Everyone looked at this scene, as if they wanted to criticize, seemed to want to persuade, but these words, how could not be spoken.

It is true that Tanjiro is very impulsive, but now this scene can’t help him not be impulsive.

After all, not to erupt in silence, but to perish in silence, Tanjiro chose to gamble on this, abandoning all the shackles of warmth and happiness and choosing to desperately.

In this case, there really is no one to blame him!

Fortunately, the scene that everyone was worried about did not appear, and as the blood gushed out, Tanjiro’s dream began to be shattered, and the spiritual world began to disappear with it.

That’s why there was such a scene, which really made everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

However, the content at this time is far from over, the camera has been around, and the picture has come to the dream of the pig again.

Such a change instantly caused dissatisfaction among many audiences.

“I’ll go, and it’s broken, the video you’re too much, it’s stuck in this kind of place, in case Tanjiro burps, won’t it all be cool?”

“No, no, no, it’s definitely not, after all, the video hasn’t ended yet, and Tanjiro will definitely not be cool…”

“That’s right, but I’m still angry, hey, you said that if others want to break the dream and make such a choice, in a paragraph, it will be really uncomfortable!”

The audience of the heavens and worlds was dissatisfied with the comments, that is, the dream of the pig reappeared, and the mouth Hiranosuke who was responsible for being funny was indeed attractive, which attracted the attention of many audiences, so that this comment boom was slowly extinguished.

The picture returns to the video –

At this time, what caught everyone’s eyes was the girl who looked particularly tired before.

And at this time, she looks even more tired now…

Without him, no one expected that in the spiritual core of the pig, there were still one rugged mountain range after another, intricate and unimaginable.

Crawling in this kind of mountain range, no matter what, is too difficult for this girl who is just an ordinary person.


After finally climbing through a rugged place again, the girl gasped heavily, thinking depressedly: “Where is the spiritual core?” ”

“And what’s going on in this subconscious realm? It’s too much! ”

The girl collapsed on the ground, her originally bitter heart now felt that the world was more difficult, she thought depressedly:

“It’s too much, and that disgusting hairless wild boar, it’s simply wrong!”

The girl kept complaining here, completely unaware that she was about to be in trouble.

Sure enough, in the next moment, the “faded wild boar” in the girl’s mouth appeared behind her so quietly, and she was constantly drooling, and her eyes flashed with a dangerous light.

“Roar, roar, roar!!!”

The next moment, the fading wild boar roared with its teeth and claws, its lean body, its terrifying head, and that bloody mouth.

This scene, even the most daring person will tremble when he sees it, let alone just an ordinary girl.


The girl was so frightened that she screamed again and again, and quickly used her hands and feet together, frantically fleeing towards the front.

And the wild boar did not let her go in the slightest, and roared directly after her.

This made the girl’s originally depressed mentality because of climbing the mountain even more desperate and collapsed.

“What the hell, what the hell is this? Aaaa

“This wild boar who doesn’t even wear clothes!!”

The girl frantically fled, using her hands and feet together, so fast that even her limbs almost appeared afterimages, completely missing the tired and weak state just now.

This scene makes people watch, it is almost shouted, it is a miracle in the sports world…

However, there is a limit to manpower, and with the speed of this girl, she is far from being a match for pigs. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Soon, this wild boar, which seemed to have gone crazy, caught up with the other party, with its limbs wide open, and its terrifying blood basin and huge mouth were open, as if it wanted to choose someone to eat!


In the subconscious spiritual realm space, it was pitch black, leaving only the girl’s screams.

The picture also turned, and no one knew what the girl’s fate was [miserable]!

However, looking at this obviously tragic scene, the audience of the heavens and realms did not have any indignation, but couldn’t help but laugh.

“Let this little girl be a second or five here, want to harm people, now it’s okay, provoke pigs, but you can bear it!”

“It’s so miserable, it’s just too miserable, obviously it’s the same behavior, why is the last teenager so comfortable, there are people to lead the way, and when they encounter danger, there are even people who help.”

In contrast, whether it is the girl in the world of pigs and pigs, or the one in the world of big brother before, it is too miserable, of course, the former seems to be a little worse. ”

“Gee, I can guarantee that after this scene, this girl will definitely be scared enough, bear the consequences of her provocation, girl!”

“Hahaha, I really can’t stand it, really, it’s really funny and responsible, I didn’t expect that Piggy actually thinks that he is a pig in his spiritual subconscious? It’s really a pig! ”

The audience of the heavens and realms laughed so hard that tears were about to come out, without him, although the mouth was flat to Inosuke, the subconscious realm was particularly outrageous.

But after watching so many videos, no one would think that the pig would really kill and eat this girl like a wild boar.

At most, it is frightening, and this should be the bitter fruit borne by these people.

That’s right!

Although these young girls look extremely pitiful, for whatever reason, they are all painful people who have despaired of life and have no hope.

But (De Zhao), what about pain? What about misery?

Pity is certainly very pitiful, but this is not the reason why they can help and kill other people.

Just like those cannibals who have eaten people, no matter how much pain you experienced in your life, and how many reasons you have to be angry after becoming a ghost.

If you are wrong, you are wrong, since you have made a mistake, since you eat people, you have to bear the consequences of your own actions.

That’s fair, isn’t it?

Most of the viewers of the Heavens and Realms think this way, which is precisely because they recognize Tanjiro and give each other mercy, redemption and sympathy after killing ghosts without disgust.

After all, before doing this, he killed the ghost first!

Killing ghosts is more than a dragon, who doesn’t love such a protagonist?

But it’s really a pity that the boy in Tanjiro’s world was directly redeemed before he received any punishment.

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