The audience of the heavens and realms once again thought back to Xiannahu’s small body, and the corners of their eyes twitched uncontrollably.

You know, after all, the Ghost Destroying World is a world dominated by ordinary people, even if it is a cultivator, it is not so exaggerated…

As a result, such a small girl can blow such a big gourd, is this all lungs under the neck?!

However, under this layer of blows, Tanjiro did not lose heart, but worked harder into training, which made everyone look extremely gratified.

After all, unlike my wife Zenyi and Izuhiri Inosuke, these two people can escape, after all, their strength is not weak now, just get stronger step by step.

They didn’t carry any blood feuds or extremely high goals…

But Tanjiro can’t, he can’t retreat, he can’t even slow down the forward speed, he can only accelerate forward!

Whether it’s avenging your family or turning your beans back into people.

Or maybe it’s just a small goal in front of you, so that Youbean, who is a ghost, can be recognized by everyone by ghost killing.

This is not easy, Tanjiro will face enemies in the future not only the twelve ghost moons, but even the ghost king is not miserable…

Under the pressure of this 653, he can only fight!

Finally, under such devilish training, you can’t even sleep peacefully, and you must maintain your breathing method, otherwise you will be woken up by the torture.

Tanjiro finally grew up, not only able to catch up with Kanahu’s speed, but even blew up the little gourd.

Of course, there are still gaps, but this progress is still extremely significant.

This scene of the audience of the heavens and realms looked fine, but it directly gave the two guys who were diving on the side sour.

Myself and others, it seems that the gap between me and Tanjiro is getting bigger and bigger…

“Not good—not good—”

The camera suddenly turned.

The scene returns to the hospital room where the people had just started, but by the time the sun had just risen, Tanjiro had already gone to training.

Only Izuhira Inosuke and my wife Zenyi were left, and the two of them were lying on the bed, and their hearts were complicated for a while.

“Hahaha, this performance, my heart finally began to feel uneasy, right? It’s not like the senior dormitory student bubble study room, and you are still in the dormitory? ”

“Don’t say it, don’t say it, the school scumbag has already begun to panic, Tanjiro this guy is pure and pure a roll king, hahahaha, it’s okay, I don’t have to worry about this now.”

“Actually, my wife Shanyi doesn’t have to worry about this, after all, he is a sleeping pillar (laughs), shouldn’t he grow up in sleep?!”

“On the importance of learning atmosphere, self-disciplined people are always out of place, and they want to ascend to heaven without talent? Is this possible? Don’t you hurry up and roll it all up for me?! ”

However, unlike Tanjiro, who was able to talk to the birds, everyone knew that my wife Zengyi couldn’t understand the little sparrow.

So – he seems to be arguing with the little sparrow, but is he actually convincing himself?

The audience of the heavens and realms was a little surprised when they saw this scene, some unexpected, but they felt reasonable.

Sure enough, the meaning and value of leaders and role models is indescribable.

If in this protagonist group, even Tanjiro is so depressed, then this protagonist group is really not worthy of the name of the protagonist group.

“It’s so bad!”

Although he strengthened his belief, his taste buds did not change from this, and Shanyi was still grinned by this medicine.

And at this time, the mouth on the side, Hiranosuke, also stood up, and did not express or hesitate, but only a violent gas spewed out from the pig’s nose.

“Let’s go, Wangyi.”

He didn’t say much, as if he was just saying something that should be taken for granted (AIEF). (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

However, the audience of the heavens and realms, watching this scene that should obviously be boiling or gratifying, found that they were unable to complain at all.

Piggy, your attitude is very good…

It’s just that before you set off, can you call your teammate’s name, how long have you known each other? I didn’t remember it!!


As the camera turned, the two finally appeared on the training ground, but it was clear that they underestimated the hardships that Tanjiro has experienced these days.

When he had just tried the all-day concentrated breathing method, the whole person collapsed directly.

“Nope! Not really! Aaaah! ”

My wife Shanyi kept rolling on the ground, crying out in a broken manner, which compared to his previous resolute look, the sudden change made everyone speechless.

Good guys, that’s it?

And Tanjiro’s “comfort” also made the two more desperate, just shaking their heads frantically.

Life is not easy, good pigs are autistic!

But at this time, inspirational master butterfly Shinobu appeared again, she looked at the two in front of her, and said with a slight smile:

“Na, forget it, this is not so much a basic technology as a primary technology, although it is a matter of course, it still takes considerable effort to master it.”

Said. The butterfly walked leisurely in front of the mouth Heinosuke, patted the other party’s shoulder, and whispered [comforting]:

“Although it is natural to be able to do it, I thought that Inosuke’s words would be easy to learn, but can’t I do it?”

“It’s a matter of course… But if you can’t do it, there is no way, no way, no way. ”

The butterfly smile is still that beautiful and gentle, falling generously, without any mocking meaning.

But this scene fell into the eyes of the audience of the heavens and realms, but they couldn’t help but shiver.

This woman is poisonous!

You say so, if you are still a man, or even if you still have a little temper, who can’t stop it?!


Sure enough, Pinginosuke, who heard these words, directly became angry and roared angrily:

“Of course I can do it, but don’t underestimate me! Believe it or not, I took your chest off!! ”

The butterfly couldn’t help but care about the other party’s reaction, and after using the pig stimulation method, she came to my wife Shanyi’s side, held the other party’s hand affectionately, and just smiled gently:


Just a moment, my wife Shanyi’s whole person was about to explode, her face was red more serious than the monkey’s butt, and the whole person’s hair swelled, and it was directly hardened.

So, under the aptitude of motivating the master butterfly Shinobu, my wife Zengyi and Izuhira Inosuke finally began a new round of struggle.

Seeing this, a certain Confucius in the heavens and realms silently nodded his like.

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