I have to say that Tanjiro’s will is too strong, and he is so abruptly out of the happiness he has been expecting.

Perhaps, true warriors are like this, daring to face the bleakness of reality.

Even though he knew that after waking up, he would face the threat of ghosts and the miserable world of losing his family, Tanjiro chose to leave, without a trace of hesitation in his steps, and left without hesitation.

He is a warrior who has seen through the truth, even if it is pain, he must bear the pain of sobriety!

At this time, the picture turned, still in Tanjiro’s dream, but the camera at this time did give the body of the two or five boys, the sick teenager.

At this time, the teenager hesitated for a long time, and finally made up his mind.

“You must quickly destroy the spiritual core.”

Saying that, he was also like that girl, cutting through the barrier of Tanjiro’s dream and entering Tanjiro’s true spiritual world.

And this scene, as soon as it came in, the scene instantly stunned everyone. 17

It’s beautiful, no, it’s simply beautiful!

I saw the spirit of Tanjiro, the world is a vast ocean, the water waves are not alarmed, shining on the blue sky, white clouds slowly floating, leisurely and quiet.

Endless, empty, just looking at it makes people feel peaceful, as if all the tiredness, all the pain, all the negative emotions, at this time in this place have been smoothed out.

This, is this the Kingdom of Heaven?

The audience of the heavens and realms sighed slightly, they really didn’t expect to see such a beautiful picture in the spirit world, and this guy Tanjiro really had a pure mind to the extreme.

It is Kaneki-san, who is far away in the world of Tokyo’s foodies, and looking at this scene, it feels particularly familiar.

Subconsciously, I want to sing, West kelp——

Ahem, but these are all afterwords, at this time the teenager was also beautiful by this scene, looked at all this in surprise, and muttered in his mouth:

“Is this what he has inside? Simply beautiful and stunning, as far as the eye can see… And, so warm!! ”

Between conversations, many small lights and shadows appeared around him, surrounding this teenager, constantly dragging him forward.

“You are the embodiment of this man’s heart, right?”

The young man could see the location of these lights and shadows at a glance, but he still couldn’t help but look around, and even forgot his task.

“It’s really clear and clear, it’s very pleasant…”

However, while walking, he saw the spiritual core in front of his eyes, which instantly surprised the young man’s heart:

“This is the spiritual core? Why bring me here? ”

The young inquirer, who was a little puzzled, looked at the swaying of light and shadow, and got an answer:

“Did you bring me here because I was looking for it?”

Hearing this, not only the young man himself was shocked, but even the audience of the heavens and realms suddenly couldn’t hold back.

“Tanjiro this guy, gentle is a little too much, this is in his spiritual core, the most core place, obviously there are outsiders prying eyes, you don’t fight back or block, but you are still welcome.”

“Even just because the other party has needs, they choose to give back, which is simply exaggerated!”

“I, I didn’t know how to complain for a while, could it be that the incarnation in the spirit also became Erwuzai? …”

The audience of the heavens and realms were shocked and speechless, and this young man was even more at a loss by this purity.

Plop –

The next moment, he actually knelt directly in front of the spiritual nucleus, completely collapsed.

“How come, how so… I’m here to destroy him, why? ”

The teenager is crying here, having completely given up and wanting to continue hurting the other party’s behavior.

This kind of person is very surprising, but it also seems very reasonable…

Tanjiro’s gentleness can even be touched by ghosts, let alone such a small teenager.

Is it just so reformed?

The audience was speechless for a while, not knowing whether they should criticize or continue to calm down.

And at this moment, Tanjiro’s spiritual world rumbled, directly initiating a turmoil.

Click, click, click——(Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The next moment, the mirror-like sea surface was directly shattered, making the teenager fall down in an instant, as if falling into a bottomless abyss.

At this critical moment, the golden light and shadow actually flew down directly and pulled the young man.

That’s right, Tanjiro is such a gentleness, both on the surface and even more so on the inside.

When everyone saw this scene, they shook their heads with a smile, which was really Tanjiro’s style.

They didn’t pay much attention to this, but they were just a little curious, why did the spiritual world suddenly collapse, could it be that Tanjiro was also an old sixth in his heart, digging a big hole in his spiritual world?

However, the next video gave everyone the answer, only to see that the camera turned, and the picture returned to Tanjiro’s dream again, at this time, Tanjiro looked left and right to find a way out of the dream, but he could not.

“This is obviously a dream, how do I wake up?”


At this time, Tanjiro’s father slowly appeared in the blizzard, and it is clear that Tanjiro used one of his protagonist’s abilities again, memory killing…

“Pick up the knife, the thing you should chop is in this place!”

The next moment the figure disappeared, and Tanjiro seemed to understand something and looked at his knife.

“Is the thing that should be chopped right here? I should have understood… But what if 847 fruit is mistaken? ”

Tanjiro looked at the blade in his hand, and there was some hesitation in his heart.

If what happens in the dream affects reality, will it be irreparable?


Don’t be lost!


Without hesitating for long, Tanjiro made up his mind directly, picked up the knife and slashed it fiercely.

And where he was aligned, it turned out to be his own neck.

That’s right!

If the events in the dream affect reality, that is, it is he who is chopping his back!


Thinking of this, Tanjiro no longer hesitated, and he slashed down desperately with force in his hand.

This scene made the eyes of the audience in the heavens and realms twitch.

“Good guy, the protagonist’s father hasn’t appeared for so long, and when he appears, he actually let his child commit suicide, this is really okay…”

“But there seems to be some truth in this, after all, this is just a dream, if there is a strong stimulation, it seems normal to wake up.”

“But the theory is this theory, what if the operation is wrong? What if people’s dreams have a sleepwalking relationship? So suddenly you can’t really cut yourself, then the fun can be big! ”

“It’s normal to have this worry, but now the main thing is gluttony, there is no time to hesitate, this is worried about this.” He can only move forward without hesitation, even if the road ahead leads to the abyss! “。

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