However, when he learned that everyone who was the pillar of the ghost killing team and Kanai had already done it, he could only hold down the consternation in his heart and chose to try.

It’s just that this road is destined to be difficult, but it is not so easy to complete.

After trying for a long time and failing to achieve the goal, the three little ones sent the plug-in again.

It’s a little gourd!

“‘Blowing gourds?’

Tanjiro, who saw this scene, and some unaware inquirers, smiled and said:

“It’s really fun training, does it make a sound?”

“No, it’s to blow the gourd up.”

“Eh… Huh?! ”

Hearing this, Tanjiro’s whole person was blindfolded again, with black lines, and his eyes turned white.

I have to say that after entering the headquarters of the Ghost Killing Team, his whole person was like a frog at the bottom of the well, he simply didn’t know anything, didn’t understand anything.

Anything, can make him extremely surprised…

“Blow up…?”

“Put this? Put this so hard? Blow blast…”

Tanjiro asked incredulously, wanting a deniable answer.

But the imagination is very beautiful, but the reality is very skinny, not only do you need to blow this gourd up, but this gourd is specially made, and it is countless harder than ordinary ones…

This moment directly scared Tanjiro, it was really unimaginable, a slender girl like Kanahu actually blew such a hard gourd? People!

Finally, when I learned that the gourd that Chanai could blow during training was already the size of a person.

The audience of the heavens and realms was also strained.

Lying down, is it spicy? The sleeping horse blew up directly, okay?!。

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