Immortal Chuan was more and more embarrassed by everyone, so anxious that he gritted his teeth, and finally he couldn’t hold back, and roared angrily:

“It’s really enough for a few of you, it’s not okay to say it’s not good, it’s not okay to say good, is there an end?”

Staring —

In a word, everyone suddenly quieted down, you look at me, I look at you, for a while I didn’t know what to say.


Finally, when Lianzhu couldn’t help laughing out loud, several people also laughed.

Laughing undeadly, he clenched his fists with a squeak, but he could only be tough and didn’t want to talk to this group of people anymore.

“Abominable! It’s this guy Tanjiro who makes me so humiliated, and when you come to the Ghost Killer Team, I have to take good care of you!” ”

Immortal Chuan thought strangely in his heart, yes, although he recognized Tanjiro, this does not mean that his anger has been calmed……… No way, after being bullied for a long time, you always have to find an outlet to vent after being ridiculed for a long time, isn’t it?!

Leaning on the door frame and not participating in the discussion of the water column, Tomioka Yoshiyuki looked at all this indifferently, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, as if he had expected it.


RE0 World.

“Death, the courage to face death?”

Lyueon looked at this scene in the video, the bloody and exciting and shocking scene, and his eyes froze.

After a while, he smiled a little weakly and sighed:

“This courage, this is much stronger than me, although it is only suicide in a dream, but there is no difference between pain and fear.”

At most, after knowing death, there is still a chance to live…”

“Oh, it’s not the same as me, you have to bear everything when you really die, but after death, you will have the opportunity to change a lot.”

Leyueang’s eyes were a little strange, and he said in a complicated tone:

“It’s just that relatively speaking, the opposite is……… What I escape is the cruel reality, what he escapes is a beautiful dream, gee, for a moment I don’t know what to say~…”

“What a warrior!”

Lyueon said, although his tone was filled with envy and loss, but his eyes became more and more determined:

“But I’m not bad, I also have this kind of thing that needs to wait and persist!”

Thinking of this, the teenager closed his eyes and smiled bitterly:

“Isn’t it the pain of a mortal wound? King Gilgamesh was right, no big deal! ”

The blade pierced into the body, blood gushed out, and the body carrying heavy responsibility also fell heavily.

In the pool of blood, only the faint murmur of the young man remained:

“Emilia, Reim, I… I will definitely save you!! ”

Although the voice is weak, it is also very firm!


The picture returns to the video, and at this time, after discovering the nightmare of the inspector’s operation, he is finally alert.

This kid is a worthy opponent…

No wonder he is obviously just a newcomer to the ghost killing team, such a weak teenager can also be watched by the adults without misery, and they really have their own particularities!

“Even in a dream, this act of suicide over and over again, this act of self-consummation, requires great courage!”

“This kid is not a normal person at all!!”

Thinking of this, Nightmare no longer kept his hand and used his ability again.


At this time, the camera also changes, and it comes to the dream that Tanjiro is now in.

And this time, it’s not the ice and snow in the last dream or the warm family…

This time the dream is full of blood light!

In the dilapidated house, the blood outside the house shone into the room, and it also illuminated the eyes that confused Tanjiro and a child in front of him.

It’s his sister!

“Whew, why??”

At this time, the little girl raised her little face full of blood and tears, crying and complaining:

“Why didn’t you come to our rescue?”

Bang! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The younger brother on the side also rushed over and pushed Tanjiro away sharply, his body was also covered with blood, his face had tear stains, and his eyes were full of complaints and hatred:

“What were you doing when we were killed?”

“You have to live by yourself…”

The other sister also walked slowly, the same shape, the same look of disgust, pulled the corner of Tanjiro’s clothes, and said hatefully.

This scene made the audience’s scalp tingle when they saw it.

“Well, what a vicious question, directly pierced people’s hearts, Tanjiro may be most worried and afraid of this kind of questioning, it is his powerless state at that time.”

“Play with people’s hearts again, this ghost, do you know that your hatred is full? I won’t take you to play like this! ”

“Hateful, hateful, this is not revealing the scars over and over again, but after revealing the scars, salt and wine are sprinkled on it, it’s vicious enough!!”

“Bastard, I don’t believe that the other members of a family that can cultivate such a sunny and gentle existence as Tanjiro will be so vicious, they will definitely not say such things…”

The audience of the Heavens and Heavens discussed and looked at Tanjiro’s state at this time with some concern.

However, such a terrifying nightmare has not stopped until now, and the picture turns again, and in front of him is Tanjiro’s father who has died long ago.

Boom —

At this time, this father has long lost his previous kindness and kindness, and looked at Tanjiro in front of him grimly, and the tea in his hand was directly splashed over, cursing:

“You, what are you doing there, waste!”

At this point, the camera changes again, and back to that day, in the bloody room, Tanjiro’s mother suddenly appears behind him with the child in her arms.

“How come it’s not you dead…”

“You still have the face to live until now!”

These scenes, everyone is (Li’s Zhao) gritting their teeth, being angry and not working, killing people, this ghost is killing people!

Obviously knowing that Tanjiro attaches the most importance to his family, so he chooses, do you know a dream that makes his family hate and hate and complain about himself?

This nightmare is even more terrifying than expected!

If the opponent is replaced by someone else who is not so obsessed, even if the opponent’s strength is strong, I am afraid that he will be easily killed.

It’s just a pity that this nightmare picked the wrong opponent, and it’s no one else in front of him, it’s Tanjiro!

Faced with this terrifying nightmare, Tanjiro did not hesitate at all, and woke up from it in an instant, raised the blade in his hand, his face was bruised, and roared forward angrily:

“My family, how could my family say such a thing?!”

That’s right, this nightmare that ordinary people are likely to collapse with, and for Tanjiro, it didn’t work at all.

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