However, although it is a pity in my heart, in fact, everyone knows that all this is in the calculation of this cannibal.

This cannibal, whether it is mental nature or strength of strength, mainly surpasses Tanjiro by a lot…

Everyone knows this, but I just want to see this annoying guy and get out quickly.

However, after seeing this skill of the other party, many viewers were also a little surprised by their pupils shrinking.


This sleepy skill is not only available through various mediums and calculations, and it is too intense.

It should be said that it is really one of the twelve ghost moons, it is really powerful!

I just don’t know if such a skill can be exerted when operating at the same level, if it can, it is really a divine skill!

Even if there is no way to make people fall asleep instantly, but just a little hesitation for a while, it is easy to cool down,

After all, the fight between the strong often wins and loses in an instant…

Thinking of this, many people are also extremely worried about Tanjiro, after all, they all know that the temptation of that dream is great, and it is not easy to get out.

And this time, there is no longer 17 to give Tanjiro much time.

The picture returns to the video, and something unexpected happens, just when the cannibal is proud, Tanjiro opens his eyes sharply and forces the other party back with a knife.

“Didn’t sleep?”

This moment not only shocked the cannibal ghost, but also surprised the audience of the heavens and realms.

What is this situation?

In the video, Wei Dream is obviously still a little unwilling, he has enough confidence in his strength and blood demon art, looking at Tanjiro who rushed over, he used his ability again:


Bang –

Heavy and desirable, sleepy energy fluctuations slowly emerged, Tanjiro’s body swayed, and once again showed signs of sleep, and he was about to fall off the train.

However, this time, Tanjiro woke up faster, brushed, he quickly stabilized his figure, lit up the aqua-blue blade again, and rushed towards the cannibal in front of him,




The cannibal anxiously used his abilities, and now he was completely panicked, completely without his previous calm and indifferent appearance.

However, Tanjiro woke up faster and faster, and even said that even if he fell asleep, his body kept rushing forward, desperately closing the distance between himself and the cannibal.


The mouth on Wei Meng’s hand shouted desperately, but did not reverse the current scene in the slightest, looking at the aqua-blue waves, rattling, condensing the terrifying scene of the dragon’s head rushing towards him.

Nightmare, completely frozen, even forgot to escape, completely did not understand what the scene in front of him was:

“Invalid? Why? This can’t be! ”

“No, it’s not right!”

Nightmare narrowly and narrowly dodged this knife, not found anything.

But Tanjiro, however, did not leave him much time to think, and the waves swam, tumbled and gushed, and constantly launched fierce attacks.

Whoops, la-la-la——


However, I have to say that this cannibal is also really flexible, and between moving left and right, it dodged all the blades and turned over in mid-air.


That’s right, he was unwilling and activated his ability again, wanting to verify the idea in his heart.

Tanjiro then shook his head and rolled his eyes, but in the moment he raised his head, he once again recovered his tenacious killing intent, holding the knife and rushing forward.

At this moment, Nightmare finally understood how the other party escaped his ability. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

There was no escape at all!

“He was hit every time, but in the moment of each move, he realized that he had been hit… And then a rapid suicidal awakening! ”

With the explanation of the mental activity of the nightmare, the footage of the video also flashes the dream.

Brush brush brush !!!

Every time he entered the dream, Tanjiro did not hesitate to wipe the knife on his neck, blood gushing and blood splashing.

Awakened directly under the intense pain and threat of death, and then attacked again.

In this short moment of fighting, how many times Nightmare used his abilities, how many times Tanjiro committed suicide!

This and this, terrible!

Seeing this scene, the audience of the heavens and realms were shocked,

“I’ll go-this kid Tanjiro is too shafty, I shouldn’t say it, this is really ruthless enough, and I can really get my hands on it!”

“Hmph, Tanjiro, Tanjiro, this kid is gentle with others, cruel to himself, suicide over and over again, gee, this kind of pressure and determination, it’s really unimaginable.”

“Whew – this cannibal’s abilities are really terrifying, weird and grasp people’s hearts, making people defenseless, but unfortunately, Tanjiro is really his natural enemy.

Do you think a person who can even kill himself will fall asleep so easily? ”

“Tears, my neck hurts a lot just by looking at it, how much courage and obsession it takes to do this…”

The audience of the heavens and realms talked a lot, although they always said that death may be some kind of relief, but everyone knows that it is an extremely difficult thing to face death indifferently.

Not to mention self-cutting, which is difficult for the vast majority of people to get this hand.

But I didn’t expect that Tanjiro could do it again and again, and such a determination really shocked everyone.


Ghost Destroy the World.

“Hey, can you face death so openly?”

Immortal Chuan, who watched the video, sighed a little extremely unpleasantly, and praised with difficulty:

“I didn’t expect that this kid’s courage is not small, and it is not easy to do this.”

“Arala, is Mr. Immortal Chuan impressed? Hehe, I was able to issue an endorsement of the little guy Tanjiro…”

The butterfly next to him couldn’t help but cover his mouth and laugh: “It’s really surprising.” ”

On the other side, Lianzhu was also blushing, his eyes were shining, and his heart was moved:

“Ah, ah, Mr. Immortal Chuan’s arrogant and awkward appearance that he is extremely unwilling to admit, but he has to admit it, is really cute!

Tanjiro is so cute too, oops, oops, it’s almost gone, woo-woo…”

Everyone next to them also looked sideways, some surprised and undead Chuan’s words.


Immortal Chuan snorted coldly, his face was also a little hung up, to be honest, after watching so many videos, he didn’t dislike this guy named Tanjiro very much.

Even after seeing that the other party could choose sanctions again and again so decisively, killing and killing crisply, he was particularly recognized.

It’s just that I’m embarrassed to say it for a while.

I accidentally said it just now, just give a step down, you guys one by one, can you watch a little atmosphere?.

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