Indeed, Tanjiro regretted the incident back then, and felt very guilty, and did not rush back in time to save his family.

But he is not stupid, in the kind of situation back then, even if he rushes back, it is just one more death,

Tanjiro is so gentle, knowing that he has not done anything wrong, knowing that the cause of the nightmare is not caused by himself, and he will blame himself and feel guilty.

But his gentleness also made him extremely recognize his family, his own family, absolutely impossible to say such words, and absolutely impossible to blame himself.

This is a cycle, a non-vicious virtuous circle, that is, because of this confidence in his family, Tanjiro is exceptionally awake and instantly out of this nightmare!

Seeing this, the audiences of the heavens and realms also raised the corners of their mouths and laughed happily.

“Hahaha, I’ll just say, if the family really becomes like this, it is indeed easy to defeat Tanjiro, who cares about the family.

But there is no way, who cares about his family’s Tanjiro knows very well that his family will not do this, gee, this is a paradox, now okay, this is a cannibal, dumbfounded, let you do this, hurry up 507 to die! ”

“That is, if you use the gentleness of your family as a constraint, it is really difficult for people to wake up from it, but you actually created such a dream, hehe, let alone Tanjiro, even we viewers don’t believe it…”

“That’s right, a gentle person like Tanjiro, the family must also be gentle, and their family is all extremely trusting of each other!”

“Come to think of it, even if Tanjiro’s family is really resurrected, there will definitely be no blame, this ghost, wantonly can play with people’s hearts here, but he is just a ghost after all, he doesn’t understand people’s hearts…

Hmph, I can imagine without watching the video that the self-righteous self-confidence of this cannibal now manipulates the human heart, and now the expression after being completely defeated, must be very exciting! ”

The audience of the Heavens and Realms muttered, they had already felt Tanjiro’s anger that was about to overflow the screen, and… At this time, this cannibal was completely confused.

That’s right, Nightmare was indeed stunned, and Tanjiro, who instantly woke up, had a look of disbelief in his eyes, and did not make any resistance.

“My family, you are not allowed to insult!!” (BHCG) Tanjiro roared, falling from the sky, utter anger, integrated into the flow of life, galloping.

Whoops, la-la-la——


Just in an instant, under the cannibal’s dull gaze, the aqua-blue blade directly cut into his neck.

The fierce aqua-blue dragon also followed, booming, and directly cut off Wei Nightmare’s head.

Amid the sound of the water roaring, blood filled the air, and the battle came to an end.


Not yet!

Before the audience of the heavens and realms could breathe a sigh of relief, there were careful people who noticed that something was wrong.

The head was cut off, and the blood left behind did not have a false feeling, nor was it like the spider ghost before, the head and body were still connected by spider silk…

However, it was obviously the slash sent by the Nikkawa Saber, but this ognibal’s body did not have any feeling of dissipation at all?

You must know that even if this cannibal is the Twelve Ghost Moon, its strength is strong, and it can stay in the human world temporarily, just like the spider ghost boy before, stay for a while.

However, it will also feel burning!

What is the situation, is this cannibal too tough, or is it … Tanjiro was calculated?

Only the pillars of the ghost killing team, who are also ghost destroyers in the world, are very sure in their hearts with their understanding of ghosts.

This ghost has definitely not been solved, after all, this is the twelve ghost moons, although it has not reached the meaning of winding, but the aura revealed is far beyond those lower-string ghosts they have encountered before.

Even with the strongest blood demon technique, the ability to dream has little effect on Tanjiro, and he will not be killed just like that.

It’s not even close!


The picture returned to the video, cut off the head of the hateful guy in front of him, and finally breathed a sigh of relief, and Tanjiro, who stabilized his emotions, also found that something was wrong.

“Almost completely without a sense of reality…” (Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Tanjiro looked at the “corpse” of the cannibal in front of him and muttered suspiciously:

“Could it be that this is also a dream?”

“Or is this ghost weaker than the spider ghost boy before…”

“The one…”

At this moment, the cannibal who was cut to the ground spoke, and slowly asked:

“So in addition to the pillar, there is also the mood when you killed you with earrings…”

This weird scene did not scare anyone, after all, the picture of the cannibal being beheaded and surviving has appeared in the video more than once or twice.

Even said that seeing this still made everyone breathe a sigh of relief.


This cannibal is not dead yet… He is far from as simple as it seems!

“I understand very well now!”

Wei Dream said, and did not listen to Tanjiro’s feedback, and the entire head underwent earth-shaking changes.


In an instant, infinite waves of flesh poured out of the train, constantly surging, and the scene was both terrifying and disgusting.

And on top of this huge blood-red mass of flesh, a long “neck” was born, and there was a human head on it, which was the human head that had been dreamed of before.

Seeing this scene, the corners of everyone’s eyes twitched, this shape is really too, too perverted…

Only Orochimaru and others who are far away in the ninja world think it’s amazing!

Is there cross-time action guidance?


The picture returned to the video, and Nightmare at this time, staring closely at Tanjiro in front of him, said unpleasantly:

“I finally understand, after all, just your existence here is extremely unpleasant!!”

“Not dead?”

Tanjiro looked at this scene, his brows furrowed, he was surprised, he tightly gripped the blade in his hand, and for a moment he didn’t know whether to attack or not.

“Hehe, your expression is awesome…”

Seeing the other party’s appearance, Wei Meng laughed pervertedly:

“I just want to see this expression on your face…”

Saying that, Wei Dream also once again played the role of villain battlefield commentary on the battlefield, slowly revealing the answer to everyone:

“You must be curious when the sports car comes back, why I was beheaded by you, I haven’t died yet, then tell you, anyway, I’m in a very happy mood now…”

“It’s actually a very simple thing, even children can understand it, because what you are lying behind is no longer my essence, and the thing that is talking now is also…”

“Although it looks like a head, this is not a head, and while you are sleeping, I have already merged with this train!”

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